After the explosion, the entire arena is a vast expanse of white, in addition to bell, no one else.

The stands and the studio were all silent.

Brother fearless, lost!?

Is his winning streak finally over?

Sheep Baa Baa almost cried, her idol was defeated.

Heart plug, so uncomfortable!

And sitting in the front of the bleachers is a face of excitement, mood is more comfortable batch.

This one's finally dead.


Let you play cool, let you play handsome, give me die!!

Next to her, Serena, on the other hand, did not have any fluctuations in her face.

She believes in linlo.

And linlo won't let her down.

The city of osur.

When Gianna saw the light column, she took a breath of air.

What is the light column just now!? Even space can explode.

It's terrible.

Put herself in the right place. If she is trapped by that light pillar, she will be blown up and there will be no residue left.

This new guy named bell!?

Who the hell is he?

What's the relationship with fearlessness!?

Is it the fearless teammate of the strong!!

In a flash, several questions flashed through Gianna's mind.

If the strong fearless and this bell are really in the same team, then this team can definitely enter the ranks of the first-line strong team.

No wonder the strong dare to reserve the first place in the Imperial College competition. It turns out that he has this dependence.

But why did the two fight?

Gianna saw it very clearly. The two men just now were fighting for their lives. There was no room for them.

If you're a teammate, you don't need to do that at all.

This operation, do not understand!!

In the city of fire, avrila's brain capacity is not as big as Gianna's, and she doesn't think so many questions.

She saw the strong fearless was killed, completely exploded, "the strong fearless, you are playing snake skin? Why do you lie down? Get up and kill that bell... "

The team mate of the nearby fire team has a black line on his face.

In fact, they really want to say that the strong fearless has been blown to ashes and can't get up, but they are worried about being beaten by avrila with a fat meal, so they have to bear it all.

However, at this time, the arena changes suddenly.

The ground in front of bell broke abruptly, followed by a figure from below.

It was Lin Luo, and he had a huge fan in his hand.

As a man who watched 700 episodes of fire shadow, how could he be killed by Bell's big move!?


Just as the space rippled, linlo noticed something wrong and immediately used the split to restrain bell, while his noumenon was hidden under the ground.

It's all routine. It's copied from the world of fire shadow. If you have nothing to do, hide the noumenon underground. Maybe there will be a surprise in the next moment.

It's no surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey!! Belle, you've been cheated Have a good taste of your fighting skills and see what it's like! "

"Look at me, yuzhibo. Super bounce!"

Suddenly, a huge beam of light came out of the fan in Linluo's hand, covering Bell's body.

It's just his A-level combat skill: sword dance. Big world. Space blockade!!

In the crazy draw in the ice secret place, Lin Luo won two pieces of forbearance, in addition to the grass shaved sword, and Yu Zhibo's fan.

This is comparable to the existence of artifact.

It can absorb all the opponent's attacks, enhance them and then bounce back.

As for Bell's big move, it's like Tianke, teaching him in an instant.

so, Lin Luo hides under the ground, uses yuzhibo Tuan fan, absorbs all Bell's big move, and when he's relaxed, gives him a shot.

At the bottom of Linluo's heart, the flowers are blooming.

See if you can still laugh!?

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