Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 163 Rehearsal Scene (Additional chapter 310 for the leader)

Lincoln Center for the Arts is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York. It has many famous theaters, opera houses, concert halls, and outdoor concert halls. It is the largest art venue in the world.

The rehearsal place for MJ's concert is at the Metropolitan Opera House, which is also one of the largest performance venues at Lincoln Center and can accommodate more than 5,000 people.

However, the number of spectators for each performance of MJ's comeback concert is expected to be more than 60,000. The opera house is obviously not enough. The real concert venue is held in Madison Square, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people.

When Link and Selina followed MJ's assistant into the opera house, the rehearsal had already begun.

Bursts of familiar music came from the stage, boom, boom, rhythmic. It was one of MJ's masterpieces, "Billie Jean."

MJ himself was doing moonwalk on the stage, wearing a black sequined jacket, followed by more than a dozen backup dancers in black suits. His movements were smooth and flowing, and he looked very cool.

He scanned it and didn't see the dancer who looked like 'Xu Jinjiang'.

In addition, MJ's movements are very flexible when dancing, and his condition is no worse than that of his backup dancers. He doesn't look like he is sick at all.

Link wondered if his memory was wrong, confusing the times of Steve Jobs' and MJ's deaths.

"Mr. Baker, please wait here for a moment. The rehearsal will take about ten minutes."

Assistant MJ said.


Link nodded, pulled Selina to stand in the audience seat more than fifty meters away from the stage, and watched the rehearsal on the stage from a distance.

There are many on-site staff. In addition to MJ and sixteen dancers on stage, there are three to four hundred people in charge of lighting, sound, stage design, on-site directors, stage art directors, bodyguards, and even more than a dozen doctors and Nurse.

Link looked around and found that it was a little quiet around him. He lowered his head and glanced at the little girl Selena next to him. She was staring at MJ on the stage with wide eyes.

"What, are you stupid?"

Link asked, waving his hand in front of her eyes.

"You are stupid."

Selena glanced at him sideways, took his hand and shook it, asking, "Is he really MJ?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe he's his stand-in. Big names all have stand-ins."

Link curled up his lips and smiled.

"Do you really want to perform on the same stage as MJ?"

"Not sure either."

He didn't know when MJ died or whether the concert would be held. Everything was unknown.

"If you and MJ performed on the same stage, what would you perform?"

Selena asked.

"Sing and dance! I can do it all."

"Are you sure? MJ is the king of pop music and a world-class dancer. He sings and dances at the top level. You, a boxer, are performing on the same stage with him. Don't you worry about being crushed by him?"

"Of course you're not afraid. I'm also great at singing and dancing, okay?"

Link retorted.

Selena turned back and looked him up and down, curled her lips and shook her head.

Link rubbed her hair unhappily. He was not very nervous when he received MJ's invitation, but when this little girl reminded him, he suddenly became a little nervous.

Selena is right, MJ is the best in the world in singing and dancing. He can be called the king of music and a great performing artist.

I am a new singer who has just entered the music scene, with average singing ability and average dancing skills. If I perform on a world-class stage with a top-notch master, there is a 90% chance of being crushed.

And this kind of crushing cannot be improved through hard work in a short period of time. To put it simply, there is nothing you can do.

Thinking of this, Link suddenly realized that accepting MJ's invitation was not a good idea.

"But don't worry. Britney also performed with MJ in Madison Square when she first debuted. That performance was pretty good. Your performance with MJ will definitely not be too bad either."

Selena seemed to see his nervousness, and said with a small mouth.

Link thought for a moment, and it was indeed true. Britney was only 20 years old when she and MJ performed on the same stage. Britney could be a girl, so why would he be afraid of a world boxing champion?

It's all Selina's fault for spoiling our military's morale by wagging her lips and wagging her tongue!

Link patted her forehead gently. She didn't have to talk much, and he didn't have to break into a cold sweat.

Selena puffed up her round face and rolled her eyes at him.

"Mr. West, please wait here for a moment."

Link heard someone talking behind him, looked back and saw several familiar faces.

Kanye West, who has a square black face, is wearing a black sportswear and a black peaked cap, with his face hanging, giving people a gloomy look.

Behind him were three thin-faced black men, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Usher, and several black rappers with big gold chains and tattoos on their arms, a group of more than ten people.

Kanye and the others also saw him and couldn't help but stop and look at him provocatively.

