Horaisan Kaguya:"I will always love Oda Nobuna.jpg"

Kirishima Touka:"……Wake up! Miss Kaguya, you are a woman. There can be no consequences between women and women!"

Owari's princess:"I'm sorry! It's not a good fit between us."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"Hmph! I have an extra two-dimensional wife. Does it have anything to do with the wife herself?"

Horaiyama Kaguya spoke plausibly.

Princess Owari:"……"

Kasumi Shiko:"It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it. But if you think about it carefully... you said this in front of Oda Nobuna himself! Is it really appropriate?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Oda Nobuna......Can you please change your name to your real name?"

Oda Nobuna:"……Is it like this?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……Even if you force yourself to accept it! And it’s understandable that different worlds have different historical situations... But when I think about Oda Nobunaga being a girl! I felt my brain trembling.

Su Xiaoxiao:"This is pretty good!" Oda Nobunaga from the fate world next door is also a girl. Minamoto Yorimitsu! Okita Souji! Swallowing boys with wine. A girl too! So...calm down."

Magic Girl Illya:"???"

Weber:"……It turns out to be a famous historical figure in our world! Is it a girl? Weber was lost in thought. If he thought about it carefully, this seemed to be a normal and understandable thing... Shit!

Weber was a little crazy. Why were the historical figures obviously all girls, but all the records were male? ? Are all those people who record history blind?! Do their consciences really not hurt when they write like this?!

Kasumi Shiko:"……Although I had vague thoughts about this when I saw that King Arthur was a girl, but when I actually heard the president say this, I still felt numb! The fate world is too showy?! Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"

Flying beautifully!""

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I cannot accept it! (The Roar of the Groundhog.jpg)"

Tony is not the richest man:"The fate world is not your family's world, and it has nothing to do with you. What do you need to accept?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……What you said makes sense."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"@fallen angel twelve-winged black cat clan. correct! Miss Black Cat, how have you considered the topic we talked about before?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……I am going to ask the Demon King for his opinion."

Su Xiaoxiao:"???"

Su Han was stunned for a moment, and a strange look appeared on his face. He opened his eyes and stared at Wu Geng Liuli beside him. He was a little surprised. What did Wu Geng Liuli want to say to him?

Wu Geng Liuli also slowly opened her eyes and looked at Su Han with a hint of uneasiness on her face. After hesitating for a moment, she said softly

"I have communicated with Kaguya Horaisan before! That's the one...she invited me to bring the game with me. Go and play in her world for a while"

"……Is it like this? A flash of understanding appeared in Su Han's eyes, and he roughly understood what was going on. After thinking about it, he asked softly,"Did she only invite you?""

"more than!"Wugeng Liuli stuck out her tongue and spoke very frankly,"There are also Shirai Kuroko, Tsuchima Mi, Nayako and the others."

"It looks like this." Su Han nodded and looked at Wu Geng Liuli's uneasy look. He suddenly felt a little funny and reached out to touch Wu Geng Liuli's hair."If you want to play, just go directly...don't be too nervous. worry about me"

"But that!"Wugeng Liuli touched her nose and said cautiously,"Henglaishan Kaguya is also planning to invite you there...but she wants me to invite you on her behalf."

"……You're not making any guarantees to her, are you?"Su Han knows Wu Geng Liuli very well. Seeing Wu Geng Liuli looking a little uneasy, he suddenly became suspicious.

"There is no guarantee! It would only be so painful if she accidentally caught her and said it."Wugeng Liuli sighed and regretted it.

Of course, although she was held in the foot by Kaguya in Penglai Mountain, Wugen Liuli would only say one thing to Su Han. If Su Han disagreed, she would not Just say something more.

The worst thing is that it will only cause a little bit of shame for Kaguya in Horaishan Mountain. She will not ask Su Han to do anything because of this.

"That's fine," Su Han thought for a moment and nodded with a smile,"It just so happens that I don't have anything big to do here, so I want to go to Gensokyo World for a walk! It’s also considered good entertainment."

Luo Cuilian suddenly opened her eyes at the side, her voice was clear and sincere,"If your sworn brother wants to go, please be sure to take me with you."

"It shouldn’t be a big problem!"Su Han rubbed his chin,"I'm going to ask Penglai Mountain Kaguya for their opinion."

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Penglai Mountain Kaguya. If I go to your world, there will be no problem.

Su Xiaoxiao:"But can you bring Luo Cuilian with you?" She also wanted to go there together."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"If Miss Luo Cuilian wants to come, of course she can! In other words, this is the best way to go. The more people come, the more lively it becomes. This is a good thing!"

Nakiri Erina:"……Wait a minute, President, Miss Kaguya, what kind of PY transaction are you doing?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……What does it have to do with me? Even if you really conduct PY trading! Is that also the case between Horaishan Kaguya and Wu Geng Ruri?"

Xia Shizi:"Hey... your operations are getting more and more terrifying."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Wow... Lord Demon King, at least you have to give me some face in front of outsiders!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Beautiful Miss Horaishan Kaguya, handsome Mr. President! By the way, if you have a party, will you take me with you?"

Xia Shizi:" Huh? Mr. Tony has been protecting world peace, learning magic, and upgrading the technology tree. He is extremely busy! Are you actually planning to travel to the world of Miss Kaguya in Mount Horai? Does Mr. Tony have so much time?"

Xia Shizi:"Or is Mr. Tony planning to take a holiday for himself?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Take a holiday! Any questions? It’s not like I’m quitting my job! Even when I was the president of Stark Group, I would rest if I wanted to.

Xiaozhi:"Hey...you were truly willful when you were the president of Stark Group, right?""

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes! Mr. Tony at that time was a real playboy."

However, Superman, who was stopping a car accident outside, was flying casually in the sky. When he glanced at the content of the guild chat room, his expression froze for an instant.

Then, Superman's face showed a trace of astonishment.

Clark Kent:"? ? ? Wait, do superheroes actually have holidays?"

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