Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 176 Sneak Attack (Two in One)

"Link, Andre Rey's uppercut is very tricky, be careful."

At the game, Coach Brooks warned.

"I see!"

Link nodded, took off the towel on his body, passed the rope on the left side of the ring, and entered the ring.

"Link! Fighter!"

"Come on Link!"

"Link, you are the best!"

When he stepped into the ring, tens of thousands of spectators shouted his name loudly.

According to Madison Garden Arena, all 26,000 tickets were sold out the day before the game, including luxury boxes, front-row VIP seats, and 20,000 general audience seats, with an average ticket price of US$280.

According to information on the Internet, ordinary tickets for this game were priced at more than $500 on the black market, and VIP seats were priced at more than $2,000.

For many people, coming to watch a game live is also a very luxurious purchase and is more expensive than a concert.

When Link came on stage, he noticed that in the audience, there were not only people holding his boxing posters, but also many audience members shaking his album posters and the posters of the "Blue Sea 2" movie.

This shows that his plan was successful. After he became a star singer and actor, some fans and movie fans also became his boxing fans and came to watch his boxing matches.

This is a very good phenomenon.

As long as he continues to persevere, fans will support him whether he participates in a boxing match, holds a concert, or releases a movie in the future.

"Andre! Come on!"

"Andre, defeat that pretty boy."

Opponent Andre also stepped into the boxing ring, and many people shouted his name, mostly black people.

Seeing this situation, Link was helpless.

Although the "Grammy conflict" has subsided, the label of "racist" forced on him by Lear, 50 Cent and others has not been removed. He is still hostile to some black boxing fans.

But these people who cheer for Andre may also be fans of Kanye and others.

They posted comments online accusing him of deliberately provoking Kanye and others by releasing the rap single.

Since he didn't get a response, he was probably unconvinced and came to attack him offline again.

Link also welcomes these black fans. If you come to watch the game, you have to buy a ticket. He is a star boxer and gets 15% of the ticket share. The more these people come, the more he earns.

The ring referee came on stage, greeted the audience, and announced the rules of the game to Link and Andre Rey.

When both sides said there was no doubt, the referee waved his arm down forcefully.


The game started. Andre Rey bared his white teeth and handed over his fist, wanting to fist bump and say hello.

Link put down his right fist and was about to respond to him. Andre Lell suddenly took a step closer. The left fist he used to greet him changed midway and turned into a swift left uppercut, heading towards Link at an extremely fast speed. His chin was raised.


Coach Brooks and several people in the audience exclaimed.

Link was also a little surprised. In amateur competitions, fist bumping and greeting before the game is a mandatory procedure and a kind of competition etiquette.

In professional boxing, this kind of etiquette is omitted. There are no strict rules about whether to bump fists or not.

When Link saw that the opponent was about to fist-bump and say hello, he naturally would not ignore it, but he did not expect that Andre Lehr would choose to attack in this way, which seemed very insidious.

However, he can also understand the opponent's thinking, because he is too strong, and the top boxer of the same level, Mikkel Kessler, could not survive a round in his hands. If he wants to defeat him, he must use unconventional means.

For example, a sneak attack.

As long as he can sneak up on him at the beginning of the game and give him a heavy blow, he will have a great chance of winning the game, becoming the WBA world boxing champion, and becoming the first person to defeat Link.

Although this method is very insidious and will be criticized afterwards and given the nickname of "bad intentions", the benefits gained are real, including US dollars and reputation, so it is very cost-effective to use this method to compete.

When Link saw the opponent suddenly change his moves, his muscles all over his body tensed up instantly.

He wanted to take a step back, but the opponent's uppercut was extremely fast. As if it had been tempered for thousands of times, the punch turned into a crescent arc and hit his chin at an extremely fast speed.

It's too late to retreat.

Link tilted his head with extremely fast reaction speed.

He saw the opponent's fist grazing the side of his face and passing through his left ear.


Andre Rey hit him with another straight right punch to the chest.

This was a heavy cannon punch with a force of no less than a thousand pounds, and Link couldn't help but take a step back.


Seeing that challenger Andre Leal was able to hit Link and force him back at the beginning of the game, the audience couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Well done Andre!"

"Andre, one more punch and kill Link."

"Andre, world boxing champion."

Many black spectators stood up and shouted loudly. They also gave Link a thumbs up and booed.

"Well done!"

In the Black Gold Music Club on 34th Street in Brooklyn, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and others saw the live broadcast on TV. Andre Rey punched Link back and yelled excitedly.

They turned out to be Tyson's boxing fans. After Tyson retired, they successively followed many black boxers, including Lennox Lewis, Holyfield, Roy Jones Jr., Mayweather, Jermaine Taylor, etc. people.

