Ram glanced deeply at Su Han, but she did not stop eating. Tasting these delicacies also improves her cooking skills.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon the meal was finished.

Zhao Ling'er slumped lazily on the chair. Happy smiles appeared on the faces of Red Tong and Black Tong.

Ram came to Su Han's side and hesitated to speak.

"……These meals come from the world where I passed down my cooking skills to you!"Su Han saw Ram's thoughts at a glance and did not hide it.

"So that’s it! Ram finally realized it, felt a little relieved, and said softly,"After finishing this meal!" My cooking skills should be able to improve significantly in a short period of time"

"Nothing could be better than this!"Su Han tapped his fingers gently on the table.

"one more thing……"Ram hesitated for a moment, looked at the empty tables, and there was a hint of strangeness in his words. He said very tactfully,"Your appetite seems to have increased a lot."

More than an increase? Ram originally thought that Chitong was already a big eater, but now, she knew it after seeing Su Han. Compared with Su Han, Chi Tong is nothing but a witch.

"Because of some special circumstances! So the appetite increases. You cook from now on! Probably according to this specification. certainly! If it is too hard. forget about it!"

Su Han opened his mouth, and finally shook his head with a wry smile. Unless it's high-energy food that captures the world of gourmet food, otherwise if he wants to fill his stomach with ordinary food... then Ram doesn't need to do it. There are other things.

Su Han has not yet completely tied up Ram. This idea is too selfish.

"……According to this specification? I try my best."After Ram was silent for a moment, he didn't say anything more. He looked directly at Su Han's cheek and nodded seriously.

Su Han stopped talking. He could feel that Ram was serious at this moment, and suddenly felt a little headache. , stretched out a finger and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He regretted saying more.

After thinking about it, Su Han's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he took out a stack of scrolls from the system warehouse and put them in the drawer. in front of mum

"……This is?"Ram looked at the scroll, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

"The seal scroll of the Naruto world!"Su Han replied.

Ram nodded silently for a moment. Although she didn't know exactly what the world of Naruto was, since Su Han said it, she listened.

Su Han unfolded the seal scroll, and then pointed at the seal. The technique of multiple shadow clones on the scroll,"You can try to practice this technique."

After Namikaze Minato passed the sealing scroll to Su Han, Su Han optimized it through points. All the ninjutsu on the sealing scroll can be performed using physical strength.

Su Han has also learned some of the techniques on the sealing scroll.. The Thunder God Sect was evolved from the Ming Shen Sect based on the sealing technique above.

Of course, although Su Han can practice it, because he has never practiced it for others, Su Han doesn't know if Ram can do it? Is there any restriction? ? But practice brings true knowledge, and Su Han was ready to let Ram try it. It would be great if he could succeed in practice.

Ram glanced at the notes on the multiple shadow clones, and his expression paused, and then he became serious. In an instant, she He understood the importance of this scroll. He took a deep look at Su Han and nodded."I understand!"

Then, she put away the scroll, turned around and looked at Red Tong, Black Tong and even Zhao Ling'er.

"It looks like you had a great time eating!"Although Ram's expression was a little cold, her voice was very gentle.

"Indeed! The meal this time was even more delicious than Ram's."Heitong nodded in agreement.

But at the next moment, Heitong noticed something was wrong, her expression froze, and dense cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She turned her head stiffly and looked at the expressionless man. Ram

"you are right! These meals sure taste better than what I cook. There is nothing to deny!"Ram nodded.

"……Can I take back what I said?"Heitong smiled very reluctantly.

"Why should the truth be taken back? Ram's voice was as gentle as ever,"But... you guys, since you are happy with your meal, can you please follow me to train next?""

Ram opened her palms with a swipe, and the terrifying flames swept out of her palms, entangled with red eyes, black eyes, and even Zhao Ling'er's body.

"……Wait a minute! You can't exercise just after eating, right? At least give us some rest time."

Dense cold sweat broke out on Zhao Ling'er's forehead, racking her brains to think of a solution to the situation in front of her. Although she had already made up her mind, she couldn't help but shudder at the thought of training behind Ram. It was really possible. You will be trained to death!

"We are cultivators and strong ones! This does not apply. Ram explained in a calm voice, then turned to look at Su Han, nodded slightly,"Then Master!" I'll leave first."

Su Han watched Ram dragging the three of them away, and all his words were stuck in his throat. His expression was extremely wonderful.

"Feel sorry! Owner. Sister, she actually means no harm! She regarded Red Eyes, Black Eyes, and Zhao Ling'er as her best friends."Rem stayed where he was and was packing the tableware. He looked at Su Han who was speechless. He thought of something and hurriedly explained. He was afraid that Su Han might have misunderstood something.

"I know!"Su Han was noncommittal. Seeing and hearing Se Baqi heard Ram's voice. He could naturally understand that if such coercive measures were not used, then the red-eyed, black-eyed and even Zhao Ling'er would inevitably be lazy in training...

After all, La The training plan that Mu formulated for them was really unimaginably harsh.

In fact, Red Eyes, Black Eyes and even Zhao Ling'er only resisted on the surface, but they didn't really resist in their hearts. If they really wanted to struggle If so. The more playful flame chains made by Ram could not trap them at all.

Shaking his head, Su Han returned to his room and went through his daily routine of entering the time and space room. Training.

After the training, Su Han made an appointment with Whitebeard, Luo Hao, Tony, and Black Cat to enter the World Tree game and play a game. In the blink of an eye, it was night, because of the harsh training today. , so Ram and Rem did not come to look for Su Han at night.

Su Han was not disappointed, he closed his eyes directly and fell into sleep.

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