Eastern Division, imperial city!

This is the information that Laura got about the royal family of elves. Although it is only a short sentence, it is enough. With the powerful means of the imperial family, as long as a simple point is given, it can be magnified infinitely.

Even one by one, it won't take much time to find out the identity of the royal family.

However, the news was sold by Laura.

In Laura's opinion, anyway, the news she gets will soon be known by the secret sentries placed in the royal family by the major families. It's better to sell it directly, or at least get some benefits.

As a result, the imperial family, as well as the major families, sent people to the eastern competition area, making the imperial city the center of the storm.

After all, only a few people know about these high-level games, and most of the melon eaters are still immersed in the battle net, watching the battle between the troublemaker duo and ice fire goddess.

The offensive and defensive battle between the four continued into the night, breaking the highest record in battle. Net.

But people with a little bit of eyes can see clearly, and the state of the four in the field is a little strange.

At the beginning, it was really a battle of life and death, and the shot was the winner, but at the end, the taste changed, and it became a point to stop.

Linlo was completely shocked.

To tell you the truth, his explanation can't go on any more.

Look at the four people in the arena. What's the fight about!? It's just like playing.

The rune gun in avrila's hand has been bursting, but it is no longer Gatling with blue fire, but the color of normal fire.

Her tone is still not recognized, "ah ha ha! King of shadow, you'd better come out for me. Don't be a turtle Why don't you two go on and take me again. I'll blow you to pieces

As for Fu Xinyi, she doesn't care about avrila at all. No matter how much avrila mocks, she just hides in the shadow and looks at avrila's performance in silence. Her eyes seem to care for a mentally retarded person.

Temo asked an assassin to come out and hard connect the explosive output of a long-range shooter. What is this not a mental retardation?

But Gianna and Aisha, these two people went too far, almost simultaneously gave up the long-range shooter profession, the incarnation warrior, played the hand to hand combat.

Gianna has two ice swords in her hands, and she's waving like a tiger, while Aisha has a green long gun in her hand, which makes Gianna's attack go down without losing the wind.

If you want to ask how she got the gun in her hand? Maybe someone will answer, just like that.

Even linlo didn't see clearly.

He guessed that it should be the moon tree, not only that, but also aishao's bow and arrow.

The battle of four people in the arena today is a performance competition.

From the beginning of the enemy into the later sympathizing, abruptly will be a World War II into a performance competition.

, Lin Luo can only make complaints about it in my heart: I Lin, someone.

A few of them even doubted whether it was a fake match.

However, the melon eaters in the live broadcast room just paid for it and kept cheering. Even Aisha gained a group of fans through this battle.

"Fire Dance goddess, come on, turn over the king of shadow!"

"Oh, Hello, this move of ice goddess is really cool."

"This move of the fairy goddess is not bad. She milked the king of shadow again. As expected, she was full of milk."

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