Two Bai Yutang and two Fu Xinyi make the fierce battle even more intense.

The collision between daggers is almost uninterrupted, but it's only a few seconds. They have collided hundreds of times.

Bang Bang

Rub, rub, rub

Bai Yutang's separation is an entity separated from the soul. It can break out its own spiritual power and use its own combat skills. Fu Xinyi's separation is only created by the hidden combat skills of the assassin class and can't bear too much damage.

So every time after a few collisions, Fu Xinyi's separation will disappear, and the situation formed in an instant is two against one.

But Fu Xinyi has always been addicted to the battle net. She has a lot of fighting experience.

When she disappears, her figure will also take advantage of the situation to enter a hidden state. When she appears again, she will create a new separation, which makes the battle in the arena temporarily approach a state of balance.

However, anyone with a little bit of an eye can see it.

Fu Xinyi is under pressure.

After all, she frequently switches between hidden states, which consumes too much spiritual power. Once her spiritual power is used up, the game will lose suspense.

Fu Xinyi will definitely be killed in an instant!!

The whole arena is quiet, except for the sound of dagger collision, there is no other sound.

All the people were in shock.

Many of them have seen the battle of the shadow king on battle. Net, and they are almost sure to kill with one hit. If they don't hit with one hit, the shadow king will quickly enter a state of concealment, waiting for the next shot.

This is a misunderstanding.

Assassins should hide in the dark and look for opportunities to kill their opponents.

However, it is true that assassins are not suitable for frontal attack.

However, the battle between Fu Xinyi and Bai Yutang is different. They are fighting head-on, fighting for speed and beating heart.

Therefore, many people can't turn around when they see this scene.

When can the fight between assassins be so fierce?

"Do you think the salted fish of Dawning team is the legendary king of shadow?" At this time, I don't know who said it.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it. This makes everyone take a breath of air conditioning.

They all know that Luna is one of the lovely fairy girls in the troublemaker group. The king of shadow must be hidden in the twilight team.

It's just that everyone didn't think about Fu Xinyi.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want to.

It's really salted fish.

How can there be such a shadow?

But now, they see Fu Xinyi's use of the assassin's professional combat skills, which is perfect.

The number of people who can achieve this level in battle. Net is already small. Combined with the speculation that the king of shadow is hiding in the dawn team

In the minds of all the audience on the stage, a very amazing idea suddenly came into being.

Fu Xinyi, she is equal to salted fish, but also equal to the king of shadow.

I figured that out.

Many people immediately feel bad.

"Wow, the king of shadow is a salted fish!"

"Heaven, earth, what's wrong with the world? My idol, the future king of assassins, has she become a salted fish? "

"Damn, you guys are also. The king of shadow is a salted fish. What's the matter? Can't salted fish have no dreams? What if it happens? "

"Yes, and the dream of salted fish of the king of shadows is just a step away from the legendary king of assassins..."

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