Gilness had some gloomy face, in the moment of seeing Nicole exude fierce murderous, suddenly become happy.

This woman, she finally serious, so, even if Lin Luo's spirit sea again huge, also can't avoid this monster woman's killing skill.

After all, it's a killing skill that even the princess of the empire can't help admiring

And bell, when he felt Nicole's sharp breath, his smile suddenly became bright, and he muttered to himself, "this is "Murderous!"

"I really didn't expect that someone in this third dimension country could condense this kind of murderous spirit. It's a little interesting..."

However, this is just the beginning. Suddenly, some strange lines appear on Nicole's face, just like the texture of runes, which gives people a feeling of extraordinary mystery.

With the appearance of these lines, Nicole's murderous spirit is more and more fierce, and the temperature in the arena is becoming lower and lower, which is full of a creepy feeling everywhere.

And linlo, when he saw the lines on Nicole's face, his mind was shocked.

This pattern!?

is as like as two peas in the world of fire, and we need to know that the curse is a kind of fairies in the world of fire, though it is only the lowest one, but it can also increase its power and speed by several times.

However, what puzzles Lin Luo is that he once used the immortal body to explore, and there is no natural energy in this dimension, that is to say, it is impossible to enter the immortal mode in this dimension.

So why does Nicole have a charm?

Gilness and Gu Hongxuan, they also saw the curse print on Nicole's face, and they were even more shocked, with an incredible face.

As the fourth princes and S-class strong men of the Empire, they knew more information than linlo. In the process of opening up the holy land of the fourth dimension, the olsis family once got a very old and mysterious stone slab with this kind of pattern carved on it.

It is said that this pattern is inherited from a very old tribe in the fourth dimension, and has some incredible power.

Now seeing this scene, both gilness and Gu Hongxuan are wondering whether the olsis family really gained those forces from the stone slab?

If this is the case, the high-level power of the Empire will face a great reshuffle, which may even affect the final entry into the fourth dimension.

At this moment, Nicole finally finished the incantation. Her face and neck are covered with mysterious lines, adding a mysterious beauty: "little brother Linluo, you should be careful. This power is my first time to use, and I can't completely control it. If I hurt you accidentally, don't blame my sister..."

To tell you the truth, Nicole didn't want to use this power, because the Reilly family leader said that if the olsis family wants to become the head of the four families, it must rely on this power, and it can only be exposed when the opportunity comes.

However, she was a little too excited when she saw the outbreak of chakra in Linluo just now. She accidentally released the power of the mantra seal

But now that the seal has been exposed, it doesn't matter. Maybe Linluo is the chance that the Raleigh family said.

At least that's what Nini thinks

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