Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 208 Microphone snatching incident

Link had been thinking about this question before the awards ceremony. Taylor was originally going to win this award.

She was also the first country music singer to win this award since the establishment of the MTV Video Music Awards.

When she won the award and gave her speech, the "Kanye grabbing the microphone" incident that shocked the music industry occurred. This incident also deeply affected Taylor and Kanye's career.

Around 17 years ago, Taylor was attacked by anti-fans and had a verbal battle with Kanye and the Kardashian couple, which was also related to this incident.

Now that he is here, will Taylor still win the award? Will Kanye still run up to grab the microphone?

Link cupped his fingers and looked at Taylor Lautner who opened the card on the stage curiously. This guy seemed to be Taylor's ex-boyfriend.

"The winner of the Best Female Singer Video Award is Taylor Swift!"

Wow! !

There was a cry of surprise at the scene.

Taylor in the front row stood up excitedly, hugged Carrie Underwood and Lady Gaga next to him, and stretched out his arms to Link to hug him.

Link waved his fist and stood up to applaud.

Taylor blew him a kiss, and walked up to the podium with her skirt lifted amid the warm applause of the crowd.

"Fuck! Why did she win? Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" is the best."

"It's not fair! There's something fishy going on! This award should go to Beyoncé."

Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, T.I., and Drake were arguing.

"Stop arguing, you don't count."

Link glanced at a few people, then looked at Kanye next to T.I., and saw Kanye stood up from his seat and walked to the podium in front.

Link shook his head. Some things that should happen will still happen, and the butterfly effect is not as big as he imagined.

After Kanye left, he thought about it, left the audience, and walked to the podium.

"Hey, what are you all doing up there?"

On the stage, Taylor took the trophy of the "Astronaut" sculpture from Shakira and just said something while holding the microphone.

Kanye came up, snatched the microphone from Taylor, and said, "Hey, Taylor Swift, I'll let you finish your acceptance speech, but I have to say here that Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" is the best."


The audience burst into a roar.

The audience looked at Kanye in disbelief.

The MTV Video Awards is one of the three major awards in the American music industry. It is quite valuable and has attracted a lot of attention from the public.

The winners of the MTV Video Awards are also voted by the voting committee and fans. The whole process is relatively fair and just.

Kanye, a senior in the music industry who has debuted for many years and a new king in the rap world, rashly went on stage to snatch the microphone of a new singer and made inappropriate remarks.

This is not only suppressing the younger generation, but also a manifestation of ignoring the rules of the game in the entertainment industry.

If everyone is like him, relying on their own fame and high status, when the winners are giving speeches, they question the fairness of the awards and accuse the singers of not winning the awards, all award ceremonies in the entertainment industry will be rotten.

But now Kanye did it.

When Link saw Kanye on stage, he thought of many ways to deal with it.

One is to catch him back and press him on the seat, the second is to knock him out and drag him away to prevent him from interfering with Taylor, and the third is to let things develop.

After thinking about it, he felt that the third option was more appropriate.

Kanye did something wrong and would be criticized by public opinion afterwards, which is better than teaching him a lesson himself.

Taylor was stimulated by this incident and could write more songs.

If he chose the first two, he would be helping Kanye fill the hole, fighting violence with violence in front of the public, which would also bring some negative impact to himself, and he might even be banned by the New York Athletic Commission.

"Hey, idiot, give the microphone back to Taylor!"

Link walked up to the podium and waved to Kanye.


The audience cheered again, and the spectators in front of the TV also widened their eyes.

Tonight's award ceremony was too dramatic. First, Taylor won the award unexpectedly, and then the hip-hop king Kanye West came on stage to grab the microphone.

Now Taylor's boyfriend, boxing champion Link, has come on stage to ask for the microphone for Taylor, which is more exciting than the plot in the movie.

"Link, beat him! Beat him hard!"

Selena looked at the TV and shouted while waving her fist.

"Link won't really go up to fight, right?"

