
On the street, Gary watched Link's car go away and kicked a metal trash can on the street. Several mineral water bottles jumped out of the trash can.

In order to sneak into the building, he spent two hundred pounds to change into the clothes of a food delivery boy. However, not long after he entered, Link left with his bodyguard. It was really a waste of time.

"Damn, I'm exhausted after running up and down more than twenty flights of stairs. Bernard, do you want to follow me again?"

Charlotte came over with a tool bag on her back, sweat on her face and a very unhappy expression.

Gary adjusted his glasses and sighed, not knowing what to do.

Entertainment reporters are a bit like gold miners. Whether they can make a fortune often depends on luck.

Just like his superior Joseph, he was just a young reporter more than ten years ago.

Once when he was bored and walking along the Thames after work, he happened to meet Princess Diana and her lover on a date on Waterloo Bridge. He raised his camera and clicked it lightly. He received a bonus of 50,000 pounds and is now the editor-in-chief of the entertainment section.

Gary is unwilling to be a small reporter. He wants to get a promotion and a salary increase, and become a master. The scandal between Link and Emma is a good opportunity.

"Let's rest first. We still have one day tomorrow. Let's see what happens."

Gary waved his hand, bid farewell to Charlotte, and sat in the car tiredly.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the thief Biggs.

"What's up?"

"Hey, you sound really frustrated. Did your trip go in vain?"

Biggs asked with a strange smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you have something to say, say it quickly."

"Hey, don't be so grumpy. Let me tell you some good news. I guarantee you will feel better instantly. Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Do you know where I was half an hour ago? I was in Link's bedroom."

"Oh? You got into the room where Link lives?"

Gary said in surprise.

"Of course, don't forget who I am. I'm the master thief Biggs. There's no door I can't open. Guess what I put in his room? Hehe, it's a monitor that can hear his phone calls. Then whenever he calls, I can hear his voice and know all his secrets, how about it?”

Biggs said excitedly.

Gary frowned, "It's a crime to install bugs in other people's rooms without permission."

In fact, he just broke into the building pretending to be a food delivery boy, which was also a crime, but it was much less serious than installing a bug.


Biggs' voice suddenly became sharp.

"I have robbed banks several times and been in jail for seven or eight years. You tell me this is a crime? I know what crime is better than you. Hey, do you want to do it? If not, I will find someone else. I believe there are many people now. People are interested in my proposal.”

Gary sighed, it was true, compared to robbing a bank, installing bugs was just a trivial matter.

He thought about it carefully and decided to continue working with Biggs.

Now many colleagues are staring at Link. If you want to dig out something useful from Link, just tracking him may not be enough. You will also need some unconventional methods, even methods that are not allowed by law.

"Okay, Biggs, Link will probably be back at the Tower of London Hotel in half an hour. Please keep an eye over there and contact me in time if anything happens."

"Hey, don't worry. From now on, I will listen carefully to every word of Link, but you need to give me some money first. I need money to buy equipment, clothes, food and drink. I think 2,000 pounds is appropriate. number."

Biggs said.

"Two thousand? No, at most one thousand."

"Okay, one thousand is fine. When will you deliver it?"


Gary hung up the phone angrily. Now he didn't get any news. Instead, he posted a sum of money. He suddenly felt that following Link might not be a good thing.


Back at the hotel, Link took a shower in the bathroom and put on some light sportswear.

Just as he was about to go to the training center to do some exercise, he received a message on his phone. Taylor sent a message asking him what he was doing?

Link said he just came back from a party and was going to exercise.

Tyler asked him what the party was.

Link told the truth.

"The Harry Potter cast party? Didn't Emma Watson go?"


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"You turned into a pig?"

"You are the pig. Emma Watson is your old lover. Did your old love rekindle after you met? Tell me, tell me and I will forgive you."

"Taylor Swift, have you been too busy all day? You don't think I'm fooling around with other women when I'm not with you, do you?"

"I didn't say it. You said it. You admitted it yourself."

Taylor sent a message saying.

Link looked helpless and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. This is just an ordinary gathering of friends. There are more than ten people. Oh, by the way, there are hundreds of paparazzi watching outside."

"I understand, if there were no paparazzi around, you would definitely be fooling around, right?" Taylor asked.

Link slapped him a few times, "You can slander me, and I will teach you a lesson when I get back."

"you dare!"

Taylor sent three fists, "To be honest, sometimes I really want to see your scandal on the news. When I see you messing around with other women behind my back, I will be very sad. When I am sad, maybe I can write a few songs, why don’t you give it a try?”

Link was a little speechless by her suggestion, thinking that he was stuck as a bug.

"Okay, I'll try."


"Are you threatening me?"


Link shook his head and asked her how about writing songs?

Taylor said he had no inspiration.

Link teased her, saying that she might get inspiration when she missed him after he left, but now she had no inspiration, which meant she didn't miss him much, and she should reflect deeply.

After chatting for a few words, he put away his phone and drove to the training center next door to exercise.

"Shit! Why can't I hear anything?"

In a suite on the third floor of the hotel, Biggs listened for a while, but he couldn't hear anything except the sound of the door closing before.

He thought about it, picked up the equipment box again, secretly went to Link's room, and installed two more monitors in the living room of the suite.

He didn't believe he couldn't hear it this time.

After more than three hours, Link came back from training, and Biggs heard Link's voice coming from the headset, and he laughed excitedly.

But the next second, the hotel manager's voice was heard again. The other party told Link that a stranger had just been seen on the surveillance camera sneaking to the sixth floor. For security reasons, the hotel wanted to recheck his room.

A few seconds later, a sharp buzzing sound came from the headset again, and the two monitors were pulled out.

Biggs was so angry that he cursed. The hotel manager was really too troublesome.

Fortunately, the bug at the door was not found. No one would have thought that he would put the bug at the corner of the door.

"Hehe! Link, you wait, when I catch you, I will blackmail you."

Biggs put on the headset again.

Bang! The sound of the door closing came from the headset, and Biggs picked his ears depressedly.

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