In Lin Luo's pocket, there is a scroll sealed with three generations of puppets.

The three generations of Fengying are known as the strongest Fengying in the world of Huoying. They are proficient in fengdun, have the magnetic shield, and are terrifying in strength.

If this kind of storm comes out, it will not be as strong as the wind.

According to Lin Luo's guess, the strength of the three generations of Fengying should be between S-level and super-s-level.

You know, there are only three super-s level masters in the Empire.

This thing is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. It can only be held in the hands of the imperial family. Even Lin Luo does not dare to take things out.

Lin Luo turns his head to grab the bag, and sees Luna holding the bag tightly like a baby, with a hostile glare on her face.

Next to Luna, ebol and Jarvis were holding a pile of misery in their hands and staring at him with the same angry face.

Yes, it's anger!!

It's wrong that Lin Luo, as the captain, should hide such a powerful secret weapon.

The power of this secret weapon, which Abel and Jarvis could see clearly, was simply too powerful.

What if they were a little worried about losing the game?

But now it's different. They have secret weapons in their hands.

The next duel, steady.

They are stable, but linlo is speechless.

It's good to share the spoils so soon.

You take my things and glare at me. Is that really good?

Can we have fun together!?

And are you a group of bandits? Even my own people.

Especially Luna, a little girl, even Lin Luo, has to admit that she is a cruel man. She knows how to find an ally, and immediately bribes Abel and Jarvis.

To tell you the truth, Linluo really wants to slap herself. She has long known to help Luna portray psychic patterns and let her summon the ice element guardian to fight.

For fear of exposing the spirit of ice element too early, he lost his tolerance bag.

Fortunately, Lin Luo left a seal in his pocket. As long as he used something, he could seal it by making a seal.

But don't think about the bitterness and detonators. They have been searched by Luna Trio for a long time.

As for the scroll of the third generation, Lin Luo has never used it. Naturally, it can't be sealed. He can only hope that Luna doesn't know the goods and doesn't take it out casually.

If you take it out, you'll have a lot of fun.

Just when Lin Luo is depressed, the fourth game between dawning team and Steffen team has begun.

Abel and Jarvis walked slowly into the arena, with calm faces and detonators in their hands. Their confidence was several times stronger.

Soon, the Steffen team also entered the arena, a combination of heavy and long-range shooters, a standard duel team.

However, the next moment, when they will be in the hands of the weapon to light out, completely everyone's dog eye.

"Damn it, what's in Stefan's long-range shooter's hand? Isn't that Gatling?"

"The long-range shooter is not for the purpose of enhancing the firepower of the ordinary Gatling

"The operation of this kind of weapon is very stupid. It doesn't need any divine level operation at all. It just needs to inject spiritual power continuously. It's said that there will be blue fire..."

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