"Cut!! Of course, I want to be the young master of the Lin family, but I will take it back with my own strength... "

Lin Luo sneered, "elder two, I'll give you a chance at last. As long as you kneel down and shout three times," little Lord, I'm wrong ", I'll give you the power of the seal. How about that?"

Leili is also adding oil and vinegar on one side, completely not afraid of big things, "two elder, this is a good opportunity, after this village, there will be no such shop."

"It's a joke that you want to take back the position of young master of the Lin family with your own strength!"

The second elder Lin Ziqian didn't pay attention to the old rascal Raleigh, but said to Lin Luo: "without the support of our Presbyterian group, you never want to ascend the position of little Lord?"

What bullshit Presbyterian group!?

Lin Luo scoffs. It's just like the Lin family, an ancient family inherited from the dark age of the Empire, who keeps the Presbyterian group

"If you have that strength, you will soon know..."

Lin Luo laughs, "as for the power of mantra seal, warlord tribe and secret place, I can tell you very clearly, don't even think about it, Lin family don't want to touch these things..."

"Now you can go away."

"By the way, let the people who told the Presbyterian group clean their necks and wait for the knife for me..."

Lin Ziqian's face was gloomy. "Lin Luo, you are so rebellious that you dare to threaten the people of the Presbyterian group. From now on, you are no longer a member of the Lin family."

He sneered, "unless you hide here forever, otherwise, you will die..."

"People of the Lin family, from the day you helped Lin Wudao and tried to take my little master's place, I was not a member of the Lin family..."

Linlo didn't want to talk any more. "Lord Raleigh, please drive this fly away."

Leili was not happy for a long time. He glared at Lin Ziqian and said, "old man, are you going by yourself, or should I drive you away..."

"I'm the most powerful elder of the Lin family. If I don't want to leave, what can you do?"

However, as soon as Lin Ziqian's words were finished, his whole body reeled. At the same time, half of his face swelled rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"You How dare you hit me! "

Lin Ziqian covered his cheek and looked at Lin Luo in horror. "You are a traitor of the Lin family. How dare you beat me?"

"Old man, I've put up with you for a long time."

Lin Luo is really a little angry, he has never seen such a shameless person, "Wow, I not only want to beat you, I want to chop you to death..."

Then he suddenly said to Raleigh, "Raleigh, where's my knife?"


What knife!?

Raleigh was a little confused, then suddenly woke up, "by the way, your knife!? Wait, I'll have your knife brought Somebody, get me Lin Luo's knife... "

Lin Ziqian was so frightened that he didn't dare to stay here. He ran out of the reception hall in a hurry, running and even shouting, "Lin Luo, you wait for me, you're dead!"

Leili watched Lin Ziqian slip away, then he turned back to Lin Luo and said, "Lin Luo, you won't come really, will you?"

"What's the real thing?"

"You don't really stay here all your life, do you?"

"How could that be?"

Lin Luo was surprised. "I have Imperial College competition to play. How can I stay here all my life?"

"Then you dare to beat Lin Ziqian, especially. I just said that I would chop this bastard to death. That's a joke."

Leili was also surprised, with an exaggerated face. "If you beat Lin Ziqian now, the Lin family will definitely die. Once you get out of this building, you will definitely be killed in the street..."

"I'm sure, I'm sure, and I'm sure, you're dead!"

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