In fact, it wasn't just linlo who smelled the blood, but everyone else.

Avrila sniffed and pointed decisively in one direction. "The smell of blood comes from this direction."

Immediately after her figure, she rushed out with a lunge.

And linlo, too, followed.

Let this two goods a person to run about, he still really a little uneasy.

However, people from other forces frowned.

The purpose of their business is to explore this secret place and find out about the power of mantra seal.

Frankly speaking, it's just a vanguard. Moreover, they don't even know whether this secret place is dangerous or not.

Therefore, many things can be avoided as far as possible.

Now see Linluo and avrila two people act alone, the bottom of my heart more or less a little uncomfortable.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!"

It is Pei Bo old son to be reasonable, smile to smile, "perhaps have what other discovery also probably."

With that, the old man followed Lin Luo.

Other people have no way, can only protect around the old man, toward the direction of Lin Luo quickly.

Avrila had a good sense of smell and soon came to a flat land.

There, a scuffle is breaking out.

Avrila see this scene, directly Leng in the original place, it is her eyes to see this scene, too shocked.

More than a dozen savages wrapped in animal skins and with black feathers on their heads are now besieging two women wrapped in animal skins with bows, arrows and long hair.

The spirit power of fury is diffused in this flat land.

On the ground, several people have fallen, bloodstained and in a mess.

The battles avrila has experienced in the past are all in the battle net or in the game. At most, they are just injured and bleeding. When did she see such primitive and savage fighting?

It's easy to break your arm and leg, and you'll be killed!!

At this moment, the situation is totally one-sided.

Although the savages with bows, arrows and spears had an absolute advantage in number, they were obviously unable to defeat the two women in the middle, who were wrapped in animal skins, and they were being beaten all the time.

During the dull period of avrila, several savages fell down, and one of them was torn in two by brute force.

In a flash, blood splashed everywhere, and the smell of blood in the air became more intense.

Avrila just threw up.

And Lin Luo also came at this time, just saw this scene, directly stunned.

The reason why he was stunned was different from that of avrila.

It's not because of the fallen bodies on the ground, it's not because of the blood splashing in the air.

It's because of the two women.


This is clearly the legendary Amazon goddess of war in the world!!

White skin, beautiful, long legs!!

It's just that the equipment is a little poor. Besides the tight skin, there is nothing on the body.

If it is matched with the lasso of truth, the silver bracelet of guardian, the flying crown of stars and the sword of God eater, wear armor and shield.

You're the right woman.

And it's two.

Oh, shit, this is too strong.

On the open space, two wonder women have solved the battle.

When they were ruthless and ruthless, they killed all the people who besieged them.

Lin Luo looked at the scene and swallowed his saliva.

He drags avrila and wants to withdraw. Shenqi nvxia is good, but it's better to make less trouble. It's too cruel to make trouble!!

At this time, one of them, the wonder woman, seemed to hear the movement of Lin Luo, and said, "who, who's there?"

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