"Well, can you not mention the blue fire Gatling? This weapon is too stupid. Today, I saw that some people took the blue fire Gatling as a secret weapon and cooperated with the latest Rune shield. It was so stupid that it was blown up in the sky..."

"Blow your opponent up? So ruthless, which team did it? "

"Eastern Division, Dawning team, they almost blew up the whole arena, and even shocked the S-class soldiers."

"Wow! Don't be so cruel. "

"I tell you, all the members of this team are wonderful, especially the team leader. He is just one of the wonderful. He was exposed in the first single fight. Fortunately, the opponent didn't give him a chance It almost killed me. "

"Listen to brother so say, this dawning team leader, really enough wonderful."

They talked happily, but Lin Luo was embarrassed.


What's wrong with him?

Why is he so wonderful?

It's called tactics. If a group of chickens don't understand, don't beep and laugh

In the arena, the bombing of avrila continues, and the whole arena is covered with terrible flames, the powerful don't want.

Linlo just wanted to praise it.

But the next moment I heard avrila's laughter and sarcasm, "ah, ha ha!! Look at my super lethal Tu Tu, two vegetable chickens, kneel down and wait to die, and see if I don't blow you to pieces.... "

Lynlott's embarrassed again.

Super lethal, what the hell is that!?

Is it just that move?

To tell you the truth, this way of naming, very avrila, only she will be their own combat skills, so unreliable name.

Even Gianna, as a friendly, was speechless.

He didn't like it.

He's going to be stupid.

Without culture, we should study well.

It's just a few words.

What are they all about?

Fatal, sudden!?

Feitian fatal sudden!?

Now there's a super lethal burst!?

I can't change some other words. It's a shame to be with this freight station.

of course, Jaina would dare not make complaints about it, otherwise, she would definitely point her at the next moment.

This kind of thing, avrila has not done!!

The next moment, Gianna also chose to move.

Her whole body suddenly sent out a chill, spreading in the arena. Surprisingly, the original ice fire compatible picture did not appear.

The chill generated by Gianna's ice system power is directly integrated into avrila's flame power, which makes avrila's flame sound a series of strange noises, click, click, and then countless pale blue ice crystals suddenly condense, just like beautiful works of art

This is Gianna's ability. The mutated ice ability can be integrated into other people's attacks, so that other people's attacks can be accompanied by the powerful freezing ability of the ice ability.

It is with this powerful ability that the frost team led by Gianna was invincible in the last imperial college competition. In the end, it defeated avrila's flame team in the key group battle of eight to four and entered the top four

And avrila, who was also officially rated as the best assistant in the last imperial college competition by battle. Net, didn't have one.

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