"You don't know what the list of assassins is!" Rice said in an exaggerated voice

Lynn shook her head.

"Every Imperial College competition, in order to increase the fun, in addition to the regular competition of 32 teams from the four major divisions, there are some other competitions, among which the list battle is one."

It's Gu Hongxuan who said, "according to the four major professions, they are divided into warrior list, reload list, long-range shooter list and assassin list. Only three people can be selected in each list. If they can enter these four lists, it means that they have become the top three of the imperial psychic College's hundreds of millions of students. It's absolutely a great honor..."

At this time, Leslie began to cut in, "brother linlo, the salted fish in your team, ah no, it's the assassin. She can definitely get into the list of assassins. It's OK."

"If you don't think it's OK, you can lend it to the emperor's team, and give it back to you after the battle of the list of assassins..."

Lin Luo ignored Leslie, but said to Gu Hongxuan, "has anyone entered the top four in our Eastern Division?"

This is a very heavy topic!!

Gu Hongxuan was a little embarrassed. "In all previous Imperial College competitions, these four lists were firmly dominated by the other three competition areas. This is also the reason why the eastern competition area is called the weakest competition area."

"But this session of Imperial College competition is different. With your dawning team, I dare not say that the descendants of the Fu family of assassins can definitely enter the list of assassins. Of course, if someone can enter other lists, it would be better."

One of the reasons for the team's coming to the top is Lin Shuguang.

This is not only related to the reputation of the Eastern Division, but also related to the Empire's inclination to the resources of the whole Eastern Division in the next three years.

Therefore, Gu Hongxuan would attach so much importance to it.

"Yes, I think so, too."

At this time, Leslie quickly interjected, "this is also the reason why I came to ask my brother to borrow the salted fish. With the salted fish, our imperial team will have the strength to enter the four lists..."

Linlo rolled his eyes and didn't bother to talk to him.

What do you think!?

And then you come to dig the wall!?

What kind of logic is that.

But the next moment, Linluo's heart began to live up.

Four lists. It's kind of interesting.

This is a chance to start the dawning team.

It would be more interesting if the dawn team swept all the lists.

Of course, it's impossible to take all the places on the list, but just take the first place on each list. It's exciting to think about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo immediately laughed and patted his chest directly to guarantee, "don't worry, elder Gu. We Shuguang team have all the four lists of this year. We'll cut the bottom of the table and directly blow up the other three competition areas. What's the matter?"

"That's right. Blow them up!"

Leslie also followed the clamor, but then, he immediately realized what was wrong, "brother, what did you say just now, exploded the other three competition areas!? Are you serious? "

Even Gu Hongxuan was staring at Lin Luo in horror.

The other three big districts!?

It's so inflated, it's almost floating up in the sky.


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