Su Han raised his brows slightly, glanced at it, thought about it, and didn't doubt it too much.

Although Accelerator and Xiaolin seemed to be playing tricks, Accelerator protected Xiaolin.

If it weren't for Accelerator, Xiaolin wouldn't even be able to enter the battlefield...

Therefore, it's understandable that Accelerator would get more points.

"The battle is over."As Su Han sighed, the terrifying thunder light that had lingered between heaven and earth was also dissipated bit by bit, and they all converged into Su Han's body. At this moment, Su Han had terrifying thunder lights flashing all over his body. He is like a living thunder god. He is extremely powerful.

"Obviously I am the real God of Thunder!"

Besides, Thunder God Thor smacked his lips and stared at Su Han with some envy, but he didn't say much other than muttering.

Simply speaking, Su Han is indeed stronger than Thunder God Thor in terms of control over thunder and lightning. Er.

Even though Thor, the God of Thunder, has taken control of the Storm Axe, he has further control over thunder and lightning, but now, he is still not as good as Su Han.

Thor, the God of Thunder, is very clear about this.

Su Han used the Flying Thunder God's The technique appeared next to Accelerator with a swipe.

Kobayashi Thor and Eluma were both surprised. When they saw Su Han arriving, they breathed a sigh of relief.

After Kobayashi hesitated for a moment, Arriving in front of Xiao Lin Thor. Xiao Lin Thor looked at Xiao Lin with some doubts.

Xiao Lin ignored Xiao Lin Thor's gaze. She grabbed Xiao Lin Thor's hand and forcibly pulled her to the front of Su Han. , then, Xiao Lintuo bowed deeply to Su Han, with a sincere voice,"Thank you, President, for your help!"

After straightening up, Xiao Lin stared at Xiao Lin Thor seriously, put his hands on her shoulders, and asked Xiao Lin Thor to bow to Su Han.

Xiao Lin Thor hesitated, but seeing Xiao Lin's attitude Seriously, and the power Su Han showed before was too terrifying. After a short silence, Xiaolin Thor still did not refuse. She also turned around and bowed deeply to Su Han

"In fact, I have said before that when we come here, we are mainly to deal with the enemy! Rather than deliberately helping you. However, you thanked me... so let's end it like this."Su Han stared at Xiao Lin, his voice was calm and gentle.

Xiao Lin nodded and shook his head.

She could understand that Su Han said this just to avoid putting too much burden on her heart. But the key problem is that Su Han The more this attitude, the more grateful and ashamed Xiaolin feels.

Now, what Xiaolin is struggling with is that the gap between her and Su Han is too big. Even if she wants to be grateful to Su Han, she doesn't know what she can do to help Su Han. What.

Su Han ignored Xiao Lin's entanglement. He turned around, opened his palms, and released the blockade of the space gem. The next moment, the world began to collapse. There was a crisp buzzing sound.

Marquis Woban, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Two huge corpses of the Garuda ethnic group all separated from the mirror world and landed next to Su Han.

Even Fafnir, who had less air in and more air out at the moment, was also lying on his back. Beside.


Kobayashi Thor:"……" etc! What's happening here? Both looked confused. The corpse of the Garuda ethnic group that had been in the distance appeared in an instant, which can still be explained. After all, Su Han had a breath that appeared directly next to them before.

However, why did Fafnir, who was swept away by the huge waves, appear next to them in an instant?

The two-headed dragons were in chaos in the wind.

Eluma frowned and thought for a moment. She noticed similar spatial fluctuations around her. Her pupils suddenly shrank. She misunderstood something. She looked at Su Han with a hint of heart palpitations and shock."So that's it! After the battle, this one...did he destroy that space?" He could create and destroy the world with just a few movements of his hands... What kind of power is that?

Just thinking about it made Eluma feel her scalp numb. From this moment on, Su Han's mystery and power rose to the highest level in Eluma's heart.

"Now that the mission has been completed, we should leave!"Su Han stretched himself, turned his head to look at Xiao Lin beside him, and spoke softly

"……"Xiao Lin didn't say anything. Although she was very sorry, she also knew what kind of person Su Han was through the guild.

Xiao Lin knew very well that even if she spoke, Su Han would not stay

"By the way, old Marquis! And Thor. Otherwise, why don't you just hand over these two Garuda clansmen to me?"Su Han suddenly thought of something, and stared at Thor and Marquis Woban with a hint of amusement on his face.


Marquis de Vauban:"!!!"

The two men looked at Su Han and instantly became wary.

Didn't you already say it in the guild before that the Garuda people can take it back and cook it as delicacies? You killed Garuda, you took him away without saying anything. Why are they still thinking about the Garuda ethnic group they killed?

"I'll take it back! I can let Ram cook for me. But what can you do if you take it back? Can you cook?"

Su Han saw the doubts between the two, but didn't care. He shrugged with a gentle voice.

"Rather than letting it go to waste in your hands! Might as well just give it to me. After I go back and Ram is done, I'll just send you both a big red envelope that I've made."

After a brief silence, the Marquis of Vauban asked in a hoarse voice,"In that case! So, why don’t we collect Garuda’s corpse and send it back to Nakiri Erina to help us make it?"

The Marquis of Vauban said sharply,"I believe that if I promise her a favor! Nakiri Erina will definitely agree to it."

Thor Odinson, who was a little shaken at first, suddenly became calm when he heard this, and then nodded thoughtfully. He felt that what the Marquis of Woban said was very reasonable.

"Nakiri Erina is not strong enough!"Su Han hit the nail on the head.


Marquis de Vauban:"……"

Thor Odinson:"……"

The three of them looked at each other and found themselves speechless. Garuda is so powerful that even if they are dead, their bodies cannot be cut open by Erina Nakiri.

After opening his mouth, Marquis Vauban finally waved his hand with a wry smile,"In that case, take it away."……"

After a slight pause, I asked the Marquis and continued,"By the way... President, if you give out red envelopes, make them as big as possible.""

"I have no objection either!"Thor Odinson also shrugged.

Seeing that the two agreed, Su Han immediately stepped forward and took back the corpses of the two Garuda ethnic groups. Then, he nodded to them. His voice was calm.

"So, goodbye everyone!"

After the words fell, Su Han clicked Return.

The next moment, a brilliant brilliance surrounded the bodies of several people, and several people disappeared out of thin air.

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