Nora Duva said in surprise in front of the TV.

"Impossible, Link is not that impulsive."

Franco took a moment to look at the TV while helping his daughter Vera blow dry her hair.

"Dad, can Brother Link beat that guy?"

Vera asked with her eyes wide open, staring at the TV.

"Haha, you should ask if you can beat Kanye, my answer is yes."

Franco laughed.

"Brother Link, beat him!"

Vera also shouted while waving her little fist.

On the podium of the MTV Awards Ceremony, Link waved at Kanye, and Kanye glared at him.

Link shook his head, reached out to take the microphone, pushed Kanye aside and said to the audience: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to come up at this time, but I have to say that although Beyonce's "Single Ladies" is great, Taylor's "You Belong With Me" is the best of the show, and she deserves this award."

"Yes! Link, we support you!"

"Taylor is the best!"

"Come on Taylor!"

"Kanye, get down!"

The audience cheered lively, and many people gave Kanye a thumbs up on the stage and booed.

Kanye snorted and walked off the podium with a dark face.

"Hey Taylor, congratulations, how are you feeling now?"

Link asked, holding the microphone.

Taylor covered his mouth and looked at him in surprise, smiling: "It's not bad, I'm not affected."

"You are so brave! You said before that if you win and I don't win, you will make dessert to compensate me. Are you going to cheat on me?"

"of course not!"

Taylor rolled her eyes at him.

"Very well, please continue with your acceptance speech!"

Link smiled softly, hugged Taylor, and turned to leave the stage.

"Let's fight, why don't we fight?"

"Oh! I thought the next one was an action movie, why would it be a romance movie? It's so sweet."

"I can't stand it anymore. Why do I still eat dog food while watching the awards ceremony? Can you give us singles a way to survive?"

"Link is so handsome, his boyfriend power is explosive!"

"God, I really want to have a boyfriend like Link."

"Hey man wake up, you're a boy."

"Taylor Swift gathers and attacks Kanye!"

When MTV held the awards ceremony, Twitter was also live broadcasting it simultaneously.

Twitter's technical department will determine which celebrity is more popular based on the number and frequency of "celebrity names" mentioned in users' tweets during each period of time.

During the opening performance, Link's name was mentioned 380,000 times by Twitter users, and he deserved to be number one. His popularity slowly declined after Madonna came on stage to deliver her eulogy.

Just when Taylor won the award and Kanye came on stage to grab the microphone, online public opinion exploded and Twitter user activity suddenly increased.

Taylor and Kanye's names were mentioned 450,000 times and 520,000 times.

When Link came on stage, online public opinion exploded, and Twitter user activity quadrupled.

‘The 26th MTV Awards’ has become a hot word on major social platforms. Link’s name instantly shot to No. 1, exceeding 1.5 million times, and Taylor’s name also shot to over 1 million times, and remains at the top.

Link returned to his seat, Lil Wayne and the others glared at him, wanting to eat him.

"The cameras are coming."

Eminem reminded.

Several people snorted angrily and sat down with calm expressions. Kanye also sat in his seat with a gloomy face, looking at Link with angry eyes from time to time.

Link ignored them and continued to watch the performance on the stage.

After Taylor got the microphone back, he left the stage without saying anything and went to perform at the Sixth Avenue subway station.

According to the rules of the MTV Awards, every winning singer will perform on or off-site after winning the award, and everyone can watch it on the live screen.

Taylor performed the award-winning single "You Belong With Me."

Kanye's microphone grabbing incident had little impact on her, and her performance in the outfield was stable.

After Taylor's performance, other awards continued to be presented.

Lady Gaga won the Best Newcomer Award for "Poker Face", but Link missed out on this award.

Beyoncé won Video of the Year for "Single Ladies."

The two tied 1:1.

Eminem won the Best Hip-Hop Video of the Year award for his single "We Made You".

Next came Best Male Vocalist, and Link immediately got serious.

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