Tomori Nao:"……"

Minami Kotori:"I think...Tony Stark and Mr. Batman should work harder to really make Deadpool have no place to stand!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Six six six six, with all your strength. Him. Force him to flee Citiland!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I feel relieved to see that the guild is still so lively."

Deadpool:"!!! Oh, my dear president, I haven't seen you for a long time. I saw you."

Deadpool:"President, you must discipline Tony Stark and Batman. They are unreasonably persecuting guild members!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han's eyelids twitched several times

"Ding! Deadpool has been muted for ten minutes."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Six six six six six."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"My heart has no fluctuations, and I even want to make a fool of myself in front of Deadpool."

Sakata Gintoki:"It's too much! I suggest you just smash his tombstone."

Gudazi:"……You guys are too showy."

The corner of Gudazi's mouth twitched, and she no longer knew what kind of expression she should show.

Hatsune Miku:"My scalp is numb."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Levi. @武岛东香. @三楠. Are you three here now?

Levi:"Of course it is.""

Kirishima Touka:"I have made all preparations."

Hatsune Miku:"……"

Hatsune Miku:"Huh? Where's Miss Mikasa?"

Hatsune Miku was a little strange.

Levi:"That guy is in the female barracks of the training corps now... It seems like she trained very late yesterday? Wait a minute and I'll have someone forcefully wake her up."

Gui Yanye:"!!!!"

Izumi Sagiri:"It's so scary."

Dr. Roman:"I remember...Miss Mikasa is not very old, right?"

Dr. Roman's expression was very strange. In fact, it is not just small, it should be said that he is very young.

Levi:"She wants to become stronger in advance, how can I stop her? Of course, she usually trains with training materials downloaded from the guild.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"In that case...then ignore her, anyway, you have already decided on the world fusion yesterday."

Su Han did not comment, directly entered the world fusion column, brought the two worlds together, and clicked on official Fusion.

With a ding sound, a task ejected.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler.

Time traveler name: Gacy (Ultraman).

Mission introduction: The time traveler becomes a member of the Star of Light. Obtaining the Dark Ultraman System, he continued to exercise his strength on the Star of Light, but in the end due to a life and death crisis, he accepted the power from the system and transformed into Dark Ultraman. He even used this system to summon Dark Zaki, Dark Tiga and Ultraman Belial. And formed the Dark Ultraman Alliance with them. And now, this time traveler uses his own Ultraman system to invade other worlds with Dark Ultraman.

Mission requirements: Kill this time traveler and his Dark Ultraman allies

Mission restrictions: Only 4 members are allowed to participate (robable mission mode)

Mission rewards: 250,000 points, an unlimited lottery, random Dark Ultra Man's Power/Ultraman's Power of Light


Su Han stared at this mission and fell into silence for a long time. He then completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"This is the mission. (Screenshot)"

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"????"

Fengyuan:"Dark... Ultraman Alliance?"

Fengyuan's expression changed drastically.

Yuandagu:"……Did even Dark Tiga appear?"

Yuan Dagu's expression was very heavy.

Yuan Dagu:"I will participate in this mission robbery... although I think the possibility of me winning is very small."

Dr. Roman:"……I think you have a high chance of getting it."

Tushan Honghong:"This time traveler carries the Dark Ultraman System with him? Another time traveler with a personal carry system... In other words, if the enemy is eliminated this time, the number of points gained will most likely be 500,000?"

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

I am a Marquis:"Anyway, regardless of whether I can be selected for the task... I will participate."

Himura Kenshin:"I'm also a little itchy...but after seeing the reward of 250,000 points, I feel that I may not be worthy."

Sakata Gintoki:"Try it... maybe you'll get it! The worst result is to be trampled under the feet of these Ultraman and ravaged."

Sakata Gintoki frantically encouraged Himura Kenshin.

Horikita Suzune:"!!!!"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"It's so scary."

Tony is not the richest man:"I feel... Sakata Gintoki will definitely participate in the mission this time."

Edogawa Conan:"So... the final result is that Sakata Gintoki is encouraged. Ask Himura Kenshin to participate in the mission, but in the end Hemura Kenshin really won the lottery? And then he watched Himura Kenshin participate in the mission with envy and jealousy?"

Yuan Dagu:"Six six sixty six."

Kousaka Kyousuke:"I've already imagined that made me laugh."

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay... let's end the discussion here, and we're going to start the lottery next."

Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and after counting a few times in his mind, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun."

At the moment Su Han finished speaking, a mission prompt popped up.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Yuandagu! Fengyuan! Xiaozhi has successfully participated in this mission."

After a few breaths, the guild was completely excited.

Sirzechs:"Of the four places to participate in the mission this time... two of them are Ultraman?

Hatsune Miku:"It's terrible."

Gui Yanye:"The captain of the Star Team shed tears.""

Izumi Sagiri:"It's obviously a movie about three people.……"

Wine Sword Fairy:"????"

Zhao Linger:"……"

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……These familiar lyrics."

Dr. Luo Man:"I feel a breath of Bai Xue inexplicably. Is this my misunderstanding?

Gudazi:" It's nothing to fight for!" (Tear Solomon.jpg)"


Nan Xiaoniao:"The doctor said that he was shivering."

Tu Shan Honghong:"Chaos Evil, Chaos Evil.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Since the mission personnel have been selected... let's participate in the mission now."

Xiao Zhi:"Wait a moment! Give me three seconds...I'll bring a big Pokémon over. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be easy to fight Ultraman!"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Chu Zihang:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Ultraman is not easy to big are you going to bring with you? There are also Ultramans in the union. Please put the word"dark" in front of you when you say it."

Star Clusters:"……"

Su Han had a look of laughter and tears on his face. He waited for a moment, and when Xiaozhi said it was OK, he immediately clicked to officially participate in the mission.

A brilliant light surrounded his body. When the light dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.

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