"Wow!! It's not dead. It's a bit unreasonable. "

"Finished, now that the king of shadow is alive, the combination of ice and fire goddess is a little mysterious."

"That's not necessarily true. Look at the state of the king of shadows. He's definitely seriously injured. He can't fight any more."

"That's right. The threat level of the king of shadow in serious injury will be greatly reduced. Ice and fire goddess group only needs to focus on the new person."

Fu Xinyi is OK. The happiest thing is Aisha. At the next moment, the moon tree she controls suddenly emits a burst of bright green awn, which is closely followed by a branch and leaves. A green water drop falls from it and drops on Fu Xinyi.

The next moment, Fu Xinyi's whole body was covered by a green awn, and her injury was beginning to heal at the speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in a short period of time, Fu Xinyi's injury had healed, and she became lively again.

People in the studio almost called the police when they saw this.

"Damn it! I'll report her. "

"What tree is that? It can defend, attack and even cure. It's absolutely invincible. "

"It's a hammer!"

"No, the advantages of ice and fire goddess combination are completely gone."

"It's a terrible job for Elsa to look at the milk tree," she murmured

Although his voice is not big, he is still heard by the sheep who always pay attention to him.

Sheep Baa Baa a face ignorant circle, "this new person is a wet nurse occupation!"!? Why haven't I heard of this profession? What's the meaning of milk quantity? "

The original noisy studio suddenly fell into silence. Jiang Heng directly widened his eyes and stared at the sheep baa.

Nurse occupation, milk quantity!?

It's very appropriate.

It's not appropriate to describe a new person in a troublemaker.

Who would have thought that the little sister Yang baa, who was originally stupid and cute, was also such a fellow.

Sheep Baa Baa saw everyone's eyes turned to her, a little flustered.

She suddenly woke up and realized that there might be some misunderstanding in her words. Her face turned red, "no No It's not what I said, it's what the strong say fearlessly... "

"I'll tell you, little sister Yang baa, how can she say such a thing? It turns out that brother Wuwei has taken her to the wrong side."

"Wow! This new man is really a hidden wet nurse profession, and he will milk the king of shadow in an instant. "

"Brother fearless, I'm completely convinced. Please take my knee."

The Empire's class allocation for psionic warriors is not very perfect. Many people have heard about nanny class for the first time.

As for the amount of milk

I don't want to talk about this for the time being. People who understand it understand it.

However, after the war, many people realized the importance of nanny to the team and praised the profession of nanny.

And the Empire also realized this problem, and completely ranked the mammy class as the fifth largest class of psionic warriors. Of course, this is later.

In the arena.

Gianna saw the moment when the moon tree healed the king of shadows, and her mind was completely dignified. If there was a little doubt about her just now, now all doubts have disappeared.

The new girl, who is called the lovely fairy girl, is really from the fourth dimension of the elves, and is the noblest royal family in the elves.

Only the royal family of spirits will sign the moon tree to protect themselves when they are young.

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