"……It turns out to be the soul body!"

Realizing that there was an extremely powerful soul in his dead sea, Accardo smacked his lips, and a slightly crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Roja's name appeared in Accardo's mind. Life memory. Those are all the experiences of Roja's life. Accardo even knows a lot about the knowledge of Dead Apostles controlled by Roja, as well as magic knowledge...

Accardo feels that after he goes back, he can make a good summary Let’s take a look at Roya’s knowledge. This knowledge passed on by the Dead Apostles from another world will be of great help to him. It can even further improve his combat effectiveness.

With the death of Roya, a huge change has occurred in the inherent barrier. Changes, constant trembling, and then with a crisp sound, the entire inherent barrier collapsed, and everyone returned to the wasteland.

"You guy!"

Arquitet looked at Accardo angrily, obviously a little angry that her prey was robbed.

However, Arquitet was childish after all. Her anger came and went quickly, and she quickly looked into the distance. Tohnoda Hiroshi. His eyes became sharp.

An idea flashed in Arquette's mind. Roya should be considered a summoned object now, right? In other words, as long as Tohnoda Hiroshi is killed, Roja will definitely not Will he be resurrected again?

When he thinks of this, the murderous intention in Arquette's chest becomes more and more intense.

Tony is not the richest man:"……I saw that scene just now! I suddenly had a feeling that Roja might like Arquette, right?"

Kirishima Touka:"???"

Whitebeard dad:"!!!"

Kuroko Shirai:"……Wait a minute, Mr. Stark! What do you mean?"

Tony is not the richest man:"That's just the literal meaning."

King:"Although I have never been in love...but no matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is impossible, right?"

King:"If Roja likes Elquit! How could he do such a thing, seduce Arquitet to suck his blood, cause Arquitet to corrupt, and even accidentally kill all the true ancestors in the Millennium City."

King really wants to complain, do you think Luo Ya is a primary school student? In order to attract the attention of the girl he likes, he deliberately makes pranks?!

This has become a life-and-death enemy, and he still talks about liking? Expressing love these days Is the method so unique? If it is true, then the world of Xingyue is really terrible.

Nakiri Erina:"If the so-called love is this kind of thing, then it is really... I dare not think about it."

Tony is not the richest man:"This... I can't explain it either!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Of course...it is indeed possible that my guess is wrong."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han thought for a while and decided not to remain silent anymore. spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, Tony is right. Roja does have love for Erqite."

After Su Han spoke, the entire guild fell into a brief silence.

Afterwards, the entire guild was in an uproar.

Su Han's reputation is naturally reliable. When Su Han said this, it basically became true. However, this thing itself is too incredible.

One way:"???"

Pure white elf:"!!!"

Kokichi Sawada:"……President! Are you sure you said it right? How could there be such feelings in this world? This is too twisted.

Esdeath:"Is it because the world of Xingyue is so perverted?" No...even this doesn't make sense!"

Xiao Zhi:"……If this is the case, then the world of Xingyue is really a very scary world."


Weber wanted to refute what they said, but he knew his own situation. He thought about it and found that he couldn't refute it.

In the end, he could only swallow all his dissatisfaction with a wry smile. If that was the case, what else could he say?

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course! Although Roya likes Arquitect, I'm afraid even he didn't realize his feelings."

Let the world feel the pain:"So that's it...it's still like this It can barely be explained."

Uzumaki Nagato felt that it was still a bit unimaginable to say this, but after all, he could barely explain it.

Sakata Gintoki:"I don't dare to speak! I don't dare to speak."

Sakata Gintoki, who thinks he has experienced ups and downs, also said that he has learned a lot this time. As expected, he had no way of understanding the values ​​​​of the magicians in the Xingyue World.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Speaking of which, Tony, how did you know that Roya likes Arquette?"

Su Han rubbed his chin, very curious about this.

Especially when he remembered Tony's past history, he felt even weirder. Could it be that Tony transformed into a lover because of his past experiences?

Tony is not the richest man:"The reason is very simple! In his crazy state just now, Roya shouted Alquitt's name... and kept attacking Alquitt. What did that scene look like to you?" A symbol of peace :"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……A bit like a psychopath?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Koro-sensei:"Young man! You need to think more before you speak. Roya's state is obviously abnormal! It's not like he's a bit crazy, that guy is crazy... There's no need to specifically mention this."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Aizen Sosuke:"Let me guess, that state is a bit like the scene where Lancelot attacks King Arthur?"

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Damn...it really looks like it! You can see from this, Tony Stark, you are such a genius."

Tony is not the richest man:"Mr. Tony is a genius. You don't need this. Say more!"

Su Han looked at the contents of the guild and couldn't help laughing.

Su Han shook his head, then opened his eyes and looked across. There was a hint of coldness and chill in his eyes.

At this moment, Tohnoda Hiroshi stood straight and faced everyone with a solemn expression.

It's not that Tohnoda Hiroshi doesn't want to evacuate. In fact, after his two summons lost contact with him, Tohnoda Hiroshi felt that the situation was very bad.

Although he had the idea of ​​​​retreating, Tohnoda Hiroshi could clearly feel that Aizen was looking at every part of his body with great interest. In addition, Arquette stared at him with cold eyes.

Under this kind of double surveillance, even if he wanted to run away, he would have no place to run. Maybe...it will sell the flaws instead. A fatal blow from the opponent.

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