It's not just the anger of the melon eating crowd.

Even Gu Hongxuan, who was hiding in the dark, was very upset.

The number of places in the Eastern Division of Imperial College competition is related to the strength ranking of all psionic colleges in the eastern region, especially the first place, which is the facade of the Eastern Division.

The fourth Prince of the Empire dared to trade the quota at will.

If it were for other people, Gu Hongxuan would have slapped him to death. How could he endure it until now.

However, Gu Hongxuan is not impulsive. He also wants to see how Lin Luo's attitude is. After all, this dawning team is his favorite team in this competition, but it is also the most obscure team.

For his own perception, Gu Hongxuan is very confident, he knows that this dawning team is not simple.

If the entire Eastern Division, which team can beat these from the emperor's son, it is absolutely dawn team.

On the other hand, Guinness also noticed the anger of the crowd around him, but he didn't pay attention. He continued to say to linlo, "linlo, what's your consideration? As long as you promise to give me the S-level puppet scroll, I will help you win the first place in the Eastern Division and give you the first place... "

The crowd around them became more angry.

But, indeed, as Guinness said, as long as he wins the first place in the Eastern Division and gives it to the dawn team, even if some people are not convinced, what can he do?

Gilness looked at the crowd and burst into laughter. That's what he wanted.

At that time, if he nods to the crowd, he will drown.

Even if the Eastern Division is the weakest in the largest division, the weight of the first place is heavy enough. A slightly weaker team simply can't bear it.

He has investigated the dawn team. When the S-level puppets are banned, only one vice captain Serena and one crazy warrior are the most powerful in the whole team.

This strength, into the third round is their limit, can only stop here, want to further, it is impossible.

Now that the first place is in front of us, Lin Luo will definitely be moved. At that time, Lin Luo's dawn team will definitely be crushed to pieces by the title of the first place in the Eastern Division, and will never turn over.

And the S-class puppet scroll in linlo's hand is his gilness's.

Gilness saw a dull look on linlo's face and was sure to win.

It was a complete stupor.

He looked at gilness strangely, and finally said, "I say, are you a fool? Can such things be said in public? "

"Even if you want to trade with me, you also need to come to me secretly, so how can you get things done without knowing it? At that time, you'll get your S-level puppet scroll, and I'll get my money, beauty, status, and the first place in this eastern competition area..."

"Now, I wanted to trade with you, but when you did this, we all know how you want me to trade with you."

"ah! Well, thanks to you, you fool, all my money and beauties are gone... "

His voice has just dropped.

The whole scene quieted down in an instant.

Everyone was staring at linlo with their mouths wide open.

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