It's a pity that some of the previous ones retired, some were old and their strength was greatly reduced. Jermaine Taylor was defeated by Link, and Mayweather was too low in weight to help them defeat Link and vent their anger.

Now seeing Andre Reyle defeat Link, I feel very excited. I look forward to Andre defeating Link and taking away his WBA world boxing title in the next game. If he can really do it, it would be great.

"Come on, Link!"

"Link, the champion!"

"Link, you are the best."

When the black fans cheered for Andre Reyle loudly, Link's boxing fans and fans also shouted loudly. He has more fans. In the 26,000 audience seats at the scene, more than half of the audience came for him.

So when his fans shouted together, the huge sound waves directly crushed the shouts of the black fans.

"Tsk! World champion, only this level?"

Andre Reyle said disdainfully on the boxing ring.

Link glanced at him, and without saying anything, he moved flexibly, approached his opponent, and swung his fists at Andre's head.

Andre was three centimeters shorter than him, but his muscles were thicker than his. His deltoid muscles looked bigger than his head, and the muscle tissue on his arms was very strong.

Seeing him swinging his fists to attack, Andre immediately raised his fists to protect his head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch, two punches, three punches, Link swung his fists continuously, hitting Andre's arm defense.

Originally, he could use the head-body, head-body tactics, hitting up and down, hitting down and up, but he didn't. He aimed all his attacks at Andre's head, launching a storm-like attack, vowing to break through Andre's arm defense and hit his head.

Andre was shocked by his huge fist weight. Being hit by his fist felt like being hit on the arm with a wooden hammer, fierce and fierce.

He couldn't help wanting to put his arms down, but he couldn't.

Once he put his arms down, his head would be hit.

So he fought and retreated, trying to distance himself from Link so that Link couldn't beat him.

But what he didn't expect was that Link was too fast, his footsteps were very flexible, and his fists and footsteps were very closely coordinated. No matter how he retreated, Link could quickly catch up and continue to hit his arms with his fists.

"Come on, Link!"

"Hit hard, Link! Kill him!"

"Link, that's it!"

The audience saw Link waving his fists and hitting Andre continuously. No matter where Andre ran, he could quickly stick to him and continue to hit his opponent's arms for defense, one punch after another, without giving his opponent a chance to breathe.

The audience was out of breath and felt very satisfied.

Many people stood up and kept waving their fists and shouting like Link.

"Andre, hold on!"

"Andre, fight back!"

The people who supported Andre at the scene and in front of the TV also shouted nervously.

Andre was hit by Link's strong attack and couldn't breathe. He had no place to hide. He could only retreat to the edge of the ring, with his back against the ropes, and was about to use the hugging tactics.

But Link didn't give the opponent a chance. He hit Andre's left arm with a right punch, which made Andre's body tilted and his arms defense had a huge hole. Then he swept his swinging fist from the left, knocking Andre's right arm crooked with a bang, and his fist hit Andre's forehead directly.

Andre staggered.

Link followed with a swift jab and hit Andre's left cheek.


Andre's head shook back suddenly, and a circle of oscillating ripples appeared on his face with his left cheekbone as the center. The sweat on his face and the tears in his left eye also splashed like water on the drum.


Andre stumbled back and sat on the ground with his buttocks, and his upper body fell on the boxing ring.


Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene screamed in surprise. Only fifty seconds after the start of the game, Link launched more than eighty consecutive attacks, punching the opponent one after another, not giving the opponent a chance to punch.

During this process, Link's attack never stopped, and the audience stared at the boxing ring nervously, not daring to blink, and breathing very carefully.

Until just now, the opponent was knocked to the ground by his two punches.

Throughout the process, Link demonstrated extremely fast boxing speed, flexible steps, and extremely superb boxing skills. Every punch hit the flesh, and no second could be omitted.

Just like a good movie, there is no boring moment throughout the whole process.

It's so exciting.

There was a warm applause at the scene.

Thousands of spectators stood up and shouted loudly.

"Link! Boxing champion!"

"Link! Boxing champion!"

"Andre, come on!"

"Andre, stand up!"

In the ring, Link looked expressionlessly at Andre Rell who slowly stood up from the ground. The referee walked up and asked Andre if he could continue to participate in the game.

Andre glared at Link angrily and said yes while spitting.


The referee announced that the game would continue.

Andre roared, waved his fists, and took the initiative to counterattack Link, but he was a power boxer and his attack speed was slower than Link.

Link stared at the opponent's fists, moved his feet flexibly, lowered his head, tilted his head, and lowered his body from time to time. More than ten times, he cleverly avoided Andre's fists by a few millimeters.

When he dodged Andre's fist, the audience's exclamations never stopped, and they kept shouting "Wow, Wow, Wow!", turning into a group of frogmen.

