Even Nefios himself didn't know how long Su Han's attack lasted.

He only felt that a long, long time had passed before the attack of the rain of weapons stopped.

"……Why? Why does this happen?"The Black-Dragon King had a confused face and spoke reluctantly, his voice was very hoarse. He felt the pain. Not only the physical pain, but also the heavy trauma on the soul. The Frostmourne that penetrated his throat. It was clearly... The treasure he possessed happened to appear in the hands of the enemy... and was used as a bow and arrow by the enemy without mercy...

Why? Why did he regard Frostmourne as a treasure? He was reluctant to use it even at the critical moment. , but the other side only regards Frostmourne as a consumable?!

At this time, the Black-Dragon King vaguely knew that during the Holy Grail War... the original owners of those precious phantoms saw the golden treasure that suddenly gathered the heavenly objects. What kind of mood does it feel to have a shooting method... The whole person's mentality immediately collapsed. In the blink of an eye, Su Han appeared in front of the Black Dragon King.

He stared at this head with an expressionless face. The undead king who caused havoc in the fantasy world, the Black-Dragon King. No explanation. The voice was gentle,"……Go on your way with peace of mind!"

After the words fell, Su Han's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he softly uttered five words in his heart - Seeking the Tao Jade!

Seeking the Tao Jade pierced towards the brain of the Black Dragon King with a swishing sound.


Akiyama Mio:"I saw a battle at the level of a god! I said, trembling and afraid to speak."

Akiyama Lin said that he has lived so long, and only now does he know what a real strong person looks like.

With a single movement, he can change the terrain and create natural disasters. This is just a basic skill... After all, Ramrem, who can create natural disasters, is not considered a top powerhouse in the guild, but only belongs to the most ordinary level... The real boss is like Su Han In this way, the main artifacts of the top divine systems and the legendary supreme treasures were all thrown out when needed. Use the simplest and most original method to show unparalleled power.

Or maybe it's like Aizen, who controls his opponent calmly. Then let the opponent play a self-inflicted hand. Let your opponent die without even knowing how he died!

Of course, Whitebeard's attacks that shake everything and crush everything are equally shocking.

Louise of Zero:"I'm shaking! I dare not speak."

Louise was even more shocked than Akiyama Mio at this moment.

Because Akiyama Mio had no power at all, even though she knew that Su Han and others were very strong, and was shocked after seeing the display of Su Han and others' power...but that was all.

After all, Mio Akiyama could not stop the power of natural disasters displayed by Ramrem. Mio Akiyama was also unable to stop the world-destroying power displayed by Su Han.

Precisely because they couldn't stop him, Akiyama Mio just knew that Su Han was stronger than Ramrem, but by how much stronger? Can't tell at all.

But Louise is different. She lives in a fantasy world. So she can understand very well how powerful the Black Dragon King, a thousands-meter-long dragon species, is...

She can also understand what Huck, the God of Death, or Nihe, the Lich King, and Modi, the God of Thunder, mean. …

These are all gods who once lived in the human world. And these real gods are all vulnerable to the hands of the guild bosses.

I am a Marquis:"I didn't expect that this time my opponent... actually has a real god? I suddenly feel... extremely regretful."

The Marquis of Vauban smacked his lips, he really felt regretful.

Accepting this kind of mission from another world can not only satisfy your desire to fight the gods, but also get the points issued by the guild. By the way, I can also go to the president's world to see what the president's world is like...

This kind of good thing that can achieve multiple things with one stone has been missed like this... The Marquis Vauban became more and more entangled as he thought about it and sighed.

Leader Luo Hao:"Yes... and the fighting power of the gods that appeared this time far exceeds the disobedient gods in our world!"

Leader Luo Hao:"Presumably, if I fight with such gods, I should Will you have fun?"

Let the world feel the pain:"Speaking of pretentiousness! I admire the leader Luo Hao and the old Marquis."

Sakata Gintoki:"Uzumaki Nagato, you still have no experience. The pretentious skills of the leader and the old Marquis. It’s nothing. The most pretentious person in the guild...is actually Aizen."

Aizen Sosuke:"???"

Aizen's brows twitched. Is he showing off? When did he show off? How can you accuse someone of their innocence?

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Indeed! Like, you want to control the power without crushing the ants! Or, your knife is good, but the direction of cutting is wrong. And so on! You always reveal the strong character of a big boss."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Every time I see Aizen showing off! I feel like the Tensuo Zangetsu in my hand is about to move! I really want to fight a big boss.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Then you find out! You can't beat Aizen."

Kasumi Shiko:"Kurosaki Ichigo wants to stab Aizen in the waist with the Tensu Zangetsu every time... After all, he loves Aizen so much Deep."

My sister is super unlovable:"Being stabbed in the waist... I love you deeply.……"

Weber:"emmm... I thought of something that needs harmony."

Xiaozhi:"It's so beautiful."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"It's so beautiful."

Horaishan Kaguya:"……so! The battle is almost over now, right?"

Whitebeard Dad:"I have already killed my opponent. His soul was completely shattered by me!"

Aizen Sosuke:"Am I the first to kill my opponent in the audience? Although it wasn’t just my hands that moved it."

Kusuo Saiki:"I restrained the God of Thunder Modi! I'm not planning to take action against him yet. I want to see! If the president kills Nephios, then...will Thor Modi also die?"

Aizen Sosuke:"Saiki Kusuo-kun! The reason why you didn't kill Thor Modi shouldn't be this ridiculous reason... but rather, you don't want to kill people, right?"

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

L:"Such is the character of Saiki Kusuo!"

Symbol of peace:" I actually think that Kusuo Saiki looks like this! Very reliable. Don’t be too demanding!"

White-bearded daddy:" Gu la la la! No one demands anything from Kusuo Saiki, he can do whatever he wants."

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