"Great Lin Luo gives Serena a thumbs up and praises her without stinging. He didn't expect Serena to have such courage to stab the fourth Prince of the empire into a beehive

Serena's face was a little red. "Really?"

"Keke, of course it's true. It's more true than Pearl..."

"Wow, I said you two can not say, what is true and false, what pearl false pearl, I especially listen to all numb."

Halle Berry couldn't see it any more. She glared at linlo, a little dissatisfied at the bottom of her heart.

Among all the members of the dawn team, she has spent the longest time with Serena. She knows that Serena is actually shy, but she dares to make such a bold expression in such a public place this time

Lin Luo is such a waste firewood. Did he save the world in his last life to get such a good cabbage?

It must be!!

The next moment, Halle Berry suddenly showed her murderous face and threatened to Linluo: "Linluo, if you dare to do anything to apologize to captain Serena, I will never let you go. Even if you go to the end of the world, I will find you, break your third leg, and then tear you up to feed the dog..."

Break the third leg and tear it up to feed the dog!?

Damn, do you want to be so cruel

Lin Luo was completely shocked, and suddenly felt a chill rising from between his legs, and his forehead exuded a cold sweat, "don't worry, I promise, absolutely not!"

"Really not!"

"Really! Absolutely not... "

"That's good, or else, hum hum!"

Dawn team is easy to fight, but genius team is just the opposite, especially Nicole. She looks at linlo and Serena, and looks unhappy!


When did these two people hook up with each other? If Miss kadanya doesn't act quickly, the food will be cold.

The next moment, she said directly to the others: "you are absolutely the next side of this duel, is it necessary to play?"

Everyone else understood what Nicole meant.

They came to the Eastern Division for the purpose of trying to find out the identity of the elves royal family, but there was an accident in the middle.

Gilness fell in love with other people's s S-class puppets, so he took advantage of the grudge between Lin Luo and the Lin family and asked Lin Yuan to go to Lin Luo for trouble. Then the two groups started fighting.

To tell you the truth, they are just fish in the pond.

Now the identity of the Elven royal family has been confirmed, and gilness has also been beaten as a dead dog. There is no need to fight this game.

Suddenly, Roddy said, "do you want to admit defeat?"

The next moment, everyone was silent.

They are all temporarily separated from the major families. They are not a real team at all. However, each of them is the leader of the younger generation of the major families. They have their own strong self-esteem. Now they have stepped on the arena of Imperial College competition. If they just admit defeat, they will not be reconciled

"Anyway, there are only two games left. Just finish it. It won't take much time anyway." At this time of

, Bai Yin suddenly stood up. "And the next double battle is mine. I has the final say to fight."

At the end of the speech, his figure had already stepped out of the arena. At the same time, another figure followed him, followed Bai Yutang and walked towards the center of the arena.

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