Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Um...can you spare some time? If not, I can reject him now."

Su Xiaoxiao:"???"

I am a Marquis:"!!!"

Xia Shizi:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Wait a minute! Li Baoen wants to see the Demon King? What kind of magical operation is this?"

Wu Geng Liuli was stunned, but then he came back to his senses and realized something was wrong.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"No! The key question should be, why does Riboen know about the existence of the Demon King?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"……This is because! I accidentally leaked the president's existence before. I did not do it on purpose……"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Ah ah ah! The main reason is that I have now cultivated Armed Haki. This power that is different from the flames of death has attracted Riboen's attention. Under the pressure of ten times his homework Below! I just told part of the truth. President, please forgive me!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Don't think of me as the big devil! You want to reveal the truth, that's your business."

Su Han said that he didn't take care of it so quickly. Namikaze Minato once told Jiraiya the truth about his world. Su Han didn't say anything at the time. If you want to say it, this is your freedom.

L:"Sawada Tsunayoshi, Li Baoen's suspicion... is actually normal."

Edogawa Conan:"It's indeed normal! After all, Sawada Tsunayoshi was trained as the tenth generation head of the Vongola family!"

Edogawa Conan:"The Judaiime of your family has inexplicably learned a power that is different from ordinary people, and you can't find the source of these powers... No matter who it is, in this situation, they will be suspicious. Right?"

Edogawa Conan:"I even doubt that if it weren't for the fact that the person who controls this power is the future tenth generation! But he was an ordinary gang member... who had probably been imprisoned and tortured."

Kokichi Sawada:"……Don't say it in such a scary way, okay? Li Baoen would not do such a thing."

Sawada Tsunayoshi shuddered, but still expressed his trust in Ribon.

Aizen Sosuke:"Sawada boy, you are too naive! I was thinking the same thing as Conan-kun."

Kokichi Sawada:"……"

If there was only Conan, he might be trying to intimidate him, but with the addition of Aizen, who has a high IQ. The credibility of this matter was instantly raised to an extremely terrifying level.

Sawada Tsunayoshi said that he is really a little panicked now...

Aizen Sosuke:"Of course! As I said to Conan before... you are the future tenth generation candidate after all. So your life is not in danger! But if If you don't explain things clearly... it will be very troublesome indeed.……"

Aizen Sosuke:"If you can't bring out the president and meet with Li Baoen. Or come up with other highly credible evidence... Then I suspect that next time it will be your Peng The father of the special adviser to the Gley family has come home to test you."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Go to Tutor World! There seems to be no problem. However, I'm too lazy to go there alone! Do any of you want to go there together? Throw another party by the way?"

Kokichi Sawada:"!!!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"But my home is very small... I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain well."

Hearing that Su Han and others were going to gather at his home, Sawada Tsunayoshi was excited and worried at the same time. He was excited to have sex with Su Han and others offline. After all, this was the first time for him. The worry is... there are too many big guys in this guild.

His family... I feel like I can't do anything in front of the boss.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The Kinomoto Sakura family is not big! Young man, show some ambition to become the tenth generation of the future Vongola family... Don't panic too much. No one will cause you trouble!"

Sawada Tsuna lucky:"……"

Leader Luo Hao:"Then let me go too. Wherever there is a sworn brother, there is me!"

Koro-sensei:"Oh oh oh! Are you going to travel to other worlds? Please be sure to include me! Whenever I think of this , Koro-sensei became excited."

Sakata Gintoki:"……Perverted teacher! Are you not going to take care of your students?

Koro-sensei:"It's vacation now... vacation!" What if the teacher is planning to travel while at school? No problem at all."

Koro-sensei said plausibly, what happened to the teacher? The teacher can't take a break, which rule stipulates this!

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Ahhhhh! I'm taking care of Ophis, and I'm still in the Devil High School world! Continue to's so troublesome, there is no way to stay with the Demon King."

Aizen Sosuke:"Add me as well!"

L:"If Aizen goes... please add me as well."

Kurosaki Ichigo:" Busy with homework! Farewell."

Tony is not the richest man:"I'm busy working with Batman! Farewell.

Xia Shizi:"I'm busy writing novels!" Farewell."

Sakata Gintoki:"……I always feel that Mr. Tony is either blacksmithing or on the road to blacksmithing!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Who said that? I also spend part of my time saving world peace and learning magic!"

Sakata Gintoki:"……Hey, hey... that's really... a fulfilling life."

Sakata Gintoki didn't mean what he said. To be honest, he admired Tony a little. After all, he couldn't imagine what would happen if his life was so tense?

Krulru:"Then! You don’t mind the Vampire Queen’s presence in person, right? I've been wondering about different worlds for a long time... Since it's a party, I naturally want to join in the fun."

After Klulu stayed in the guild for a while, he already believed what was said in the guild.

Now, visiting the guild every day, chatting, and looking at the memory copies have become indispensable in Klulu's life. One link.

At this moment, when she thought of going to a party, she felt quite uneasy as if she were meeting netizens for the first time. Although she quickly suppressed this feeling, but... she was indeed a little excited.

Su Xiaoxiao:" Come on, the more the merrier!"

After Su Han sorted it out, he found that there were not many people who wanted to participate.

However, Su Han was not surprised. After all, everyone in the guild has their own things to be busy with. Those who have to go to school have to go to school, and those who have to practice Those who have time to practice, those who have jobs have jobs... This in itself is not a big problem.

If you have time, then get together, if you don’t have time, forget it.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then let me summarize now, those who want to go to the world of tutors people."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Me! Leader! Aizen! L! Korosensei! Kluru! There are 6 people in total. Any questions?"

Su Han waited for a moment, and after realizing that no one in the guild had any doubts, he nodded slightly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's it! Then get ready to go."

After stretching, Su Han opened his eyes.

Luo Cuilian was also ready and looked at Su Han with a gentle and calm smile.

"Let’s do it together! Turn on game mode."Su Han smiled and nodded. Finally, he clicked on the play mode.

A brilliant flash of light flashed, and Su Han's figure disappeared instantly.

Luo Cuilian stared at Su Han's figure, and after a slight silence, she also clicked on the play mode. , the figure also disappeared.

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