Andre swung his fists and punched Link for more than 20 times in a row. Except for a few times when his gloves rubbed Link's skin, no attack could land on him. Andre was going crazy. He roared and rushed over to hug Link and fight him in close combat.


When Andre stepped forward, the rhythm of his attack slowed down. Link aimed at the gap in front of the opponent and threw a fierce right straight punch, which went through Andre's fists and hit him steadily in the face.

The force of this punch exceeded 1,200 pounds, like an iron ball hitting a basketball.

Andre's face, with his nose as the center, instantly sank downward.

Link withdrew his fist.


Andre's nose was bleeding, and his feet unconsciously stepped back three steps. With a bang, he fell on his back on the boxing ring.

The referee walked forward and squatted beside Andre to count down.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6"

Andre pulled the rope beside him and stood up shakily, but before he could take a step, he leaned against the rope again and fell to the ground.

"8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Andre Reyle failed to stand up within ten seconds.

Link won and successfully defended his title.

"Link won!"

"Link the Boxing Champion!"

"Link you are always the best."

Link's fans at the scene shouted excitedly. In the second-floor audience seats, several fans held up a banner, 'You Are The One', obviously his fans.

Link smiled slightly and waved his fist at the audience seats on all sides.

The on-site camera was aimed at his face, and the confident and handsome smile on his face was broadcast to thousands of households through satellite signals.

"Alas, I lost! ”

Lil, 50 Cent, T.I., and Drake looked at Link’s handsome face on TV unhappily.

“Andre is too weak, he didn’t even last a round.”

50 Cent said.

“Link is too strong, Andre has no chance of winning against him.”

T.I. spread his hands helplessly.

“Hey, you guys are watching Link’s game too? And the HD signal?”

Eminem walked in from outside, looking at the big screen TV and jokingly said, “The news said that Link can get 10% of the PPV revenue in this game. You pay to watch his game, which is equivalent to giving him money. It turns out that you are also Link’s boxing fans. "

Lille and his friends immediately turned pale. According to the HBO TV channel boxing live broadcast fee standard, a single match ordinary signal costs $69.99, and a high-definition signal costs $79.99. They paid $79.99 to watch the match, and Link could get $7.999.

Originally, with their tens of millions of dollars, they didn't care about these few dollars, but after hearing what Eminem said, it felt like they were really giving money to Link.

This made them even more unhappy.

"Do you feel like you're losing out? I have a suggestion. You can find more people to watch the replay, so you won't lose out." Eminem joked while sitting on the pool table with a can of cold beer.

"Hey, it seems to make sense." 50 Cent said, touching his chin.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Lil Wayne rolled his eyes and asked Eminem, "What's the matter with you running over here? "Of course, last week you said you wanted to release a single to knock Link's "I'm The One". I advise you not to do that. Link successfully defended his gold belt, and with the media hype, his single can sell more. If you release a single at this time and can't beat him, it will be embarrassing." Eminem said. Lil Wayne frowned and touched his dreadlocks, "Then let Link's single hang on the first place on the rap chart? "

If they had ignored Link's rap single and let it top the rap charts, it wouldn't have been a big deal.

But after the media publicity, everyone in the circle knew that East Coast rap was teaming up to deal with Link, and many people wanted to see the result.

If they ignored it and let "I'm The One" hang on the singles chart, it would be tantamount to admitting defeat, which would not only embarrass him, but also disappoint his fans.

So the current situation is that it's hard to get off the tiger.

"You've already lost, so it's okay to admit defeat. Just before the game, Link accepted an interview with the media. A reporter said that you were deliberately suppressing Link by doing this. Link did not take the opportunity to make trouble, saying that this was not suppression, but a normal competition, and Link also wanted to ease the pressure.

I suggest you take the opportunity to accept this statement and tell the reporter that you also like the song "I'm The One" and are Link's boxing fans. Maybe you can also gain Link's friendship."

Eminem suggested.

"Are you kidding? Now it's not just us who have a problem with Link, fans are also attacking Link online and at the game. What will the fans think if we suddenly say we are Link's fans? "

Lil said with a grin.

50 Cent and T.I. nodded. The fans were still fighting. If they made peace with Link first, those fans would probably turn against him.

"What are you talking about?"

Kanye West walked in from the door.

Eminem's face changed. If they hadn't run fast last time, they would have been shot by Kanye.

"Quick! Turn off the TV!"

Lil said hurriedly.

If Kanye saw Link winning in the ring, he would inevitably become depressed or manic, and if he continued to smash things, the club would lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Eminem took the beer in his hand and smashed it hard on the screen. The screen went black.

Lil Wayne glared at him angrily. The newly bought HDTV was scrapped by him again.

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