Edogawa Conan:"It's more than just that."

Conan pushed up his glasses, his eyes a little deep.

Edogawa Conan:"The Book of Life and Death... naturally has the power of life and death, since he can write people to death……"

After Conan paused for a moment, he continued to speak, his expression very determined.

Edogawa Conan:"@叶黑. So if certain conditions are met, he should be able to resurrect the dead, right?"

Mikazuki Yozora:"????"

Sanzenin Nagi:"……"

Muto Yugi:"My mood at the moment...can't be described in words."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Maybe this is real cheating."

Kurosaki Ichigo also had a subtle expression and didn't know what to say.

Ying Lili:"I'm thinking about a question. If the empress knows that Ye Hei has this ability... what will happen in the end?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Hiss!"

Hermione:"I can already imagine the empress choking Ye Hei. neck, forcing him to draw his brother to life. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Himura Kenshin:"Wait... isn't Ye Hei the empress's brother?"

Himura Kenshin was a little confused.

Horikita Suzune:"Didn't I say the last thing about Covering the Sky with One Hand? It's just a similar flower! At least in the world of Covering the Sky with One Hand, there is no real reincarnation."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"So what if there is no beginning or end? Say?"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Don't ask...it's just like a flower!"

Mi Toma:"It's also possible that he wasn't dead in the first place, but was blown up to death. These are all normal things!"

Lulu Xiu:"Routine operation, all sit down.jpg"

Sakuragi Hanamichi said:"So, you don't pay attention to what the other two drew at all?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi felt a little pain in his teeth. The other two things hanging on the wall and drawn were not as terrifying as Ye Hei's Book of Life and Death?

Kirishima Touka:"The quasi-immortal emperor-level reincarnation seal... Well, this set of techniques should be the method of breaking virtue, right?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Nine reincarnations of reverse life, nine reincarnations, this allowed him to have a foothold The background of the Red Dust Immortal... So I am very curious now about the reincarnation seal of the quasi-immortal emperor realm. How long did he live?"

Hijikata Jushiro:"Maybe... he died for a hundred lives?"

Hijikata Ju Shiro's eyes were burning, and he made a bold guess in his heart.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Be bold...just guess a thousand lifetimes."

The Black Cat with Twelve Wings of the Fallen Angel said:"Hiss...it's the ninth lifetime! A thousand lifetimes is a hammer. After becoming a mortal immortal, your lifespan will not be exhausted. To the point of that."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"I make a bold guess... the reincarnation seal at the quasi-immortal emperor level should not come from death, but from enlightenment."

Wu Geng Liuli was very interested.

Kirishima Touka:"I think Miss Black Cat is right!"

The sick old man:"……"

The sick old man:"You are right or wrong...because I am walking on the path of transcending tribulations, not the path of reincarnation...This method has some effects for me, but it is not as expected. So big."

The sick old man sighed leisurely, but didn't say much.

Tony is not the richest man:"……"


Kousaka Kyosuke:"I don't know why... I seem to feel a faint sense of pretentiousness."

Kousaka Kyosuke's eyes sharpened for a moment, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

Sick old man:"……I am telling the truth. There is no way I can enter the realm of quasi-immortal emperor with this method."

The sick old man was quite dumbfounded.

Sakata Gintoki:"So, you can use this method to enter the realm of the Immortal King?"

Sakata Gintoki complained suddenly, and then he found that the sick old man didn't reply in the guild for a long time.

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Sakata Gintoki realized something, and his expression gradually solidified. He really just made a comment casually...

Aisaka Taiga:"!!!!"


Kousaka Kyosuke:"What kind of unique operation is this? Fortunately, I really thought that it was of no use to the sick old man at first.……"

Dr. Roman:"Humble words."

Ernesti:"It's really useless, after all! Even if my sick old man didn't get this method, I can practice on my own and become the Immortal King with ease. (Smiling but not smiling.jpg)"

Nan Xiaotiao:"Cute and shivering.jpg"

Ayumi Aikawa:"When it comes to showing off, my version lost!"


Sakuragi Hanadao:"The version wants to hit someone after hearing this."

Aikawa Ayumu:"By the way... Speaking of which, where is the version boss? I haven't seen him showing off in the guild for a long time."

Kayaba Akihiko:"The version Ah... I guess he is training hard in the guild training room. Although looking at the memory copy is indeed very funny... but his perseverance is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Maybe he will risk something in the guild some time. Pao, your strength will surprise you."

Hijikata Jushiro:"Yes... maybe he will be even more powerful than Sakata Gintoki."

Hijikata Jushiro nodded with deep approval.

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Think of him as a combat power calculation unit again? Sakata Gintoki gritted his teeth and quickly counterattacked.

Sakata Gintoki:"Aren't you weaker than me? So, the next time that guy shows up, he will definitely be stronger than you?"

Hijikata Jūshirō:"????"

Railgun:"Maybe I hurt myself."

Lin Jiu:"It's really a headache.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Mr. Zhang Sanfeng, having said that... I remember you already have the power of Emperor Zhenwu, right? ?"

Su Han rubbed his chin. He looked at the Taishan Prefecture Lord that Zhang Sanfeng had drawn with an incomprehensible expression.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"That's true."

Zhang Sanfeng was very calm. After thinking for a while, he continued to speak.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Although my own strength has not increased much...but now I have not only many powers of Emperor Zhenwu, but also the power of Lord Taishan...Maybe these two powers come from different worlds. ? But their own strength is almost the same in my perception."

Edogawa Conan:"Is this like this... the power of Emperor Zhenwu is the main force, and the power of the monarch of Taishan Palace?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to archaeologically:"……If it is really the legendary Lord Taishan, then I suspect that his ability to interfere with reincarnation is terrifyingly strong.……"

Ye Hei:"!!!!"

Ye Hei:"Although I understand this aspect, I don't understand it deeply. Can you please explain it to me."

Ye Hei looked a little confused.

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archaeology:"To put it simply, if he is not strong, whoever he wants will die... He doesn't even need a name. And if he wants to save people, he can just pull them out of reincarnation." come out……"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Looking at it purely from a hierarchical perspective... what Ye Hei drew was the most rubbish of all."

Ye Hei:"????"

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