"500000 reward value!"

Lin Luo exclaimed and took a breath of air.

If it's worth half a million, it's just worth living

A million!?

Or, two million!?

My darling!!

If more, the reward value of the Nine Tailed animals will be there.

However, Lin Luo just dared to think about it in his heart.

He knew very well that even if the body died, it could not be provoked.

With his current strength, if he really dares to pass, the dark natural energy on the corpse will directly devour him.

If the body is still alive, it's estimated that if you blow, you'll blow linlo to pieces.

Lin Luo has made a decision in his heart that he will never provoke this corpse before he fully awakens the six powers.

However, there is still one thing he has not figured out

What's the matter with this immortal body!?

After careful exploration, Lin Luo found that there were some ancient and mysterious lines on the forehead of the corpse, which were very similar to the lines when he opened the immortal mode.

At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly remembered that when he was catching the spirit of wind catching elements just now, that guy was shouting wildly, saying what immortal mark was on his forehead?

Originally, this is the so-called immortal mark!!

I do not know why, Lin Luo heart suddenly emerged a trace of suspicion.

What's the difference between his immortal body and this immortal body!?

The gap is so big.

Just the natural energy leaked from the immortal's body is too strong for Linluo to absorb

At the next moment, Lin Luo had a guess that his immortal body was formed by intercostal cells, and the purity of his immortal body was certainly not as high as that of the Ninja God qianshouzhujian.

As the reincarnation of Asura, the second son of the six immortals, there must be a huge gap between the purity of his immortal body and that of the six immortals.

The difference between Lin Luo's immortal body and the immortal body is the same as that between Lin Luo and the six immortals. It's just the difference between heaven and earth!!

It's like the power of human blood will become weak if it is passed down from generation to generation.

Lin Luo's immortal human body is probably the most elementary immortal human body. It can only absorb natural energy, but the most advanced immortal body must have other abilities

Thinking about this, Lin Luo didn't have any hesitation. The four phase seal suddenly started to seal the foreign channel, only allowing a small part of the natural energy to leak out.

Although he really wants to integrate this immortal body, he must have strength later. If he merges rashly, he may be swallowed by this immortal body

As for the outcome of the war god's way out of the cave, the exotic creatures will no longer be able to escape

Linlo, everything last night, just ready to return.

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out, "I didn't expect that you could not only resist this energy, but also absorb it..."

The owner of the voice was the eldest princess, Laura. She said slowly, "not only that, but you have sealed the foreign channel again..."

Laura stares at Lin Luo with great interest. She doesn't expect that he has such a constitution that he can absorb this energy for his own use, and even master a strong seal technique.

Moreover, Lin Luo is chasing Lin Wudao. Seeing Lin Luo is OK now, the end of Lin Wudao can be imagined.

In Laura's heart, Linluo's mystery and danger have reached a new level.

With such a strong constitution, it is possible to shake the foundation of the whole empire if a whole ares tribe is added.

At this moment, a thought even rose in Laura's mind, whether or not to leave Linluo here foreve

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