Aizen looked considerate.

Liu Peiqiang and Luo Ji stopped talking. Although it sounds a bit like burning bridges, they did have this idea before.

Who makes Aizen a real ruthless person?

Of course, everyone in the guild also knows... After Aizen breaks through to the first level, he basically won't have any thoughts about low-level worlds.

After all, if he really wants to experiment, he can create a small world with his own mirror, flower, water and moon, and then do whatever he wants...

However, after all, it was the God of Death who made such a deep impression on others that the guild members first saw him. , you will subconsciously become vigilant.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then, let Kusuo Saiki and I go to that world."

Su Han made the conclusion straightforwardly. He stretched his body, then purchased a time travel talisman and clicked to officially travel.

A brilliant brilliance rose from his body. When the brilliance dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.


At the same time, in the integration world.

Lunar strategic deployment base.

Many senior officials of the Blue Star federal government stood here, looking very worried. From time to time, they looked at the two people standing in the front...these two people were Luo Ji and Liu Peiqiang.

Finally, the Minister of the Federal Space Defense Department could no longer hold back, and 49 asked in a low voice,"Two should we deal with ourselves now?"

At present, all the major countries in Blue Star have been connected into a unified federal government.. And with the help of the powerful technology provided by Luo Ji and Liu Peiqiang, we completely entered the starry sky era, allowing civilization to flourish to the extreme.

It is precisely because of this that although Liu Peiqiang and Luo Ji do not hold positions in the federal government, they still have a strong voice and influence on the federal government.

"wait."Liu Peiqiang said lazily.

The Minister of Space Defense's eyes were straight. He doubted that this word was really said by the decisive Liu Peiqiang? The destruction of Blue Star, and even the entire human civilization, is so close... You actually We have to wait a little longer! What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for the real destruction to come?

Another minister of the armed forces also frowned, but before he could speak, waves suddenly rose in the void.


"Could it be related to...the enemy this time?"

"Protect both gentlemen!"

"No need. Luo Ji suddenly spoke. He glanced at the many federal senior officials behind him and said,"The person who comes this time is the person who can solve this incident.""

With the next breath, the figures of Su Han and Saiki Kusuo suddenly appeared.

Su Han scanned the scene with interest for a week, and finally cast his eyes on Luo Ji,"Seeing that you are doing so well, then I will not worried"

"Long time no see," Luo Ji smiled slightly, his words gentle,"You are still as elegant and perfect as ever."

Su Han stepped forward and patted Luo Ji's shoulder, crying a little. Then he opened the guild's live broadcast room.

"Then," Saiki Kusuo's voice said,"it will be up to me to solve this accident."

After the words fell, Saiki Kusuo's figure disappeared from the spot. And on the star map monitor, an extremely huge energy reaction appeared

"That is?"

"What happened...that huge energy reaction actually appeared directly between the solar system and that terrifying weapon?"

"Is this some new way of destruction? Use that weapon to hit a huge energy reaction, causing a big explosion and destroying the entire solar system?"

None of the senior federal officials present are useless. They all have their own understanding of the universe. Their expressions became very ugly at this moment. But there were also a few smart people who frowned. The head of the federal government suddenly looked at Qi Mu Where Kusuo disappeared, his expression changed drastically. When he thought about the calmness of these people at the scene, his brain suddenly came up with a guess.

He lowered his head and asked softly, with a trembling voice,"Excuse me...the one who suddenly appeared, The extremely huge energy reaction is……"

"Um! Just what you guessed."Liu Peiqiang's words were as casual as ever,"And...that guy should just be distributing his energy casually now instead of exploding with all his strength."

If Saiki Kusuo explodes his energy with all his strength, the energy amplitude will definitely exceed the upper limit that the monitoring system can detect in an instant.

Luo Ji nodded in agreement. When he saw Su Han and others arriving, he was completely relieved Here it comes...

Now, let alone the two-way foil, even if all the great god-level civilizations in the universe come to kill them, Su Han or Kusuo Saiki can still easily block it.

The terrifying weapon being monitored instantly erupted from the star. The picture disappeared, and the huge energy reaction suddenly disappeared in the next moment... However, it did not appear in the lunar defense base.

Su Han's domineering sense sensed something, and he couldn't laugh or cry on his face,"Is this so... Qi Mu Kusuo is really a careful guy."

After sighing with emotion, Su Han turned part of his attention to the guild chat room. He found that the guild chat room was very lively at this moment. The fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan:"Two-way foil, for the first-level people As for the can be destroyed with a snap of the fingers!"

Tony is not the richest man:"emmm... Actually, I think that Kusuo Saiki standing next to the president and Liu Peiqiang can solve the two-way foil across the vast galaxy."

Tony is not the richest man:"Even if it's me... I can directly send out mechas to deal with the two-way foil without moving."

Tony Stark shook his head. He said that Saiki Kusuo's pretense was not clean and tidy at all.

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's so scary."

Gudazi:"Tony Stark: Show off, I'm a professional! (Manual funny jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Stop talking sarcastically behind you. Saiki Kusuo I'll leave in person, but I have important things to do."

Hatsune Miku:"????"

Gui Yanye:"What's going on?"

Izumi Sagiri:"Ah... I can only see the scene inside this headquarters and the star map through live broadcast……"

Izumi Sagiri:"There are a lot of things I can't understand about that starry sky observation chart... I want to watch the live broadcast from Kusuo Saiki!"

Izumi Sagiri's little cheeks bulged high.

Dr. Roman:"!!! Well, although I can understand the observation chart... but I also want to watch the live broadcast."

Dr. Roman spoke cautiously.

Liu Peiqiang:"……"

Wall Facer Luo Ji:"……Although it’s a bit embarrassing to say it, I actually really want to know."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han subconsciously opened his eyes, glanced at Luo Ji and Liu Peiqiang beside him, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said something in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Forget it...there's actually nothing to hide."

As Su Han thought, the void in front of him suddenly rippled. Then, endless phantoms rose out of thin air.

There are too many of these phantoms. They are the main stars of cosmic civilizations that are completely different in shape but equally huge and vast.

Pure mechanical civilization, alien octopus-like tentacle civilization, Zerg civilization... there are many more, the forms are completely beyond the understanding of the people on earth, making them unable to understand how these civilizations were born as special civilizations.

At this time, Kusuo Saiki appeared outside these civilizations. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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