Around the melon eating masses have speculated.

Linlo, it's a deal. Gilness doesn't dare do anything.

But think about it.

Lin Luo has an S-level puppet scroll in his hand. Even if a hundred gilnis come, if they dare to fight, they will only be killed in seconds.

Unless it's another S-class psionic warrior.

However, Gu Hongxuan is the only one of the three S-level psionic warriors in the imperial city.

Will Gu Hongxuan do it?

Don't be kidding. He wants to slap these kids to death.

Gu Hongxuan at the moment.

He is hiding in the side of the play, a group of happy mood.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of these kids, the whole eastern competition area wouldn't be like this.

This is linlo. Nice job.

But you scold this bastard fourth Prince just, you specially scold the entire imperial family, is this really good?

Gu Hongxuan suddenly had a headache.

If the imperial family were serious, even he would not be able to keep this Linluo.

But linlo was calm.


The other party all called to rob his puppet scroll, and he was afraid of farting.

It's a big deal. Linlo just lifted the chessboard.

Nobody's going to play then.

Anyway, if he was barefoot, would he be afraid of a group of people in shoes.

Don't be funny!

And at this time, gilness, who was originally gloomy, suddenly laughed, "lynlo, you're fine, but do you really think I dare not do it to you?"

"Don't forget that it's the Imperial College competition now. Every Imperial College competition will have several casualties. It's just too normal. I hope you and your dawning team will be more careful in tomorrow's competition..."

Gilness said and turned straight away.

Today's face of the fourth Prince of the empire is lost. If he continues to stay here, it will only add laughter. He vowed that in tomorrow's competition, he must let Linluo pay the price.

For gilness's threat, Lin Luo directly took in the past, "I bah, fool, counsellor..."


Absolute silence.

All the melon eaters on the scene are staring at Lin Luo with an incredible face at the moment.

It's really cheap.

Is he really not afraid of death?

Gilness is going to leave. Why do you scold others.


If you call someone a fool, what does this counsellor mean!?

Just want to talk!

Oh, shit!

It's like killing your life.

Sure enough, gilness's face turned blue and his eyes turned red, just like a bloodthirsty beast, "linlo, are you looking for death?"

"If you're a threat, can you change it? It's almost like that. I'm very tired of what you say."

Lin Luo rolled his eyes, "if not, I can teach you a few words when I'm free. I don't wronged you. You're a fool. I've already said that before. People who understand you understand it, so I won't explain it to you blindly."

"Do you know why I call you counsellor?"

"You don't want me to do that, don't you? Wow, I'm still learning to be a villain. Let's go home and have a baby... "

The crowd around the fried melon thoroughly.

Want to laugh and dare not laugh.

Today's melon is worth eating.

It turns out that swearing is so learned.

In particular, those who understand that sentence understand it, it is amazing.

Learned, learned

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