Battle. Net official headquarters building.

Katanya asked Laura to gather all the people of the imperial power, but she brought Linluo here.

It can be said that this is the safest place for the whole imperial capital. As long as Lin Luo stays in this building all the time, let alone Lin Wudao, even if the Lin family really mobilizes s S-class strong men, they dare not do anything to Lin Luo?

Lin Luo looked at the building in front of him, and suddenly an idea came out of his heart.

This is the rich man.

To tell you the truth, if this is at other times, Lin Luo must praise it well, but he is not in the mood at the moment.

In other people's minds, linlo will be safe here, but he knows in his heart that it's not safe at all.

Because every extra minute he stays here, the risk of being hacked to death by Serena and other members of the dawn team increases.

At the moment, Lin Luo's heart, only one idea, that is to quickly complete the task of the curse seal mystery, and then exchange for flying thunder and shadow, directly into the Lin family headquarters, forcing Lin Wudao to summon the spirit of wind element.

Brush task, brush copy, brush reward value, this is his first task.

As for the rest, go to hell.

Therefore, as soon as Linluo entered the official building of the battle. Net headquarters, he immediately asked katanya to take him to the rune research room where there was a mantra seal slate.

Kadanya smiles and agrees immediately.

She had heard Nicole say for a long time that the reason why Linluo entered the imperial capital ahead of time was to curse the stone slab.

Moreover, this stone tablet is also related to what she is going to announce next. Take Linluo to see it in advance. There is no problem.

But just as katanya was about to leave.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared, darting out of the darkness, kneeling on the ground with one knee, "Miss, Princess Laura and other forces of the emperor have arrived, and the master asked you to receive them."

Kadanya's brows wrinkled, and there was a trace of doubt in her heart.

It's not wrong for her to ask Laura to inform other forces of the imperial capital to come, but it's too fast?

And what's the matter with the owner?

I don't understand.

However, this matter was ordered by her, and it should be received by her.

As a last resort, katanya can only command Nicole, "commander Nicole, you take Linluo to the rune research room where there is a mantra seal slate. I'll be there later."

"Yes, miss, you can go with ease. I'll take care of the rest."

Nicole replied very simply, but her heart was murmuring, "what the hell is the Raleigh family doing?"!? Why did you suddenly turn away the first lady? "

In fact, the first time Nicole entered the building, she had already reported what happened during this period to the Raleigh family.

Raleigh's reply to her was, "keep watching linlo, and he'll take care of the rest."

Yes, surveillance!!

What is the reception of Princess Laura and other forces in the imperial capital?

It's all bullshit.

This is obviously trying to get miss kadanya to go away.


There was a little worry in Nicole's heart.

The Raleigh family won't directly take people to chop Linluo to death, will they!?

The more Nicole thinks about it, the more likely it is.

The cabbage, which has been raised by our family for more than ten years, is suddenly arched by a pig. Who would be it

At the bottom of the Reilly's heart, no matter how powerful the pig is, even the super-s class strong of the Empire, they still have the idea of cutting the pig to death.

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