Luna seems to be aware of Lin Luo's idea, and runs directly to Serena's side, staring at Lin Luo warily.

Lin Luo

I thought about it for a moment, you hide a hammer.

What's more, you run to the goddess when you have nothing to do. What do you mean!?

Linlo's a little messy. He finds out he's been targeted.

However, Luna didn't care about this. She thought about it until midnight last night and found out how to use the scroll. It's absolutely impossible for her to hand it in now.

In order not to be a mascot any more, it's a small idea to sell a team leader. If necessary, she can even sell the whole dawn team.

So, where Serena goes, she goes, with only one purpose, that is, to avoid the team leader linlo.

Linlo is completely speechless.

He found that there seems to be no way to the mascot of the team, and he was restrained to death.

In the arena.

All teams are ready for the first big fight.

When dawning team entered the arena, they immediately felt the strong malice.

The other nine teams participating in the big fight, the assassins are like a group of ice wolves who have been hungry for half a month, staring at the dawn team fiercely.

To be exact, stare at linlo!

Some of these teams were ridiculed by Lin Luo in the preliminary competition square at the beginning. Some of them were caught and smashed by hailstones when hailstones got in the way. Some of them were implicated by Lin Luo outside the imperial city and fell flat

In a word, they always look at linlo and want to beat him up.

Now finally seize the opportunity, the first big fight has dawning team.

Especially when Lin Luo appeared, the nine teams formed a united front without hesitation.

The victory or defeat of this battle should be put aside for the time being, and the dawn team should be eliminated first.

Even, this game can be lost, but you have to beat linlo.

Their malice, Dawning team felt for the first time.

As soon as they entered the arena, they were surrounded by the other nine teams who participated in the big fight.

As long as the referee announces the beginning, these people will definitely show their unique skills one after another and use the sea of people tactics to blow out the dawn team.

And Linluo, when he saw that he was surrounded by a group of dishes, he was not happy on the spot, "Wow, what do you want, gang fight? I'm not aiming at anyone. I mean, everyone in the arena is rubbish. "

" don't force me to do it. If I do it, I will be afraid of myself. Be careful to wait for me and beat you Your mother doesn't know you. "

The whole arena, suddenly fell into silence, and then broke out a crazy noise.

"Wow, who is this? I'm so arrogant. I haven't been beaten before."

"This is the dawning team. The one who just spoke is Lin Luo, the leader of the abandoned firewood team. He's a cheap group."

"It's really cheap enough. It's the end of dute's life. I dare to be tough."

"A college team at the bottom of the last competition dare to be so arrogant. Who gave them the courage?"

"Kill the dawning team, kill the waste wood captain Lin Luo."

Serena and others have black lines on their faces.

Before the start of Temo's game, the hatred value is full, and the difficulty coefficient rises directly to the highest.

The captain of such a pit father in the stall is speechless.

With the exception of Luna, there was excitement on her face.

She just counted it. There are 45 people on the other side. On average, one can fight nine

But today, she has to fight ten, not one less.

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