Xiaozhi's face became strange and he coughed twice,"I'm sorry! Old man Whitebeard, I have no idea of ​​recognizing my father yet."

Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and didn't care,"If not! Then forget it! Okay. Then let us deal with the matter of you treating the water tank as my bowl! I won’t embarrass you, just take a stab at me in the virtual battlefield."

"……"Xiaozhi glanced at Whitebeard's naginata, and the corners of his eyes twitched. After a long silence, he explained with a wry smile,"It's not that I specially brought a water jar to make a bowl for you. The main thing is that I spent a long time looking for it yesterday. , have not found anything suitable that can be used as your bowl."


Leader Luo Hao:"……"

"reality! This reason is true."Wugeng Liuli was also very emotional.

Su Han glanced at Xiaozhi and was not surprised. After all, there are no giants in the Pokémon world. After thinking about it, he clenched his fists considering the harmonious relationship between guild members.

The power of the Reality Stone spread out, and in an instantThe water tank turned into a bowl.

Whitebeard's expression was stunned, and he glanced at Su Han for the last time, with a hint of complexity in his expression,"Mr. President, you are so attentive."

Whitebeard laughed, said nothing more, and started to eat big gulps. Had a meal. But compared to Whitebeard, others cannot remain calm.

"The shape of the bowl changes in an instant... What kind of power is this?"

"how did you do that? The power to change matter? Do you actually have this kind of ability?!"

Both Sirona and Du's pupils shrank suddenly. They noticed something at this moment, and their hearts were throbbing.

Su Han ignored them and started to eat.

Although, what Xiaozhi prepared was different from what he had eaten at home before. Yes, there is a big gap between the top dishes in the world of Halberd Eater. But it is not to the point where it is difficult to swallow.

Bit by bit, the food was quickly finished.

Xiaozhi nodded to Su Han ,"So! I just went to the competition.

Adjusting his hat, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and said softly,"That's right!" The live broadcast of this game will be handled by the president. I want to devote myself wholeheartedly to the battle."

After saying that, Xiaozhi left with the two champions. He went to prepare.

The main Pokémon against the two champions. No matter how cautious you are, it is not too cautious. Xiaozhi will not let anyone external objects that affect oneself

"I hope he can win the final victory! Although I feel it is a bit difficult."Wugeng Liuli stared at Xiaozhi's leaving back, her voice a little inexplicable.

Su Han calmly turned on the guild live broadcast,"He should know something!"

Compared to Wugeng Liuli, Su Han is quite confident in Xiaozhi.

"I remember he said that his Charizard's armed color haki has been upgraded to a high level! Plus his main Pikachu. Together, these two can hold a stalemate with the generals of the One Piece world... In general! He should have championship-level strength."

After a slight pause, Su Han smiled and shook his head,"Not to mention! This time, the two champions may not be giving it their all."

It's not a life and death enemy, but to choose a new champion. As long as Du and Sirona recognize Xiaozhi's qualifications as a champion, then Xiaozhi can become the champion. Instead of having to defeat Du and Sirona.

A lazy man was born. , Su Han stood up and walked towards the venue with long strides. He opened and closed his eyes and instantly transformed into the Mangekyō Sharingan. The hypnotic power spread around.

Before, although the two champions had already fought After greeting. But it is limited to people in the cafeteria.

If he goes out, Whitebeard will also shock others. Although he is not worried about problems. But Su Han doesn't want to be surrounded by people. This is too troublesome. After a while, after thinking about it for a while, Su Han simply used his Sharingan.

The four of Su Han came to the stand.

After only waiting for tens of minutes, Xiaozhi officially boarded the high platform. He and the people opposite him Du and Sirona were in a confrontation. The cheers, cheers, discussions, and various sounds were mixed together, deafening.

Brilliant lights burst out, and Kuailong and Biting Land Shark instantly appeared on the playing field. Enter.

After a brief hesitation, Xiaozhi patted Pikachu on his shoulder, then opened a Poké Ball and released Charizard.

At this time, everyone in the union who had time was basically watching. Live broadcast.

Tony is not the richest man:"Charizard and Pikachu... vs. Biting Land Shark and Dragonite?" It feels like the attributes are severely restrained."

Tony is not the richest man:"Does Xiaozhi know how to fight? If you do this, there is a 99% chance of losing in the end! Did he think he was fighting ordinary mobs? The opponent is a championship-level Pokémon. If it is crushed by strength, attribute restraint is nothing... But against the champion, if he doesn't care about attribute suppression, he is looking for death."

My sister is so unlovable:"She is a little mentally retarded after all! You have to understand his intelligence."

Xiao Zhi:"……"

Xiaozhi:"Shut up! The reason why I use this configuration must be my own ideas. Wait a minute... you will know. There is still a high possibility that I will win this game!"

Tony is not the richest man:" Then I will watch quietly! However, I dare to make a bet with my 10 sets of Iron Man armors! Xiaozhi will be hung up in a moment."

My sister is super uncute:"……Does anyone remember a suit of Iron Man armor? Prices are set starting at 100 million."

Xia Shizi:"……So to say! Could it be that Tony threw out billions of dollars? Boss! Can't afford to offend."

I am a Marquis:"I don't think so, Tony...are you going to make a bet with your 10 eliminated Iron Man armors?"

Tony is not the richest man:"I was discovered by you!"

Xia Shizi:"……"

My sister is so uncute:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"……etc! Yin Sang felt that even the armor was eliminated by Mr. Stark. The price is also as high as 100 million yuan, right?"

Weber:"……Sakata Gintoki, you discovered your blind spot."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Wait a minute.……@Xiaozhi. Aren't you going to prepare for this battle wholeheartedly? How dare you get distracted?"

Xiao Zhi:"……Hasn't the fight started yet?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"Everyone! What do you think of the outcome of this battle?

Accelerator:"Ha... is there any need to say this?" If Xiaozhi fails this time, what do you think will be his final fate? Considering what happened to him, do you think he might dare not win? Esdeath:"

Indeed!" After watching Pokémon, there are not just one or two guild members who are obsessed with him not winning the championship. Even the president has some serious thoughts on this...otherwise he wouldn't be there in person."

Esdeath:"Not to mention that if he didn't win the championship, he would be beaten up by the big guys in the guild! The president was probably the first to give him a 29-day ban. Compared to all this! It's nothing to carry the name of being mentally retarded for the rest of your life."

Xiao Zhi:"……"

Xiaozhi:"I'm sorry! I'm busy with the competition, so I'll say goodbye."

The Fourth Hokage:"Obsessive-compulsive disorder means that I can't stand it... Why is the ban for 29 days instead of 30 days?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……The fourth generation! Do you want a 30 day ban? If you want to, just say so. There is no need to hint to me like this."

The Fourth Hokage:"……President, I am not talking about me."

Let the world feel the pain:"No... Minato Namikaze. You just want a 30 day ban. I just feel shy and refuse to admit it!"

Let the world feel the pain:"Men should be honest about their desires. Therefore, you should tell the president honestly! Give me a 30 day ban."

The Fourth Hokage:"???"

Yondaime Hokage:"Men should be more honest about their desires! Uzumaki Nagato, why do I feel that you have learned bad things? Have you learned bad things like Sakata Gintoki? Your mean tone of voice is so different from His is so similar."

Sakata Gintoki:"???"

Sakata Gintoki, who was picking his nostrils, paused and looked confused.

What does it mean to learn bad things from him? And what does it mean to speak in a mean tone? What's wrong with him?

Sakata Gintoki began to grind his teeth. He felt that this was intolerable. He was even more unjust than Dou E.

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