
The setting sun slants across the Western Pacific Ocean, and the Santa Monica Bay area is immersed in a dreamy golden glow.

At the junction of the sea and the coast, in addition to a golden beach, Santa Monica Beach, there is also a wide and straight road, the Western Pacific Coast Highway.

At this time, a luxury version of the Porsche sedan was driving on Highway 205. It was very fast, with a wide and thick body, smooth and cool lines, and a very powerful exterior design.

"Concentrate on driving, why do you always look at me?"

In the passenger seat, Ivaca put down the manual in her hand, rolled her eyes at him and said.

Link shrugged his shoulders, gripped the steering wheel, and stared ahead.

This is the road leading to the Bay Villas. There are not many cars coming and going, so you don’t have to worry about car crashes. The only thing worth noting is that when driving, don’t look at the sea, the sunset, and don’t stare at the bikini girls on the beach, otherwise you will If you are not careful, you will drive under the roadbed.

"Eva, do you feel wronged by being my girlfriend?"

"Why do you ask that?"

Ivaca put down the instruction manual for the new dishwasher again and turned her attention to him.

"You are a very excellent woman, with appearance, talent, status, status, honor, everything is lacking. With your conditions, you can find a better boyfriend, whether it is a billionaire, a royal duke, or a political elite , they will all be happy to be your choice, and I am just a playboy, will you feel aggrieved to be a playboy’s girlfriend?”

Link said.

When Ivaca heard his words, the corners of her lips slowly raised.

"I'm a little aggrieved. I've been obsessed with you for three years since we met in 2008. How many three years does a woman have? Now I don't have any extra time and energy to find another partner or run another business." A relationship is like a big gamble. I have staked all my chips and can no longer leave. Even if you are a playboy, I can only accept it. "

Does this mean it's bad?

".A smart woman like you, before the end, why did she still bet on me when she knew I was half-hearted?"

"I thought I could change you, but now the person being changed is myself."

Ivaca shook the instruction manual in her hand.

"I'm changing too. I love you more and more. Can you feel it?"

"No! I don't believe even a single letter of love that comes from the mouth of a playboy."

Ivaca's beautiful cheeks were cold, her red lips were pursed tightly, and her expression looked a little serious.

There was silence for more than ten seconds.

"Honey, how about marrying me?"

Link said suddenly.

"Are you proposing? Are you proposing like this?"

Eva Kamei blinked and looked at him in surprise.

Link stopped the car by the road and turned to look at Ivaca.

"I've been thinking about proposing to you since the beginning of the year, but I've never been a brave person when it comes to relationships. I'm worried about being betrayed. I don't like being bound by marriage, and I don't like the marriages depicted in movies. After that trivial and boring life.

Therefore, when it came to proposing, even though I begged you thousands of times in my heart, when the moment came, I chose to back down.

When I came back from Switzerland last time, I had a watch in my left pocket and a wedding ring in my right pocket. Originally I wanted to propose to you, but in the end I took out my watch.

I made excuses to myself, the proposal must be held on a romantic day and in a romantic place.

But I don’t know where that time is, where that romantic place is, and this always bothers me.

Just now you said that love is a big gamble. You placed all your bets on me and there is no way out. This is my fault. I am sorry for putting you in this situation, and I am also sorry for not giving you an answer earlier.

Now I know I was wrong. I should be brave and give you a positive answer like a real man. So, my dear, I hereby solemnly propose to you. Will you marry me? "

Link asked, holding Iwaka's hand.

Ivaca seemed not to hear him and looked at him quietly. After a while, she blinked her curved eyelashes.

"Sorry, I can't promise you."


Link said in surprise.

"Link, I love you, there is no doubt about it. I want to marry you, there is no doubt about it, but I don't want to force you to marry me. This is not what a woman who loves you would do. You just said no. Get ready. I will give you more time to prepare. I can wait for you for one year, two years, or three years.

When you are completely ready and willing to propose to me, I will nod my head without hesitation that day, not now.


I just said that I have sunk all my time and capital just to tell you how much I love you and love you wholeheartedly, rather than trying to force you. I won’t do this kind of thing and I am not willing to do it, so I can’t agree to it. you. "

Ivaca said slowly.

"Eva, this is not force. You did not force me. I am willing to propose to you. I have been preparing for this for a long time, but I just lack a little courage and responsibility.

And your words are like a spark that ignited my courage, and I will propose to you. This is a two-way street. You are definitely not forcing me, and I am not proposing to you out of pressure, but I love you.

