After all, Whitebeard's role in destroying the original world government was too great. It can even be said that without Whitebeard, the current New World Government would most likely not exist.

If it weren't for the fact that Whitebeard has little desire for power and only values ​​his children. He is qualified to compete with Dorag for the position of head of the world government. There is even a huge chance of winning.

Because of this, Dorag needs to send someone to the Whitebeard Pirates every once in a while.

This is true whether from a national standpoint or from a personal relationship.

"I see!"Saab paused for a moment, then nodded seriously to Dolag, left the office, and closed the door.

Monkey D Dolag:"@白bearddad. I'm sending Sabo to you! Remember to tell Fire Fist Ace the good news."

Whitebeard Dad:"Is this like this? I see. I'll tell Ace! Let little Ace go to receive the envoys of the World Government... Gu la la la! If he knew the news, he would definitely be very happy."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Lord Demon King! Give me a moment."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……In that case, see you in half an hour!

Xiaozhi:"Okay!" Then I'll make some preparations here too. In half an hour, I’ll treat you to breakfast!"

After stretching, Su Han's body instantly turned into lightning. In just one breath, Su Han put on his clothes. After finishing washing, he practiced Qi for a while.

Time passed bit by bit, and half Hours later, Su Han realized that the time was almost up, so he directly activated the play mode and went to the Pokémon World.


Pokémon world.

The dining area for members of the Quartz Competition.

At this moment, the place is no longer quiet, there are uproar everywhere

"Wait a minute, that guy is Xiaozhi, who has cleared the entire game and is known as the default champion?"

"Yes... that's that person. Even in yesterday's runner-up match, he still defeated his opponent with an overwhelming advantage. Only one Pikachu defeated the opponent's lineup of three Pokémon! Xiaozhi, who is known as the strongest newcomer"

"I'm so envious! It is said that this is his first time participating in a league game! And he is only about 10 years old this year and has just left his hometown!"

"yes! He reached the pinnacle of life at a young age. Oh shit! The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Why is the gap between people so big?"

The words of envy, worship, or jealousy from around him were transmitted to Xiaozhi's ears one by one through seeing, hearing, and coloring.

But Xiaozhi did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation. Perhaps at the beginning, he heard He would still be excited and proud when hearing such praise, but now, he has long been accustomed to other people's comments.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also ate their meals and stood beside Xiaozhi, listening to the news coming from all directions. His words were very complicated at this moment.

"Time flies so fast... I didn't expect that the guy who had a very difficult time in the gym... would now be about to become the champion. I almost thought I was dreaming!"

Xiao Gang looked around, as if he was melancholy, as if he was nostalgic, and sighed softly.

He thought of his experiences along the way, and the scenes in the gym competition...

Finally, Xiao Gang thought of Xiaozhi rolling up his sleeves and getting down in the gym. The scene with the Pokémon and the Taoist trainer...well, Xiaogang's cheeks twitched. Sure enough, this was the thing that impressed him the most.

"yes! Even thinking about it now. Still a little can be called a miracle and a myth."Xiaoxia also sighed.

That Xiaozhi who seemed so stupid along the way could actually become the champion? Should we say that Xiaozhi usually hides too well, or should we say that this group of Pokémon trainers participating in the Quartz Competition Too rubbish? Xiaoxia is a little confused at the moment.


What do you two mean? Xiaozhi was speechless. If you want to despise me, I have no objection, but can you despise me behind my back? You despise me in front of my face, which makes it difficult for me... I found a random table, and Xiaozhi sat down, but did not talk to Xiaozhi. Xia and Xiaogang ate for a long time, and finally there were bursts of uproar.

"……What happened again?"Xiao Gang frowned, raised his head and looked into the distance, and then his expression froze.

"……What's wrong? Such a surprised look?"Xiaoxia was a little confused and looked into the distance along Xiaogang's gaze. The next moment, her expression froze. The spoon in her hand fell into the bowl in vain.

Both Du and Sirona's waists were straight. , slowly came here from a distance, causing an uproar.

On their way forward, all the Pokémon trainers got out of the way on their own initiative, and some even bowed and nodded to them slightly.

Xiaozhi was indeed close to He passed the Quartz Competition and was hailed as the default champion, but in the final analysis, Xiaozhi has not yet been crowned a true champion.

However, Watanabe and Sirona in front of him are already real champions, the pinnacle of the Pokémon League. Strength. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that one sentence has high power.

"You shouldn't mind if I sit here, right? Sirona's voice was calm, she placed the prepared meal on the table, and also sat down, gentle and elegant.

"do not mind! Don't mind at all!"Xiao Gang's eyes were red.

Xiaoxia looked at this scene with no expression on her face, and then suddenly hit Xiao Gang's abdomen with an elbow.

Xiao Gang fell on the table with a clang, and his body twitched. ferry:"……"


Pokémon Trainers following this location:"……"

Even Du, who is steady and steady, is a little bit dumbfounded at this moment.

"Feel sorry! Xiaogang has always been like this."Xiao Zhi touched his nose, and a wry smile appeared on his face. Pikachu on his shoulder also helplessly called Pika twice.

"It doesn't matter!"Du looked very free and easy, and asked while eating,"Today's battle should be between Sirona and I each having a Pokémon! Then duel your two Pokémon. Success...that is, the winner of the Quartz Competition! If you fail, you can only be the king! Are you confident?"

"Do not worry!"When talking about this, Xiaozhi was in high spirits.

"Both of us used our signature Pokémon! you know what I mean."Du looked at Xiaozhi with a smile.

Xiaozhi paused, glanced at the two in front of him, and nodded. I understand, why don't you understand? Du's most commonly used Pokmon is Kuailong... As for Sirona , there is no doubt that it bites a land shark...



Many Pokémon trainers who eavesdropped:"……"

Watching the two champions and champion candidates in front of them complete a wave of py transactions. Everyone's expressions became very wonderful.

Is there such an operation? If your opponent comes to you before the battle and tells you what Pokémon he will use later, you are sure that this is not cheating...well, not really.

After all, even if the two are not mentioned, everyone can guess what Pokémon they use. However, this attitude is indeed puzzling.

Just when everyone was in complicated moods, a calm and gentle voice suddenly sounded

"I thought! You just invited us to have a meal. I didn’t expect to choose a place with so many people... huh? Are Du and Sirona also there?"

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