Sawada Tsunayoshi:"As we all know... the mirror world is a magical skill for starting a battle. If there were no mirror world, who knows how many more people would die in each world."

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked a little complicated.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Dead people? They don't exist."

Chen Long said that he did not agree with Sawada Tsunayoshi's words.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"After all, the president only needs to snap his fingers! He can reverse time and make all the dead people come back as corpses."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"It's reasonable and convincing!"

Tony Not the richest man:"Six six six six."

The Fourth Hokage:"What's a little surprising to me is... Ye Hei didn't kill the enemy instantly with one move."

Namikaze Minato's brows were furrowed, and his expression was a bit complicated..

King:"I don't think something is right... Speaking of which, Dou Emperor has the power to destroy stars? If he doesn't even have the power to destroy stars, then it would be weird to beat Ye Hei, right?" King fell into deep thought.

Tony is not the richest man:"If Emperor Dou wants to destroy the stars, he can definitely do it. But the key problem is that Emperor Soul Heaven has not truly become an emperor yet... Maybe Ye Hei will not feel troublesome until Emperor Soul Heaven becomes emperor." ?"

Tony Stark thought while chewing his burger, feeling a little incomprehensible.

Tony is not the richest man:"So the question is... why hasn't the battle ended yet?!"

The sick old man:"Based on my understanding of Ye Hei, he should not be using all his strength now." The sick old man and Ye Hei spent too much time together After a while, he could see the clues at a glance.

Ye Hei:"I did not use all my strength... Of course, it's not that I want to waste time! It's just that I simply think that the power of the Void Swallowing Flame is a bit interesting."

Ye Hei:"I will fight for a while now and see if I can go back. By observing its characteristics, you can go back and study the devouring technique."

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Whitebeard dad:"!!!!"

Yuandagu:"……If you are really curious about this ability, why don't you just go to the Empress and ask for it?"

Yuan Dagu's expression was very strange.

Ye Hei:"????"

Ye Hei:"What I want is not a technique that devours other people's origins, but a technique that devours the opponent's attack power! Don't misunderstand, there is an essential difference."

Ye Hei:"And I don't want to become an empress either. Heir, and then everyone in the world is shouting to beat him up."

Ye Hei rolled his eyes.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"I don't think it's a big problem... so what if everyone shouts to beat you? They can't beat you anyway. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes, even if there really is an ancient supreme being to fight against If you take action, aren't there still sick old people?"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Ancient Supreme? I'm really curious, after so many things happened... is there any ancient Supreme who dares to take action against Ye Hei."

Yukinoshita Yukino was noncommittal.

Aisaka Taiga:"I don't think so."

Sirzechs:"It's true."

Ye Hei:"……"

The corner of Ye Hei's mouth twitched, feeling that what these guys in the union said made sense. But he didn't stop. Feng Qingyundan gently stretched out his hand to press, and the terrifying divine power suddenly exploded, as if the sky had collapsed.

The Void Swallowing Flame roared, using its terrifying divine power to forcefully swallow the terrifying blood energy that fell from the sky, and then use all its strength to refine it.

But this energy was so terrifying that even if part of it was forcibly eliminated by him, the rest would still be deadly.

The Soul Emperor's body suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist.

But these blood mist gradually turned into mist and gathered again. Emperor Hun Tian's face was pale and his face was a little ferocious.

He tried his best to display the soul clan's heaven-level fighting skills, reopened the small world, tore apart the world, and exploded with ultimate power. But they were easily eliminated one by one by Ye Hei.

Ye Hei pressed down with another palm, and used the Heaven-shaking Seal, which condensed into a huge mountain that was too huge to be described in words, and crashed down. The Soul Emperor's body collapsed for the second time.

Soul Emperor barely gathered his body, coughing blood continuously, and his breath became weaker and weaker. His face showed anger, fear and unwillingness,"How could it be so powerful?"

"Even if he is really Ye Hei, but he looks so young can he have such strength?"

Ye Hei at this moment looks like he is only sixteen or seventeen years old. After all, he joined the guild just a few years after coming to Beidou, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds since then. The

Emperor Soul Heaven glanced at the four demon saints of the Soul Clan and the four demon saints beside him. Many masters of the Soul Clan were also perfectly suppressed by Chen Nan. Even closer to teasing……

"A bunch of trash," Soul Heaven Emperor gritted his teeth. He stared at Ye Hei who casually slapped his hand in front of him and smashed the Void Swallowing Flame into pieces. He knew that he would definitely die if he continued like this. After his expression changed several times, Soul Heaven Emperor's face became Ferociously,"We can only use that method."……"

The Soul Emperor was roaring and using a special method.

And in the next moment, the bodies of a large number of soul masters were stunned. Shock and disbelief appeared on their faces, and then they exploded completely.

"Father, how could it be?"Hunfeng's lips twitched, his expression was a little stunned, and his body exploded.

Until his death, he didn't want to believe that Emperor Hun Tian would actually kill him.

"This guy!"Ye Hei's expression changed for the first time. He was no longer as casual as before, and he stared at Soul Emperor closely.

After a long time, Ye Hei breathed out and whispered,"This is really infuriating."

It is not the strength that shocks the Soul Emperor, but the cruel methods that shock the Soul Emperor. Even if it is known that the Soul Emperor has done this kind of thing in the original work, it is a text memory copy after all. When you really see it visually... the senses are completely different. It's different.

Those are all your clansmen, even your sons... but they were all killed by you, just to become stronger.

The endless blood mist is gathering, and is continuously integrated into the body of the Soul Emperor.

Not only were there many fighting saint-level soul masters on the scene, but also countless soul people in the soul world. They were all dead, and their terrifying blood spanned the endless distance and merged into the body of the Soul Emperor.

His aura is constantly improving, and he has completely surpassed Dou Sheng.

Now, he is still not Dou Emperor, and lacks very crucial things to reach that realm, but he already possesses the terrifying power of that realm.

Of course, this is just Temporary... If Ye Hei hadn't been forced too hard, he would never have used this move.

Void Swallowing Flame opened his mouth, his expression changing. He was about to say something, but then his expression changed drastically,"Asshole... You actually plotted against me?"

In his body, there was a formation mark emerging, the body of the Void Swallowing Flame suddenly exploded, and the surging energy of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint level was integrated into the body of the Soul Emperor.

"go to hell."

The Soul Emperor's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He took a step forward, and the terrifying fighting spirit drove the Void Swallowing Flame to smash towards Ye Hei.

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