Serena couldn't laugh or cry, either.

She had been watching the battle of other teams and wanted to collect some intelligence, but she didn't expect that the news that the main arena was almost overturned came out on the radio.

And the one who started this was the dawn team.

She immediately rushed here, but did not expect Luna head-on hit up.

Now it seems that all this should be done by the goods.

But Serena couldn't figure out how Luna overturned the arena with her harmless appearance.

Is it the secret weapon in her mouth!?

Serena saw a worried look on linlo's face, and then she cast a reassuring look.

To tell you the truth, she also wants to see what the secret weapon that can overturn the main arena is!?

The goddess has spoken. Naturally, Linluo won't object. Let's do it first.

And three generations of wind and shadow scroll, not everyone can use!? It will take Luna some time to find the secret.

Dawning team has entered the second round. There is nothing wrong with them in the arena for the time being. Everyone walks towards the hotel, waiting for the notice of the second round tomorrow.

However, as soon as he got to the door of the hotel, Lin Luo met the last person he wanted to meet, Anna tAsia of the apocalypse.

The goods with the four sisters of Shenqi team are wandering at the gate of Haoting hotel. They are waiting for someone.

Among all the teams participating in the Imperial College competition, Shenqi team is the only team with only five players, because tasiya is the only main force in the team, and the other four players are all substitutes. Just paddle all the way.

Because of this, Shenqi team highlights a word, leisure.

Five people in the team can only stare at each other every day. They are almost vomiting at leisure. It's not easy to wait until the start of the match, but they haven't even seen the opponent's face. It's over.

There is no way, they can only run to find Lin Luo, the whole Eastern Division of all the teams, Shenqi team and dawn team also have a better relationship.

Tasiya's eyes were sharp, and he saw the dawning team from a long distance, "Linluo, don't run, where's my rat king?"

Linluo rolled his eyes, your rat king.

He is a little suspicious of whether he has been missed by bad luck recently.

Yesterday, I sent an Aisha. Today, I ran out a Luna. I robbed him and ran away. Now it's even worse. Tasiya is blocking the door.

Tasiya is not on the battle net. It's not easy to attract her attention. You have to take out your mace.

So, in the room of Lin Luo, a big war is on.

"Call the landlord, I'll call the landlord!"

TAsia looked excited and picked up the three cards on the table: "I'll play first Yes, three... "

After playing the cards, he winked at Betty.

Betty surprised, just out of the two cards and plug back, "to To I can't afford it. "

Lin Luo looks at the small action between two people, a face despises, you are playing like this in front of me, really good?

"Fried, four KS..."

"How can you do that? You can blow up three and play or not..."

"Who said right three can't blow up, in a word, do you want it?"

"I can't afford it!"

"Four A's, blow up again!"

"Four two, keep bombing!"

"Wang Chan, I'm sorry, I won, give money, give money..."

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