A large room.

The room reveals a quaint charm, and even vague signs of luxury can be seen.

However, the room with its quaint charm was now in a mess. There are no lights at the same time. Very dark. There was only one computer shining with a faint luster. Why does it look weird?

"……An interface that appeared in my mind out of nowhere! Is this an illusion caused by my staying up late? No! No matter how you think about it, it is impossible. Staying up late will only lead to sudden death at most...and if I die suddenly! The state should be able to return to its peak."

In front of the computer, a balled-up girl couldn't help but complain, with an inexplicable light shining in her eyes.

Although she looked a little tired, her mental state was very good.

Even if she stayed up late, she could still see that peerless elegance. , the girl yawned, then closed her eyes and entered the guild chat room. She saw the announcement that popped up at the first moment.

"……Check out the guild profile! Are you using your real name?"

"What would happen if I didn’t use my real name? Will there be any inexplicable punishment? If this time, it is an illusion! A little too strange, right?"

The girl muttered, then opened the guild function interface and saw a brief introduction to the guild.

After reading it, the girl's expression instantly became extremely serious and solemn, and she tapped her fingers lightly on the table.

"Um? Across endless dimensions! interesting. Is it real? No, the probability of it being obviously false is much higher in this case.……Could it be that guy from the Lost House? The Seven-Year Magician of the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Oh, I suddenly became interested."

Opening the guild member list, a series of names came into her eyes. As she looked at it, she quickly noticed a very familiar name, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"The Yokai Sage... is that guy Murasaki Yakumo? Is that guy playing a prank? How boring."

Smiling, the girl was about to quit.

After all, after confirming that it was Yakumo Purple, she immediately lost the idea of ​​playing with Yakumo Purple. Fortunately, she really thought that there was a possibility of crossing endless dimensions at the beginning... At this moment, the girl's movements suddenly froze

"……etc! Something is very wrong."

Suddenly, the girl woke up with a start, her brows suddenly furrowed

"If he really is that guy who likes to engage in conspiracy! It's impossible for her to put her name in the guild member list...and even if her name is really revealed, that guy must be the guild president, right?"

If Yakumo Purple really wants to play a prank on her, she will definitely hide her name well... She will have to be the president again, right? She just became an ordinary member of the group. What did she do? Ghost?

In other words... this may prove that this is not a ghost caused by Yakumo Purple.

Horaishan Kaguya's eyes flashed, and she suddenly laughed, her voice was like a silver bell,"It looks like! It's time to give it a good test."

Her Royal Highness the World's First Princess:"I have read the brief introduction and announcement of the guild... Can you explain... are all the things stated in the announcement true?"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Ah la la, has the second new member popped up?

Tokisaki Kurumi:"But then again, Her Royal Highness the world's number one princess?" Isn't it another chuunibyou like the Phoenix Academy murderer? Young people always have the illusion that they are different."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"@拉拉!"

La La:" I'm here! Who calls me."

Magic Girl Illya:"……The eldest princess of Debbie Luke makes a brilliant appearance."

Kinomoto Sakura:"Hmm... Sister Lala, there seems to be nothing wrong with making the world's number one princess, Her Royal Highness?

Xiao Zhizhi said:"There is nothing wrong!" Makes sense. Impressive!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Speaking of which, young man, emmmmm... Miss Tokisaki Kurumi! If I remember correctly, you should be just a high school student, right? Why such an old-fashioned tone! How long do you live?"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Ah la la... I'm asking about someone's age like this! It's very embarrassing. Unless the president asks about it, people won't say anything."

One way:"……"

Symbol of peace:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……Is this considered cute?"

Lecturer Luo Hao:"No... no matter how you say it, this should be considered a malicious show of cuteness. do not know why! I suddenly want to recall Kurumi Tokisaki."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Violent women... are not liked by men."

Lecturer Luo Hao:"……"

What should I do if I want to hit her even more? What method should be used to quietly invite this woman to the virtual battlefield, put a sack on her and beat her up? Should I use a tactful tone first? For example, use the excuse that this woman is so cute, put a sack on her and beat her up?

Su Xiaoxiao:"So! After the newcomers read this, why don't you change your name?"

Her Royal Highness the World's First Princess:"I always feel... this may be a prank played by an acquaintance on me."

Xiaozhi:" What kind of acquaintance? Do you have any acquaintances in the guild? Guys from the same world?"

Her Royal Highness the World's First Princess:"@ Monster Sage."

King:"Youkai Sage? The same world... from the Gensokyo world?"

My sister is super uncute:"It's another big monster! Or maybe it's a vampire or other strong person? There are so many possibilities."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, there are not many possibilities... I can probably guess, Who is the new guy joining in?"

L:"……I also roughly guessed it."

Edogawa Conan:"No...it's not difficult to guess after being reminded to this extent. Kousaka Kyosuke! Are you really unable to guess or are you just adding to the confusion?"

My sister is so unlovable:"???"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@世界一公Your Highness. You, this guy, should be Horaisan Kaguya, right?"

Su Han's brows twitched a few times and fell into deep thought. Is it really not Hatsune Miku? Fortunately, he didn't express his inference before.

It's understandable that people make mistakes and horses make mistakes.

But then again , as the former Moon Princess, there seems to be nothing wrong with Kaguya Horaizan calling herself the world's number one princess. Although it feels weird.

As for Edogawa Conan and L... it's normal for them to guess.

After all, Su Han has posted all the Gensokyo barrage games and integrated them into a large memory copy. He has also sent character introductions to the Gensokyo world.

In the Gensokyo world, you can match the world The First Princess’s, no matter how you read it, it’s probably the same one.

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!"

I am a Marquis:"!!!"

Her Royal Highness the world:"……"

Horaisan Kaguya:"It turns out that I am opposite the guild president! I am indeed Horaisan Kaguya."

Horaisan Kaguya:"Did you invite me to join this mysterious guild?"

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