You said that during our relationship, you invested too much time and energy and could no longer turn back. The same is true for me. From the beginning of our relationship, I was not used to your lifestyle.

And now I can't leave you. Without you, my life will be in chaos. I want to establish a stable relationship with you. This is the best choice.

Eva, do you agree? "

Link said.

"I accept your explanation, but it's still too sudden. Marriage is a lifelong event. You haven't even prepared a ring. How should I promise you?"

Ivaca looked at him with bright beautiful eyes.

"This... it's a little sudden. The ring is at home. Now you promise me that I can drive the car to the house in three minutes and put the ring on your hand. How about it?"

Link asked.

"Let's talk in three minutes. You can beg again. Take your time. Don't rush."

"Will you still agree to it then?"

"You can try."

Ivaca raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

Link frowned. The reason why he proposed just now was because the atmosphere was up. In three minutes, he was not sure whether he would still have the courage to speak, and he was not sure whether Iwaka would agree, so it was best to strike while the iron is hot. Settle things in the car.

Suddenly he saw a can of Coke on the back seat.

"You'd better not propose with that one, it's too cliche and has no creativity at all."

Ivaca laughed in disgust.

Link looked towards the cab, but there was nothing that could fit on her ring finger.

"Is there anything else? If you can take out the ring, I will promise you."

Ivaca had a somewhat proud smile on her face.

He smiled softly and grabbed her right hand. The fingers were slender, but the palm was very fleshy. The skin was white, tender and smooth, with a faint fragrance. He picked up Ivaca's slender ring finger and put it in his mouth, biting it gently. .

"What are you doing?"

Ivaca asked in surprise.

"How about this ring?"

Link pointed to a clear circle of teeth marks on the belly of her ring finger.

Ivaca covered her lips and stared at the mark on her ring finger. Her long eyelashes trembled and her eyes were slightly red.

"It looks good, I agreed."

Ivaca smiled.


Link asked.

Ivaca nodded, with small diamond-like water drops hanging on her long eyelashes.

Link smiled slightly, hugged her, and kissed her passionately on the seat. Ivaca also hugged his neck and responded passionately.


Vehicles passing by the roadside honked their horns from time to time, as if to cheer them on.

"It's almost gone, bite it again."

After a while, Ivaca leaned into his arms, stretched out her white fingers and said.

"No, let's go back and put on the ring."

"I like this ring better, bite it again and harder."

Ivaca continued.

Link held her hand, like eating boneless chicken feet, and gently bit the belly of her ring finger.

Ivaca suddenly pushed his mandible hard, and the front teeth clicked together suddenly. Link tasted the smell of blood, and quickly took out her hand, only to see her ring finger bleeding.

"Are you crazy?"

Link quickly took out a tissue to help her stop the bleeding. There were obvious wounds on the backs of her fingers, which somewhat ruined the overall beauty of her palms.

"This is better."

Ivaca raised her finger and smiled with satisfaction.

As he spoke, he picked up his big hand, picked up his ring finger, put it between his white teeth, and bit it hard. A stinging pain came from his fingers. The root of his ring finger was also bitten, and blood flowed out. Less blood.

Link looked at her in confusion, this was too cruel.

In the past, Ivaca was an elegant, decent, noble and generous woman who rarely argued with others and never even said a bad word. Today, when she heard his proposal, she dared to bite his finger with her teeth, almost to the bone. .

He suddenly discovered that Ivaca was quite cruel and not as gentle and kind as she appeared.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse to have such a fiancée.

"how do you feel?"

Ivaca wiped the blood on her red lips, took his hand, and put the two injured ring fingers together. One was thick and tough, the other was fair and slender. They crossed in an 'X' shape, and there were clear marks on the backs of the fingers. Imprint, three points into the bone.

"Beware of tetanus."

Link took out two band-aids and put one on each to cover the 'ring'.

But while he was driving, Ivaca took out her lipstick and drew a pair of red hearts on two band-aids, smiling happily while drawing.

Link looked at Ivaca like this and found that besides being ruthless, she also had some innocent and cute parts hidden in her. She was not as strong, cold, and proud as she appeared on the surface.

She is also a woman who is hotter on the inside than she looks on the outside.

When he used the sharp weapon of love to pierce her cover and disguise, she turned into a flaming woman, passionate, hot, and passionate, like a large volcano that had never erupted.

At the moment of the eruption, the blazing hot magma will melt even an iron man if it touches it, and his bones will be shattered.

Bathed in her love, warm and comfortable, like the paradise he was in before he was born.

And if you are addicted to her love, you may also be wiped out. She is like a woman in charge of life and death.

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