"So this time the enemy is a god?"Achilles rubbed his brows and sighed,"It's really troublesome."

He complained, but his body erupted with terrifying magic power fluctuations, even more powerful than the God King opposite.

After all, the main heroic spirits under Gudazi's hands have been strengthened by him with points. Now, her strength is far beyond what it was before.

With an expressionless face, Atalanta suddenly pulled up her bow. In the next moment, countless arrows rushed towards the opposite side like a rain of lightning.

Only in the first moment of the confrontation In an instant, the two powerful god-kings were completely suppressed. Gudazi's body erupted with terrifying lightning. She used the divine power of Zeus, whom she had killed, to kill Li Ding.

"Next... I will be your opponent."

The terrifying and blazing thunder is erupting

"how come?"Powerful as Ryuguin Seiya, although his face was expressionless at the moment, his heart was shaken to the extreme,"This battle... is more magnificent than the last time."

"Who are these two guys? With just a few movements, he summoned so many divine beings."

Ryuugouin Seiya noticed the power of the people fighting at the scene through his detection skills. Every data on these beings' bodies exceeded his.

"That... what should we do next?"Eluru looked at Ryuguin Seiya next to him with some anxiety.

After a brief silence, Ryuguin Seiya spoke in a low voice,"Controll your aura and try not to attract the attention of the enemy."

"This battle... is not something we can get involved in. There is only one thing we have to do, and that is not to hold back."

"Is that so?"Matthew clenched his fists. Although he was a little unwilling in his heart, he knew that Ryugongyuan Seiya was right.

Su Han glanced at them casually, and then continued to cast his gaze on the battlefield.

Li Siding and Gudazi fought. , after being vaguely suppressed and at a disadvantage... He looked serious and continued to summon the powerful phantom of the gods.

"It's my turn."Yang Jian took a deep breath, held the three-pointed two-edged sword with a serious face, and charged forward, trying his best not to let the summoned shadows of other gods affect the battle.

Of course, the number summoned by the other party far exceeded Yang Jian's. The limit that can be dealt with. However, Gudazi also summoned another heroic spirit

"Although, Gudazi is a similar type to the other party. But Gudazi's overall strength is much stronger than the opponent!"Su Han was very interested. He also turned part of his attention into the guild chat room and found that there were many people discussing in it.

Ernesti:"Six six six six! Emperor Ernest said:"The overall strength of the heroic spirit is stronger than the opposite god, and Gudazi's strength is also stronger than Li Siding." I think the mentality of the time traveler has collapsed this time!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"This is normal! Given the situation at the scene, no one would be able to withstand it."

The Fourth Hokage:"I seriously doubt that the time traveler is ready to escape this time.

Xia Shizi:"How can we tell?" I see that he is clearly fighting hard and looking for opportunities."

Let the world feel the pain:"No...if you look carefully, you can observe the changing eyes of the time traveler."

Let the world feel the pain:"If he is really determined to fight to the death, he should try his best to calm down now!"

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"It's too real."

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, if you can fight, fight!" If you can't fight, run away. (Gou Cai is the first motivation to survive.jpg)"

Kayaba Akihiko:"Actually, I am thinking about a question."

Kayaba Akihiko rubbed his chin and stared thoughtfully at the guild's live broadcast.

Kayaba Akihiko:"How will Thor feel now?"

Among the latest phantoms of gods summoned by Li Sting, one of them is Odin. Holding the declaration of the great god in his hand, he is fighting with Hercules.

Thor Odinson:"……My mood at the moment should be that of wanting to kill someone. Thor took a few deep breaths before calming down.

Thor Odinson:"If I participate in this mission, then I will definitely chop off Li Ding's head with an axe."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Be more open-minded.""

Wugeng Liuli opened his mouth to comfort.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"After all, that guy didn't summon another Thor to appear on the battlefield."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I'm thinking... Thor didn't appear on the battlefield. Could it be that the time traveler disliked Thor for being weak?"

The guild fell into a brief silence, and the expressions of many guild members became subtle. They thought about it carefully and found that this possibility is extremely likely. After all, all those participating in the battlefield are top god kings of various gods.

Please Although your strength is not weak, in mythology, compared to these top god-kings, it is still far behind.

Thor Odinson:"!!!!"

After a brief silence, Thor spoke expressionlessly.

Thor Odinson:"Kousaka Kyosuke, do you want to go to the virtual battlefield with me to fight to the death? If you want, just say it."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Actually, you may not be able to beat me... Moreover, There are people using the virtual battlefield now."

Thor Odinson:"????"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's so real...I actually laughed out loud for a moment."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"This is normal. After all, Kousaka Kyousuke has joined the guild a long time ago."

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't have any emotion at all. fluctuation. It would be strange if Kyousuke Kosaka was too weak.

Sakata Gintoki:"At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo is still being beaten by the old Marquis. (face covering.jpg)"

Hatsune Miku:"It's too tragic."

Hatsune Miku showed an expression that he couldn't bear to look at.

Ryugu Rena:"Yes... I think the old Marquis, as one of the strongest people under the first class, really has murderous intentions... Ichigo Kurosaki probably won't be able to survive even half a minute... Now After fighting for such a long time, who knows what kind of torture he suffered inside."

Gui Yanye:"To be honest... I am actually somewhat curious about the virtual battlefield. However, they did not allow external viewing!"

Gui Yanye! Yan Ye let out a long sigh, and then steeled himself.

Gui Yanye:"But this is also a good thing... If it is really open, I don't know whether I should watch the virtual battlefield or the guild live broadcast."

Doctor Roman:"It seems... Gudazi The battle over there is about to come to an end."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and shifted his gaze to the battlefield, only to find that Gudazi at this moment was really like an unparalleled god descending into the world, and her whole body was surrounded by... The terrifying thunder and lightning swept in all directions, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.

"Do not kill me!"

Li Siding was roaring. His face was extremely ferocious, as if he was charging the enemy on the battlefield, but his words were extremely cowardly."I have devoured and absorbed several gods, and I can control those gods... I can control those gods. The ownership of the gods is given to you."

"Gudazi, you can definitely use the souls of these gods to summon their heroic spirits!"

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