"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Mission rewards have been distributed to respective members……"

Su Han hadn't breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the mission being completed. A brilliant brilliance burst out from the place where Tohnoda Hiroshi disappeared, and sank into the body of Alquitt in the distance.

"What?"Su Han's expression changed slightly.

Arquette looked confused, her body shook slightly, and then a brilliant red light suddenly rose behind her.

The sky suddenly turned dark, and a blood-colored moon appeared. Hanging high in the sky.

The ear-piercing siren suddenly sounded in the ears of all those participating in the guild mission.

"Ding! alarm! alarm! The power of the root moon hidden in Tohnoda Hiroshi's body lost its host and successfully escaped. Integrated into the body of Erquit, the King of the Moon, Zhu Yue, has been awakened!"

Su Han:"???"

Aizen Sosuke:"???"


What's happening here?

Just when everyone was confused, crisp voices sounded one after another in Su Han's ears.

"Ding...the latest mission is announced! Please accept it, President."

Su Han's brows twitched, and then he entered the main task column and found a brand new task.

Mission name: Suppress the rampaging Zhu Yue. Mission introduction: The fusion of Zhu Yue with the power of the moon will be short-lived. To restore the combat effectiveness at its peak, please suppress Zhu Yue in this state, or seal it.

Mission reward: 150,000 points. A very brief sentence made Su Han's expression become a little weird.

He took a deep breath He calmed down his mood, then completed the screenshot and threw it into the guild chat room.

Whitebeard Dad:"What's going on? Who is the Moon King Zhu Yue?

Weber:"Zhu Yue, the King of the Moon!" The ancestor of the true ancestor! A character beyond imagination."

Webber:"I don't know exactly how strong it is, but I know that the original master of the second magic, Marshal Demon, was turned into a death disciple by Zhu Yue."

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!"

I am a Marquis:"……It sounds very powerful!

Weber:"It's not strong!" But it is very powerful."

Xiao Zhizhi:"Looking at the mission introduction, 150,000 points! Doesn't it seem so strong?"

L:"Miss Shino Nosuke! You're missing an important point. That is, Zhu Yue briefly returned to her peak period. If it is only for a short period of time, it is worth 150,000 points! Then Zhu Yue's true ability is worth pondering."

Edogawa Conan:"Yes! If it is worth 150,000 in a short period of time, then the combat power she shows at this stage may not be inferior to those entities that can destroy the world."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't worry too much! I know Zhu Yue. She should not be my opponent."

Su Han looked calm.

The place where he stood at this time was no longer the same wasteland as before. But in a huge castle similar to Millennium City.

This is the inherent barrier released by Zhu Yue.

The blood-red moonlight falls from the sky

"……This feeling! It's super bad."Acado stared at Arquette not far away with a solemn expression.

The current Arquette... no, perhaps should be called Zhu Yue.

There was no emotion on her face, she just turned. Turning his head, he glanced at Accardo slightly. Accardo's body suddenly exploded and blood splattered everywhere.

Tony is not the richest man:"……Damn it!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:" Damn it……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Akkado is dead?!"

My sister was super uncute:"How come... there hasn't been a death of a guild member yet."

All the guild members who were watching the whole process were Shocked.

Aizen said that he couldn't stand it anymore and came out to explain.

Aizen Sosuke:"……I don't understand why you are so worried……"

Aizen Sosuke:"Akkado has more than one life. If it weren't for the fact that Akkado can't die, the president would have taken action long ago."

White-bearded dad:"Gula la la! That's true!. Calm down, just keep watching!"

The blood flowed back, and Accardo returned to his peak state in an instant.

This strange phenomenon did not make Zhu Yue feel any mood swings at all. Her face was expressionless at the moment, and there were terrifying energy fluctuations spreading in her body.

"Are you really in a state of rage?"

Su Han's eyes turned into six-magatama samsara eyes, he noticed something, and he was thoughtful. The space gem activated instantly, causing the position where Akado was standing to change.

Akado appeared behind Su Han.

The next moment , the place where Accardo was before exploded, and dense cracks appeared in the void.

"……Almost died again!"

Accardo said cynically, playing with the gun in his hand, but there was also a hint of solemnity in his eyes. This was the first time that he died so fragilely. He had almost no resistance.

He felt that he Even if he uses the ultimate Zero Type to release all the souls in the Dead Sea, he probably won't be Zhu Yue's enemy.

"It is indeed a very powerful existence."Su Han's voice was filled with emotion.

After stretching his body slightly, Su Han walked forward step by step.

He became serious at this moment, and his hair was calm. Compared with the previous time of Tonoda Hiroshi, The previous laziness was completely different.

Because Su Han knew very well that Tohnoda Hiroshi was nothing to him, even if he really escaped. Unless Tohnoda Hiroshi could escape from this world, Su Han would definitely kill him if he wanted to. There is no way to escape.

However, Zhu Yue is different.

The UO of the moon. And it is also a short-term peak mode integrated with the root moon... Even Su Han felt a slight headache.

"The Moon of Roots! Is this what Hiroshi Tonoda really gained from his roots? No wonder he wanted to kill Arquette……"Su Han muttered,"I was still thinking at first, how killing Arquitet would help him."

With a swish, Zhu Yue crossed time and space and appeared in front of Su Han in an instant. The fist hit Su Han's cheek.

With a smile on his lips, Su Han clenched his fists and smashed forward with a bang.

There was a crisp sound, fists collided, and every inch of the void was wiped out.

Su Han stepped back step by step, and the jet-black armed domineering energy covered his entire arm. Even so, he still felt the pressure and was pushed downwind, with six magatama spinning rapidly in his eyes. There was a hint of emotion in the words

"If I don't use the Power Stone, will I be at a disadvantage? What a terrifying power."

Sighing lightly, the power gem in Su Han's body suddenly moved, and the power of his fist exploded instantly.

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