Sakata Gintoki:"Maybe this is the worry of happiness."

Takasaka Kirino:"Trouble is a hammer... I really want this kind of worry."

Takasaka Kirino's mouth twitched, but after thinking about it, he sighed again. One breath.

Kosaka Kirino:"It's a pity that the guild lottery is a rare event, and I don't think I can get this extra-dimensional summons."……"

Kosaka Kirino:"And if I really get a different-dimensional summons, it's unlikely that I can summon someone who suits my heart."

Nakiri Erina:"That makes perfect sense."

Shirai Kuroko:"After all, it's not Everyone has opened the Destiny Guarantee like the president."

Jackie Chan didn't want to archeology:"With all due respect, the term Destiny Guarantee is somewhat inappropriate for the president, right?"

Jackie Chan fell into deep thought.

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, according to the situation of the president, how about it? At least he is a destined father, right? (Manual funny.jpg)"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"I really want to complain, but I don't know where to start."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Then just follow me and post a picture. (I am actually speechless.jpg)"

Let the world Feel the pain:"It's so real.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Speaking of which, how is everyone in the guild living lately?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"Basically everyone is living a peaceful life. Life, right?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, for example, Kousaka Kyosuke when he is working."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What the hell?……"

Kousaka Kyousuke's eyes twitched, can't you say something nice? He works part-time and has become something of a joke in the guild.

The sick old man:"I have just finished discussing with Liu Xian, and I have returned to my world. I am ready to break through the realm of mortal immortals with all my strength!" The sick old man:" will take a long time to take this road."

The sick old man :"I will at least wait until my life span is exhausted before I can try to take that path." The sick old man looked incomprehensible. There are still at least 10,000 years before the end of his life. This is still the case without taking the elixir.

One way:"……If you want to run out of life quickly, you can come to me."

Accelerator raised his eyebrows slightly,"Ten thousand years? Even if you want to live through a million years with just one breath, he can still help you.

Don't ask, the devil's authority is just like this.

The sick old man:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Sick old man: I'm just pretending to be cool, why do you force me to show off my dick?"

White-bearded dad:"Gla la la la." Ye Hei

:"I I have officially broken through the fourth level. Oh my God, God doesn’t allow it, but there is no way. The sick old man is too awesome. I have to bear it with God."

Ye Hei:"However, I am still injured by the Dao. Fortunately, the old man exchanged it for me. I received an angel's kiss... The guild is still very powerful, it can even heal Dao injuries."

Ye Hei sighed, not knowing what to say.

Kasumi Shiko:"Even the elixir can heal the injury, how could the guild not heal it?"

Kinomoto Sakura:"……"

Yuan Dagu:"If I hadn't known how powerful the elixir of immortality is... I would have thought you were talking about the weeds on the roadside."

Yuan Dagu covered his forehead with a subtle and complicated expression.

Su Xiaoxiao:"What about Dugu?"

Su Han was very interested.

Dugu God:"I took Chen Nan to formally meet his father."

Dugu God:"By the way, his father's gods and demons merged into one... The Chen family was also planning to send people to find trouble for them. They were I slapped him back."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"???"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Hey... I actually made up that scene in my head."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"You're just making up a hammer. I don't think about it. With the strength of Dugu, this slap might be simple? Maybe this slap is simple. It directly smashed a large area of ​​​​the star field into pieces."

Shino Zhizhi:"It's too real."

Takasaka Kirino:"This may be the world of the strong.jpg"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Then, Mr. Dugu And has Mr. Chen Nan decided to retire from now on? In other words, what are you going to do next?"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"I am still prepared to continue living and keep getting stronger. Although the way of heaven has been destroyed, no one can I don’t know what will happen in the future. Didn’t the guild say that our enemy still has that other... time traveler?"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Becoming stronger is always a good thing."


Gudazi nodded with deep approval.

Sirzechs:"It's a pity... Because of the unique protection mechanism of the guild, many people who were not strong in the guild have become completely useless."

Sirzechs thought thoughtfully.

Hatsune Miku:"How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? If an eagle's cubs don't leave their nest, they are not as good as chickens."

Hatsune Miku was also very emotional.

Ryugu Rena:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Speak of me, if you don't know how to make progress in the guild, don't you have a place in the guild?"

Wu Geng Liuli rolled her eyes.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"I have never seen such a shameless person.jpg"

Hatsune Miku:"Hey...but I am a singer! But if you think about it carefully...that is indeed the case."

Hatsune Miku then reacted, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Hatsune Miku:"Then let's just pretend that I never said that before."

Yuan Dagu:"It's so scary."

Sakata Gintoki:"How many other fantasy worlds are there?"

Sakata Gintoki:"@ Yu Xiaogang. @ MedusaQueen."

Medusa Queen:"Don't make any noise, you are busy evolving the colorful sky-swallowing python."

Medusa Queen:"Although I see the color on my is inexplicably ten Two colors."

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"God, you are a seven-color sky-swallowing python... you are a twelve-color sky-swallowing python!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"It is definitely a higher level than the original seven-color sky-swallowing python, but I don't know the specific level. How much?"

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded thoughtfully.

Queen Medusa:"……It seems that this is indeed the case. Before I have completed my transformation, my cultivation has already reached the peak of Master Dou.

Queen Medusa:"I have completed my transformation. I am also a Dou Zunzong, right?"

Sirzechs:"Be bold... You can enter the guild training room for training now." As long as you work hard enough, you might become a fighting saint after you come out."

Hatsune Miku:"How can fighting saints be enough? Go to Tuo She, reach the sky in one step, and become Emperor Dou."

Sick old man:"……When I hear you talk about the word"Emperor", my senses are very complicated."

The sick old man couldn't laugh or cry. After staying in the guild for a long time, why did he feel that the word"emperor" was worthless for no reason?

Xiao Zhizhizhu:"Wait a minute.……"

Seeing the sick old man, Xiao Zhizhi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Zhizhi:"Medusa, you practice the fighting spirit of a hammer! What you should do most now is not to switch to the sea of ​​suffering method next door?"

Hatsune Miku:"Yes, I feel like becoming a saint who can cover the world with one hand. , you can hang up the Dou Emperor of your world and beat him."

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