"……The enemy, has it been dealt with?"Ye Wen's words were a little confusing.

Su Han didn't say anything. Liu Peiqiang shrugged, put down his arm, and the prismatic barrier above the sky also collapsed and dissipated.

Batman fell from the sky, and he first looked at it Su Han glanced at it, then turned his head and stared at Ye Wen, his voice hoarse,"When we go back, you can ask for help in the guild as quickly as possible! transform the world"

"The instruments on my side have already detected it, and there are satellites in outer space that are always paying attention to our side."

Although Batman did not continue speaking, his meaning was undoubtedly obvious.

Before, Batman and Dormammu's battle was due to the interference of the dark dimension. It is hard to say whether it was observed by others... But now Batman and Ye Asked to communicate, it must have been monitored by the alien satellite observing here...

If Su Han and others leave, it is very likely that there will be powerful figures in this world coming to look for Ip Wen.

Although Ip Wen is now very powerful, but directly with this world Real top contactIt's still too early. Especially if the two parties do not reach an agreement and a military conflict directly occurs, and the current Ip Man collides with the military power of this world... his final end will definitely not be too good...

In the final analysis, Ip Man's time to join the guild was too short. Now, even if I fight to my death, I can only fight against a special operations team one person at a time. I can’t resist the odds.

"I see!"Ye Wen nodded seriously.

"So, we will go back next."Su Han spoke calmly. Seeing that Batman and Liu Peiqiang didn't answer, he knew that they had no intention of staying. After thinking about it, he clicked in his mind to officially return.

A brilliant light lingered around the bodies of the three, and when they waited The light dissipated, and the three of them disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Wen calmed down. He took a deep look in the direction of the sky, then turned around and returned to the shabby attic.


When he opened his eyes again, Su Han had returned to his home. He stretched, lay on the bed, closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.

Godzilla:"What a wonderful battle!"

Muto Yugi:"Yeah... It's so exciting, I don't know what to say."

Muto Yugi:"After thinking about it, I can only shout... Batman Awesome!"

Xiao Zhizhizhu:"He is so awesome! Compared with Tony Stark...he is so embarrassing."

Xiao Zhizhizhu:"If it were Tony Stark, there wouldn't even be a need to send action. The strongest armor underneath... sending out the second sequence of armor is enough to easily defeat Dormammu... Dormammu is useless even with the power of immortality, he will be killed instantly. The gap between the two sides is too big!"

Xiaozhizhizhi held back. Hold your tongue.

Tony is not the richest man:"……Who didn’t come from a weak childhood? Moreover, you can despise Batman's technological weakness, can I also despise your technological weakness now?"

Tony Stark showed a noncommittal look.

Xiao Zhizhi:"……"

What you said made sense, but she was speechless. The corner of his mouth twitched several times, and Xiao Zhizhi simply dived.

Ye Wen:"Well, is there anyone in the guild willing to come to my world and help me? (Uneasy.jpg)"

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng:"I said, if you want... I can use my force at any time."

Ying Zheng spoke calmly.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"You and I are masters and disciples, so I am naturally willing to help you."

Gui Yanye:"Well... I think the main problem with Mr. Ip Wen is the problem of social colonization. Right?"

Gui Yanye:"Now, the social system of that world should be reformed and decolonized."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Indeed! Even the import of technology into that world is not The most important thing...after all, although that world was invaded by aliens, it was also a blessing in disguise and gained a lot of advanced technology."

Wu Geng Liuli showed a thoughtful look. If considered from this aspect, although Ying Zheng is strong and has the powerful Qin Empire behind him, he is not suitable for going to Ip Man's world... Needless to say, Zhang Sanfeng, who only represents an individual, is more powerful than Ying Zheng. Inappropriate...

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"Leave it to me! I'm familiar with dealing with aliens. By the way, if I really leave, things on this side of the earth, um. @六 Peiqiang." Liu

Peiqiang :"Don't worry! Although I can't be the King of Pioneering, I can still do it easily if I keep up the good work. Besides, if something really goes wrong, I'll just chat with you privately!"

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"OK!@Ip man. When do you want me to come over, just tell me!"

Ip man:"……Now, it's getting late. Will this bother you too much? Although Ye

Wen was a little moved, he was also a little hesitant.

Wall-facer Luo Ji said:"You are so embarrassed at this time!" Luo

Ji rolled his eyes and was very speechless.

Wall-facer Luo Ji said,"There is no problem on my side, but on your side, someone might come to your door that night." Moreover, I suspect that the alien invaders have left before! But they can still receive information from the earth. Wall-facer Luo Ji:"

I learned that the problem on Earth has been solved!" The president who solved the problem seems to have also left this world... Do you think those alien invaders will come back?"


Lin Jiu:"……hiss! Too scary."

Ip Man:"I understand... I have opened the permissions."

Feng Yuan:"……"

Fengyuan:"I'm thinking about a very serious question now. Because the time travelers were scared away by Dormammu, a mission was abandoned! But if those alien invaders come back, then... Is this mission possible? Will it become achievable?"

Fengyuan fell into deep thought.

Shiba Miyuki:"!!!!"

Yuan Dagu:"Although it is shocking, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed reasonable."

Yuan Dagu frowned tightly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's most likely impossible! I used my knowledge to observe the intelligence of that world before."

Su Han rubbed his eyebrows and spoke helplessly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The reason why the earth in Ip Man's world was invaded by alien civilization is indeed because there was a time traveler in that world who passed through his soul and became an alien!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"However, that soul The time traveler seems to have a system... and before, he knew about Dormammu's invasion with the help of the system! He even understood that it was only a matter of time before Dormammu wanted to swallow the entire universe he was in."

Su Xiao Xiao:"So on the one hand, he issued an order to let the alien civilization under his command retreat... On the other hand, he directly used the system to escape from that world! To prevent being killed by Dormammu in the future……"

Ryugu Rena:"……?"

Doctor Roman:"Fuck!!"

Aisaka Taiga:"This operation! What expression should I show now?"

Gudazi:"Decisive enough! It's also ridiculous. Awesome!"

Gudazi was convinced.

Edogawa Conan:"You're not stupid... In other words, that guy made a very correct decision!"

Conan pushed up his glasses, looking a little serious and a little emotional.

Edogawa Conan:"If he hadn't left Ip Man's world, even if Dormammu didn't kill him, the guild members would have killed him in the end and completed the mission."

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