Lin Wudao is carrying on the dark inheritance of the Lin family.

With the help of nature, he did not rely on his own system.

His practice project is still to rub balls.

Now that the spiral pill is available, the rest is to add the chakra property change of wind property to the spiral pill to complete the super pill in history.

Feng dun. Spiral pill sword in hand!!

If you add the power of magic into it, the destructive power will explode

Without the help of the system, Lin Luo found a problem. It's really not easy to practice on his own.

He is very good at making spiral pills, and chakra's attributes have changed. However, when the two are combined, the problem arises

Oh, shit!

Special incompatibility!!

It took Lin Luo three days to practice, and then he got a little bit of the knack and integrated the two.

Moreover, this is only the initial completion, the destructive power has already burst, almost catching up with the blue flame spiral pill that avrila threw out at the beginning.

Lin Luo is very satisfied. Once he finishes the S-level Ninjutsu of fengdun and heliwan's sword, and then adds the power of fairy art to it, it will be a little invincible

As for avrila, she was very upset to see that Linluo's practice had achieved results.

Her balls are bigger and bigger.


Of course, when the fire power is injected into the ball, the whole ball will become very unstable. If you don't pay attention, it will explode directly.

However, it seems that Willa has finished this pill twice, and she is still happy

Seeing that both Linluo and avrila are practicing rubbing balls, soon Nicole, gado and gaman also joined in, making the team of rubbing balls grow rapidly.

Linluo, avrila and Nicole are the last three to stay in the secret place. The others are all driven away by Linluo.

This is his territory. If other people want to stay here, don't even think about it.

As for Jiaduo and gaman, it was Jia Baili who arranged for them to follow Lin Luo and protect Lin Luo

With the protection of two wonder women, Lin Luo is very happy.

Soon, however, he was not happy.

Because he finally understood, what is the real personal protection


Jiaduo and gaman will follow where Linluo goes. They will even go to bed and go to the toilet, and they can't go away

It makes linlo's head big!!

However, since they began to rub balls, it seems that they have found new fun. Both of them have terrible talents. Once they rub balls, they will have a variety of tricks.

Lin Luo is sure that even the whirlpool Naruto, the protagonist in the world of fire shadow, is ashamed to see it

Now, the sword in Feng Dun's spiral pill's hand has been completed. Lin Luo has calculated the time and it's time to go out.

He looked at the flame ball that was about to explode in avrila's hand and almost laughed.

"Wow, you're so funny!"

Seeing Lin Luo's cheap smile, avrila exploded in an instant. "Believe it or not, I'll put this pill directly on your face..."

"Come on, we should get out, too."

Linlos ignored avrila's threat, "now the main competition of each division of Imperial College competition should be almost finished, and it's not long before the final, so we have to go out and prepare first..."

Speaking of the Imperial College competition, avrila's face suddenly turned black. She suddenly remembered that she had directly thrown down the fire team and secretly ran out of the waves.

If the flame team is eliminated, avrila's face will be lost, and she may even be ridiculed for a lifetime by her rival, frost girl.

"Damn, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and run away..." With that, avrila ran away in a hurry.

Linluo shakes his head, greets Nicole who is rubbing the balls, and follows avrila

As for gado and gaman, even if Linluo doesn't say, they will follow up!!

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