The goddess left.

Lin Luo was still standing at the entrance of the gravity room.

With a profound gaze, he recalled his previous agreement with Selina.

He suddenly felt a little regretful.

This wave... It was a bit of a loss.

The goddess said that as long as he entered Academy Team and helped the academy achieve good results, she would date him.

However …

How good was this good result?

Top eight or top four?

Second or first?


It was all because he was too young.

Suddenly, Lin Luo's communicator rang.

That's right, it was a communicator.

The empire's black technology had already advanced to a certain extent. Through the rune technology, they had even managed to produce the functions of a mobile phone.

However, there weren't many people who knew that Lin Luo's communication was good.

Lin Luo didn't need to guess to know who it was to contact him at this time.

The cliff was Assassin Girl.

This guy must have gone back to catch up on his sleep and knew that Lin Luo had finished his work in the club.

After waking up, contact him immediately, and continue with their unfinished business with War Net.

In Lin Luo's opinion, he was tricked by the goddess.

He didn't want to stay in this sad place anymore.

War Net was undoubtedly the best place to go to.

Lin Luo ran to the War Net Training room without stopping and saw that Assassin Girl was already waiting there.

"Let's go in. We won't come out until tomorrow morning."

The young girl's words were as succinct as ever.

Lin Luo's face darkened.

They used to do this sort of thing, he knew.

However …

The school will begin lessons tomorrow.

Is it really okay to play like this?

As he re-entered the War Net, Lin Luo silently waited for his opponent.

After the previous battle, he was very clear in his heart.

His opponents in the rookie category were limited in their efforts to improve him.

At most, he would only be able to earn some reward points.

If the system does not upgrade.

To be honest, some D-class ninja arts did not increase Lin Luo's strength by much.

All of it, he decided.

After the two matches were over, he would go find some experts of the elite division to watch the videos and see how the Gods operated.

Very quickly, a matching opponent appeared.

ID: Lilith, record: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.

Why was there another rookie?

Lin Luo felt bitter in his heart.

Fighting with a new player, he wouldn't be able to gain much experience.

In fact.

From the development of War Net till now, he was definitely number one in the entire young generation of the Imperial Academy.

Today happened to be the start of the new school year, which was why there were so many new students.

It was just like Lin Luo's five man combat game in his previous life, where there would be a lot of elementary school students on vacation and people would be scammed everywhere.

This was a principle.

Lin Luo looked at his opponent's ID.

Lily, you can tell from a glance that she's a girl.

It's a little hard to deal with?

Could it be that he was going to rush over and shatter the younger sister into pieces with a single punch?

It had to be known that although War Net would not truly die, if it was an overly realistic scene of a simulated battle, the body would inherit most of the pain from the time of death.

It wasn't a good taste.

He couldn't be so cruel to a novice girl. He had to be more tactful.

Lin Luo suddenly thought.

As a ninja, why would he fight with his bare hands?

You can use ninja tools.

It was better to be stabbed to death with a ninja tool than to be blasted to smithereens.

If the ninja tools in his mind could be visualized within the War Net, then he wouldn't need to use such a crude method of fighting.

After the two of them were ready, the scene in front of them changed.

The battlefield was still filled with arena.

Lily had chosen two rune pistols as her class, Marksman.

Lin Luo stood within the arena and with a thought, a huge shuriken appeared in his hand.

It was the Windfiend's shuriken.

Although he did not have the corresponding Ninja Arts to coordinate with them, he could still be controlled and used by the chakura.

Lin Luo was secretly delighted that the ninja tool could actually be materialized.

Summon again.

Come out, three divine artifacts.

Ten Fist Swords, Eight Mirror, Eight Feet Fine Jade.

Unfortunately, nothing had changed.

Lin Luo was a bit embarrassed. He guessed that only ninja tools exchanged from the system could be visualized by the War Net.

The two of them were ready.

Lin Luo didn't notice that there were already more than a hundred people in the stands.

To those Gods in the elite divisions, even a casual match would have tens of thousands of spectators. To them, a hundred people was like a drizzle.

But this was the rookie area.

Having over a hundred people spectating the battle was already quite good.

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