Su Xiaoxiao:"You asked us who we are. This is a very interesting question. Everyone, tell her who we are!"

White-bearded dad:"Gu la la la! I'm just an ordinary person. Just an old man. That's about it!"

Tony is not the richest man:"I'm just an ordinary Iron Man. By the way! I also work part-time as a magician."

The old man is a Marquis:"You guys... are really boring Extremely."

My sister is super unlovable:"At this time, an ordinary god-killer walked by very low-key.jpg"

The old man is a marquis:"……"

Vampire Queen:"???"

Sitting on the throne, Krulru looked confused. There is no need to mention the ordinary old man for the time being... But, Iron Man? Magician? God-killer? What the hell is this?

"Moreover, these guys also discussed the matter of gods and true gods before. If you consider the God this true?"

Kluru was lost in thought. If she were in the outside world and heard the discussion of the true god or gods, she would definitely regard it as false or joking. She would forget the news with a smile.

However, this guild Being able to project it directly into her mind means that the ability of the creator of this interface is superior to hers...

Although Kruuru had previously suspected that it was the other ancestors who had done it, but now she thought about it carefully, She realizes that even if the ancestors in front of her take action, it is impossible to do such a thing... At least within the scope of her intelligence, the other ancestors do not have this ability. If you think about it this way... Even if you create this strange guild The interface is a real god, and it’s not impossible for Krulru to accept it.

"And...are there other vampires in this guild? True ancestor? What's this? Ancestor? It's possible...but why haven't I heard the name Arquette! Could it be the reclusive vampire ancestor from a foreign land?"

"The King of Vampires...Akkado! I have never heard of it either...if it is possible that Erquet is the reclusive ancestor! So this guy who dares to be king should have a great reputation. Why have I never heard of his name?"

"And...if all this is true! The Godslayer, the King of Vampires, the First Ancestor, the Gods... all gathered together? Things are getting interesting."

Thinking about it, a slightly excited smile appeared on the corner of Krullu's mouth.

But she soon remembered the virtual interface that suddenly popped up when she just came in. What did she guess?

"These guys... don't they know my true identity? Then hide your identity for now! And then...a brief introduction to the union."

Kluru clicked on the guild function template and entered the brief introduction of the guild. When she saw the brief introduction of the guild for the first time, her somewhat casual expression became serious, and a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

"……A special guild spanning an endless world? This can't be a joke."

After repeated confirmations, Krulru confirmed that what he saw was correct, and his heart suddenly palpitated. He entered the guild directly.

Vampire Queen:"……! What I want to ask is, is what is said in the brief introduction to the guild true? Is this really a special guild spanning a world of endless dimensions?"

Whitebeard dad:" Gu la la la, of course! Shocking, right? Old man, it was my first time to join the guild. When I learned the news, I was also shocked."

Vampire Queen:"……Do you have any evidence to prove this?"

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……"

My sister is so unlovable:"Um…this……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Did you misunderstand something, Vampire Queen... We want nothing from you at all! You are lucky to join the guild. Do you believe it or not... Come to us It means nothing."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"If you don't believe it! Then continue diving."

Wu Geng Liuli curled her lips, do you want us to provide evidence? It's not like we begged you to join. But then, Wu Geng Liuli remembered something again.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"That's right! Why don't you change your name quickly? If you don't change it, be careful that the Demon King will give you a 29-day ban on words!"

Kasumi Shiko:"Block on words. Warning.jpg"

Let the world feel the pain:"Permission Dog Warning.jpg"

Monkey D Drag:"President Warning.jpg"

Vampire Queen:"……"

Krulru was silent. She was originally prepared to hide her identity, but now, she fell into hesitation.

If the content of this guild is true, then what should I do if she is stubborn and does not change her name, and finally angers the president and bans her...

If everyone in the guild is false, then she Being banned is naturally not a big problem...but what if the guild is true?

Crewe's eyes flickered. Considering that this guild was able to prevent her from detecting any clues, it was projected directly into her mind. The possibility that everything is true still exists, and the possibility is not small.

Finally, Krulru made a decision

"Then consider it as true for the time being! Even if it fails, my true name is exposed! No big deal either."

Klulu has something to consider in his mind.

If it is really a conspiracy by someone who is not as powerful as him, then he just needs to be more cautious. Even if a trap appears in the future, then Klulu believes that he can get through it.

And if the opponent's strength exceeds She, needless to say. With her strength surpassing her own, if the other party wants to harm her, she has no way to stop her. In this case, what's the point of blindly hiding her real name?

Crewe Lu:"My name is Krulu Tsepesi! The third ancestor of vampires. The ruler of Sangunam, the third vampire city. Everyone! Please give me some advice.

Accardo:"Please give me some advice...wait a minute, Vampire City?" The ruler of Sangulam?

Accardo:"Kruru, have the vampires over there gathered into a city?" Are the number of vampires over there so huge?"

Accardo was stunned. Although he was not the only vampire in the world he was in. But the vampires in their world were indeed in the minority.

Vampires are big enough to form a city? Accardo said I dare not think about it. Could it be that there is another world, not a human world, but a vampire world?

Erquette:"A vampire in the city?" Amazing……"

Compared to Accardo's shock, Erquette seemed much calmer, but looked a little envious.

If she could have such a city with many compatriots, then she wouldn't be so lonely, right?

When he thought of this, Erquette couldn't help but think of those true ancestors who were killed by him. She sighed softly, a little melancholy and a little sad.

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