"Water system ability!"

"Gilness, the fourth Prince of the Empire, was forced to use his water power."

"The last time gilness used the water system ability, it should have been the last imperial college competition when he was eight into four."

"Yes, at that time, because the opponent was the white family of the four families, gilness had to use his powers for the sake of prudence."

"Is this new member of Dawning team so strong?"

It's no secret that gilness has the water system ability, but he won't use it until he has to.

But now he was forced to use the water system ability. Is this new man really so strong?

Not only the gourd eaters were puzzled, but also the geniuses from the imperial capital behind gilness were puzzled.

But the truth is worse than they think.

Among all the people present, gilness may be the only one who can feel how strong the opponent's intention to kill is

It was a frightful and cold breath, which locked him tightly and made him feel cold like falling into an ice cellar.

Even though gilness blocked Bell's Rune sword with his water power, the killing intention still existed, just like the maggot of tarsal bone.

So gilness had to break out again.

With the spirit power injected into the front water wall, the water wall suddenly turned into a cylinder and began to rotate, forming a 360 degree five dead angle defense.

This scene made the surrounding crowd shocked again.

"Transformation of form, this is the transformation of form of natural powers!"

"The fourth Prince has developed his powers to the second stage, the stage of transformation."

"So strong."

"Wow, this battle, I can't understand more and more. The newcomer of Dawning team has forced gilness to this point. Am I dreaming?"

"I'm definitely not right. This man is too strong."

The natural powers are awakened by elements such as earth, fire, water, wind and thunder, which are essentially different from the strengthening powers and the mental powers.

Therefore, the direction of development is also different.

The development of natural system powers can be divided into two stages: element condensation and form transformation. Element condensation is to call elements such as earth fire, water, wind and thunder to help fight. It belongs to the most basic stage. Even Serena is just in this stage.

As for the second stage, you can transform your mental form according to your mind.

It's too difficult to transition from the first stage to the second stage, and the power user who has mastered the form transformation is several times more powerful than the power user who has not mastered the form transformation.

This gap even goes beyond the boundary between B-level and A-level combat techniques, and can not be made up at all.

That's why people here are so surprised to see that gilness has mastered the form transformation of the power. However, what they are even more surprised is that this new member of Dawning team can push gilness to this point.

How on earth did he do it? It's terrible.

At the moment, Jill's defense of 360 degrees of coldness has been relieved.

However, the next moment, a bright light of the sword suddenly tore a hole in the water gun, and Bell's Rune sword directly pierced into it, and immediately came to gilness, and his figure followed closely, and entered the water wall.

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