See linlo covered with runes.

Nicole is just like a hairy cat. The spell pattern opens instantly. Her figure comes to Linluo for the first time and reaches out to Linluo

However, the next moment, her hand was stiff in the air, and she exclaimed, "how can it be!"

"You're OK!? How can you be OK!? Why are you ok? "

Nicole was shocked, and her eyes were staring at Lin Luo. "It's impossible, absolutely impossible. It's a mantra seal rune. It contains great power and is extremely evil. Once it's infected, it will be swallowed by the rune for the first time and become a demon who only knows how to kill..."

"Why are you contaminated with the mantra seal and nothing at all?"

Nicole seems to see a ghost in general, around the Lin Luo carefully looked at several circles, while a lot of, mouth also muttered, "why!? How is that possible? "

"It's just a broken slate. Is it as terrible as you say?"

Linlo was a little speechless. "And you're also infected with the mantra. Isn't it nothing?"

"That's different!"

Nicole explained: "I have been trained as a dark guard since I was a child. I have a very strong will, and my hands are stained with many lives. The evil spirit is already heavy. Only in this way can I bear the swallowing of the mantra seal."

"Do you know that in order to study this stone slab, the olsis family has spent several years, testing nearly 100 people in total, and finally only three people can withstand the erosion of the mantra seal..."

Lin Luo was a little surprised. "You mean, besides you, there are only two people who have the power of mantra seal!"

"Not bad!"

Nicole continued: "it took a long time for us to adapt and finally turn our body into a container for the seal and be able to use the power of the seal."

With that, she looked at Lin Luo again, with a strange look on her face. "Why can you bear the power of the charm for the first time?"

Linlo curled his lips.

Why else?

Of course, it's because of the immortal body.

The mantra seal rune is just a form of the immortal mode, and it is the lowest form. If Lin Luo can't even control this power, he'd better buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

But linlo won't say why, "how do I know? Maybe it's because I'm more congenial to this mantra seal... "

He put the stone down and began to feel the power of the seal in his body.

It's really the natural energy of alchemy.

But it's too complicated.

It can't be compared with pure natural energy for the growth of physique and Ninjutsu.

This kind of power, Nicole will be regarded as a treasure, and for linlo, there is no difference with garbage

However, this is any part of the system. Even if it's rubbish, linlo has to study it.

"What's that look like?"

Nicole saw that Lin Luo looked disgusted. She didn't know what he was thinking, so she burst out, "do you look down on this power in your heart?"

You know, in order to study this stone slab, the ORSIS family spent several years, spent countless money and energy, and even lost nearly 100 lives

Among them are some of Nicole's friends.

Although they are all voluntary, but now they put on the curse of their lives, they are despised by Lin Luo. It seems that in his eyes, this power is just like rubbish, and has no value.

Can't bear it!!

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