Kirino Kosaka:"This case is very vivid."

Madoka Yuan:"It's so scary.jpg"

Kyousuke Kosaka:"The top boss in his world is showing you off and flying?"

Kazuo Kurosaki Mamoru:"Six-six-six-six, this is so real."

Nakiri Erina:"I can already imagine the trouble that the immortal king of a foreign land comes to find Xiao Shitou... the ancestor sacrifice spirit in the peak period He suddenly took action and beat him like a sap. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"I'm envious."

Ye Hei:"I had known this, I had gone there before. The aura of heaven and earth in Perfect World should be better than Our world is much better, right? And the Ancient Holy Body will not be jealous of God if he practices there."

Ye Hei had a look of longing on his face.

Ye Hei:"By the way, you can also take a look at what kind of peerless youth Liu Xian is."

Tony is not the richest man:"emmmm... didn't you see it through the guild live broadcast before?"

Tony Stark's expression was very strange..

Whitebeard's father:"In the era of perfect heaven and earth, there should be no such physique as the Ancient Holy Body."

Whitebeard fell into deep thought.

Sick old man:"……"

The sick old man:"It is true that you will not be jealous of heaven when you come to this era. But the aura of heaven and earth... this place is not as good as the place where you are cultivating now." The sick old man was doing two things, communicating with Liu Xian and at the same time in the guild. speak.

The sick old man:"After all, this is just the lower world. Do you expect this to be a place for spiritual practice?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes, the lower world seems to be a prison compared to the upper world?

" Yukinoshita Yukino:"Talk about this......I can’t help but think of the sin-blood lineage. Alas, it’s hard to calm down."

Feng Saka Taihe:"In the perfect world, there are indeed many bastards who deserve to die." Su Xiaoxiao:"I really can’t stand it. You can practice and let My strength keeps getting stronger. When the time is right, I will take action and kill those guys."

Su Han smiled hoarsely.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I believe that Xiao Shitou will not stop you in this regard."



Hatsune Miku:"That said, but think about the power level of the perfect world... I'd better continue to lie on my bed."

Ryugu Rena:"It's so true. I'm not as comfortable as lying on the bed when I'm beaten to death. ?"


Listeda:"Help, I'm surrounded by a lot of monsters from the Demon King's army. I feel like there's a time traveler on the other side... I I'm going to die."

Xia Shizi said:"????"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Don't look at me as confused on the surface. In fact, I'm much more deceived on the inside than on the surface."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"I'm lost in thought.jpg"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"So, is the person on the other side a time traveler? Can you please explain yourself clearly?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"……There is no sound. He is not really dead, right? Nan

Xiaoniao suddenly panicked.

Tushan Honghong said,"Don't worry, she is a goddess." The kind that won't die!

Tushan Honghong was very calm.

Aqua:"I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

Aqua:"There were a lot of summons on the opposite side. Fallen angels, devils, devils, etc. didn't appear before."

Aqua:"And you are immune to my holy light. Who can withstand this?""

Aqua was speechless and choked for a moment. She wanted to go home.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"!!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Can you guys still stand it? If you can't, I'll go right over."

Su Han frowned.

Lista:"President, come and save us."

Himura Kenshin:"……In fact, I personally think there is no problem with them. After all, the guild did not issue a life alert."

Himura Kenshin's brows were knitted tightly.

Himura Kenshin said:"But seeing how anxious they are, President, you'd better go there."

Aikawa Ayumu:"……Before that, could you please turn on the guild live broadcast? Aqua:"

Open now!""

When the guild live broadcast started, the guild chat room fell into silence for a long time.

Kirishima Touka:"????"

Kayaba Akihiko:"……Although there are indeed many enemies on the opposite side, aren't you very safe?"

Kayaba Akihiko looked strange. He no longer knew where to start.


Aqua:"Ha, take a good look with your eyes... The enemy is only three meters away from me now! Three meters."

Ainz Ooal Gown:"However, you have set up a protective barrier, so the enemy cannot Now let’s take it a step further."

Momonga pinched his skull, he no longer knew where to start complaining. Can't you be more courageous?

Ainz Ooal Gown:"President, don't worry about her. Let's take a look at the mission first."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……good."

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched, and he finally entered the guild task column. Sure enough, he found a task quietly displayed there.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Subarus.

Time traveler title: Demon

King. Mission introduction: The time traveler traveled through time and became the devil king in the world of the cautious brave. He led an army and went all out to besiege and kill the cautious brave and the goddess of healing. Nip the threat in the bud and address it.

Mission requirements: Kill the time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only two members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode). Mission reward: 150,000 points, an unlimited lottery.


Su Han stared at this mission and fell into silence for a long time. Then he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Everyone... let's evaluate it. (Picture)"


Edogawa Conan:"Honestly...I'm shocked now. Because there is actually a time traveler on the other side."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to evaluate it.

Batman:"There's nothing we can do about it... After all, the president only issued a small copy of the memory at the beginning. We don't know what kind of strength and scale the enemy has... so we misunderstood."

Listeda :"Ah ah ah! It's good if you know the misunderstanding. Come and save us quickly."

Lista was almost crying. Why are you so unhurried? The barrier they set up here won't be able to stop them for long.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's start now... everyone is ready to start claiming the mission."

Aikawa Ayumu:"……I just want to say that it is too few for two people to participate in the mission, right? Ayumi

Aikawa had a subtle expression and didn't know what to say.

Lelouch:"It's okay... 150,000 mission points." In fact, it's not much, but considering the unlimited lottery later... it would be good if you can get it."

I am a Marquis:"I also want to participate in this mission lottery."

Iori Taichi:"!!! So let's all use our own methods."

Su Han looked at the content of the chat in the guild and curled his lips. However, he did not express an opinion on this. Instead, he counted several times in his mind and then spoke suddenly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The task of snatching has officially begun."

As Su Han finished speaking, a task popped up.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao and Xiaozhi have successfully participated in this mission."

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