Although several people had been quarreling with Link in the media for more than a month, this was the first time they stood together face to face in private.


Link nodded politely to a few people and pulled Selina to continue watching the performance on the stage.

Kanye stood next to him in the seating area, separated by an aisle.

I heard someone whispering next door, "Why don't you go over and fuck him? There are many of us. Did anyone call him stupid? That guy is a boxing champion, the kind of person who can kill someone with one punch. Even if there are many people, he is no match for him." Someone said I brought a knife, and everyone else looked at him in shock. You came to the MJ rehearsal and brought a knife?

"stop fighting!"

Kanye West glanced at several of his friends and asked Link with a dark face: "Why are you here?"

"I think our purpose should be the same."

"MJ also invited you to perform? Impossible, how could he invite a racist to his performance."

Kanye said angrily.

"Racist? Are you talking about me?"

Link asked with a raised brow.

"That's you!"

"Give me solid evidence, otherwise I go out and hold a press conference and tell all the media that Kanye West is once again trying to stir up trouble by falsely accusing me of being a racist, and I think it will be big news again. "

Link snorted coldly.


Kanye looked at him angrily. If Link went out to hold a press conference, based on the two's fame, this matter would definitely become hot news again, and then Link could sell more albums based on this news.


He must not be allowed to take advantage of his popularity.

"Okay, I take back what I just said. You are not a racist for now, but you are a young singer who has just debuted. What qualifications do you have to participate in MJ's concert?"

Kanye said angrily.

This time, without waiting for Link to answer, Selena snorted, clucked her lips and said, "Link is not a little singer. His first album sold double platinum in the United States, and he is still ahead of you on the Billboard. If he was a little singer, Singer, are you a little singer?"

"Nicely said!"

Link touched Selina's braid and praised her.

"I'm telling the truth. A group of veteran singers who have been in the industry for many years, relying on their large number of fans, ganged up to bully you, a newcomer. It's really shameless."

Selena curled her lips disdainfully.


When Kanye heard Selena's words, he almost lost his temper and vomited blood. What do you mean they are a bunch of old singers, and they don't even want to lose face?

Why does this little girl speak more harshly than Link?

When Lil Wayne and 50 Cent heard this, they looked over with dark faces and embarrassment, cursing as if they were performing rap.

Selina stuck her tongue out at them, hugging Link's arm and hiding her face behind his back.

Link smiled softly, "It doesn't matter. In a forest, the tree that is most vulnerable to strong winds is often the tallest tree, like me and MJ! We have all suffered many hardships on our way to fame. There is little criticism, but it doesn’t matter. As long as we persist and continue to do the right things, we will become stronger and more indestructible.”

Selena nodded in understanding, "Will I be jealous of others in the future?"

"That's for sure. You are so beautiful and cute, you can sing, dance and perform. The most important thing is that you have a very, very handsome brother. In the future, people who are jealous of you will be ranked in France."

Link joked.

Selena covered her mouth and laughed, blaming him for being so pretty.

Kanye was sulking here, but he heard the brother and sister talking and laughing, and his face turned black with anger.

"Hey! Link Baker, you just said that you are as good as MJ, so you are worthy to be compared with MJ?"

50 Cent said disdainfully.

"It may not be possible!"

Link said confidently.

"Haha, guys, did you hear it? This guy said he can compete with MJ in the future."

"Tsk, this guy is really a talker. What the media said is right."

50 cents and other black people sneered.

Link smiled nonchalantly and shook his head at Selena, asking her to stop talking. There was no point in arguing about this kind of thing. Only by doing it seriously and working hard to achieve it would it be meaningful.


"rest for a bit!"

a man wearing a headset shouted from off the stage.

The music stopped suddenly, and the dancers on the stage also left the stage one after another. MJ’s assistant ran down the stage, pointed at Link and Kanye and said something. MJ looked over with a smile on his face while wearing sunglasses, But his face seemed a little stiff.

"Hi Mike!"

Kanye waved, glanced at Link, and strode over.

Link remembered the "Thriller 25th Anniversary" commemorative album released by MJ last year, which also had the participation of Kanye, Akon and other singers. From this point of view, he was the only one who was not familiar with MJ.

But he doesn't care. People like MJ who are close to "greatness" have different ideas from ordinary people. The reason why he invited himself and Kanye here is probably to ease the conflict between the two parties, a very positive purpose.

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