Xiaozhi gritted his teeth, and then threw out another Pokmon Ball,"Lizard King, go rescue Charizard."

Behind the Lizard King, countless vines soared into the sky. The wind wrapped around the body of the fire-breathing dragon and placed it safely on the ground.

Xiaozhi released another lucky egg, allowing her to cure Charizard

"What a terrible existence."The figure in black robe stopped in mid-air and gradually fell to the ground. He took off his black robe and stared at the group of people in front of him with a cold and serious face. He is none other than the Demon King Subarus

"The mentally retarded goddess Aqua, the beauty goddess Lista, the ten thousand-year-old Pokémon trainer Ash... there is also a perfect guy who doesn't look like a normal person."Sbarus' voice was low.

Hearing this, Ryuguin Seiya frowned, and his eyes swept over the people in front of him one by one. Does the Demon King opposite know these people? But they don't look like other brave men.

"Next, I will be your enemy."Ash said with a serious face, Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and confronted Subarus with a serious face.

"God of Skin," Subarus sighed with emotion, his words gradually turning cold,"But I'm not the kind of guy who picks one by one and follows the rules."

The fallen angels, devils and even the army of demons behind him swarmed towards several people in an instant.

"I've thought of this for a long time."Xiao Zhi threw all the baby balls on his body. Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, Little Crocodile, Big Chrysanthemum... all the Pokémon popped out. As the champion of the Kanto region, Xiao Zhi has lifted the He overcame the ban on carrying only six Pokémon.

Now, he is an army per person.

"Everyone, stop the enemies on the other side... don't let them interfere with the battle between Pikachu and the Demon King."

The war has begun.

Although some of these Pokmon on Xiaozhi are still in their initial state, their combat power is too strong, completely beyond the normal level of Pokmon at this level. The weakest one is comparable to the Flame Bird Freeze. Birds are such low-end mythical beasts.

The sky is torn apart, the earth is trembling, countless dense forests are burned by the storm flames, and the mountains are collapsing.

"This scene, what exactly is it. Matthew looked at this scene with a dull expression on his face. His mind was shaken, and he almost suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes."What on earth is going on with these people?""

Too strong. Matthew thought that Ryuguin Seiya was already unimaginably strong. However, the weakest Pokémon in the group in front of him showed combat power that was not inferior to Ryuguin Seiya.

And The battle between these Pokémon is nothing. What is really fierce is the battle between Pikachu and Demon King Subarus.

Fiery thunder is erupting, and darkness sweeps around, swallowing and corroding everything. Xiaozhi has a calm face, and gives this order from time to time. instructions, thereby increasing Pikachu's combat response speed by one level.

"saved."Aqua sat down on the ground.

"It's not easy," Listadette was so moved that she almost cried,"I finally have to fight back and kill this demon king."

Su Han watched the scene in front of him with great interest. He glanced at the guild chat room from time to time and found that the guild chat room was very lively.

Xia Shizi:"Don't look at my shock on the surface."

Let the world feel the pain:"Are you actually really shocked?"

Uzumaki Nagato's brows twitched. He said that he had completely seen through Kasumigaoka Shiu's tricks.

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"I can't blame her for saying that. Even I can't feel at peace now."

Wugeng Liuli's expression was a little complicated.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family:"After all, I haven't seen Xiaozhi for a while."

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, it seems that Xiaozhi is also training hard with his Pokémon during this time."

Tony is not the richest man:"And his commanding art is really great. It was completely different from the previous battles where all the fighting was done by roaring."

Yuan Dagu:"emmm... It makes me feel that Xiaozhi doesn't look like Xiaozhi now."

Kosaka Kirino:"What do you mean?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:" Xiaozhi said MMP in his heart at this moment."

Shirai Kuroko:" I'm thinking about a question. Shirai

Kuroko frowned tightly.

Shirai Kuroko said:"Ashki has Pokémon not only from the Kanto region, but also from other regions... Could it be that after he became the champion, he still traveled to other regions from time to time? Or even compete in regional competitions in other regions?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Didn't he say this before? That's exactly what he's doing."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"A great champion actually did something like this... I have never seen such a shameless person."

King:"It's so scary."

Xiao Zhi:"????"

Xiaozhi:"I just traveled to other regions and didn't participate in the competitions in those regions at all. How can you insult others' innocence?"

Xiao Zhizhi:"I testify, that's not what you said last time."

Xiao Zhizhizhu rolled his eyes.

Taichi Yagami:"This matter... is actually easy to explain. It's just that brother Xiaozhi signed up for competitions in other regions, and then people in other regions didn't accept it."


Ash:"Taiichi Yagami!"

Taichi Yagami:"Sorry! I missed it."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……I think you did it on purpose.


Hatsune Miku:"Where did Taichi Yagami, who symbolizes courage in the memory copy, go?""

Hatsune Miku's expression was subtle. She didn't know what to say.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Maybe it was contaminated by these traps in the guild."

Kosaka Kyosuke is very calm.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Don't panic, this is a routine operation."

Sakata Gintoki:"Hey... the cheater you are talking about, is it you?"

Whitebeard Dad:"Actually, I think Xiaozhi is in a very dangerous state now."

Whitebeard pinched his crescent beard and looked very serious.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"That's true.

When talking about the main topic, Kosaka Kyosuke stopped joking and spoke seriously. Kosaka Kyosuke:"Pikachu completely suppressed the Demon King... This also means that if the Demon King wants to make a comeback, he will definitely choose to start from the weakest point."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"What else is better to deal with than Xiaozhi who is just giving orders now?"

After the words fell, on the guild live broadcast interface, Subarus stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot.

Suddenly, countless thorns erupted. These thorns vaguely condensed into an incarnation of Subarus, and quickly rushed towards Xiaozhi. Although it was a single blow. , but the force of this blow is equivalent to Subarus's full strength

"……He actually attacked the trainer."Ash's pupils shrank.

He punched out with a bang, covered with armed domineering energy. This punch tore the void, directly smashing the incarnation of Subarus, and at the same time the void was shattered. Ash whispered Said,"Unforgivable"

"Pikachu, use Thor Mode!"

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