Raleigh just wanted to meet the two elders of Bai family and Luo family.

However, at this time, the shadow of dark Wei flashed here, knelt down beside Raleigh and said, "master, someone is coming again!"

Someone's coming again!?

What's more, who's here!?

Riley's going crazy.

What's the matter with you today? How can you get together with all these big people who are always at the head but never at the end!?

Raleigh wanted to curse, but he was still restrained, "this time, who is it?"

"His Highness the fourth prince, and..."

Dark Wei Dun, this just said: "and the people of imperial inquisition!"

People from the imperial tribunal!?

Raleigh's face immediately fused when he heard dark Wei's words.

Actually, it's not Raleigh.

Even the four members of the Bai family and the Luo family were horrified when they heard that the imperial tribunal was coming!!

The imperial court, which was set up by the emperor at the beginning of the Empire, was designed to limit the power of the royal family and the military headquarters and avoid the two being too powerful.

As long as the evidence is enough, it can even try the royal members of the Empire, even some big men in the army

It can be said that the courthouse, the royal family and the military headquarters are mutually restraining.

However, with the end of the dark age of the Empire, the influence of the royal family and the military headquarters was gradually weakened, but the trial was gradually recognized by many civilians, and its influence even surpassed that of the royal family and the military headquarters.

Today's courthouse is the only one.

This is also the reason why the fourth Prince gilness did not dare to attack when he was in the imperial city. He was a member of the royal family. If he was caught by the court, he would not be able to turn over.

Now, gilness has brought the people from the trial center to the official building of battle. Net. It's obviously bad intentions

Among the people present, Bai Yutang and Roddy can be regarded as understanding people. They can't be clearer about the grudge between linlo and gilness.

The reason gilness came here must be for linlo.

"Linlo, why don't you find a place to hide first!"

Bai Yutang exhorted Lin Luo, "gilness dare to bring the people from the imperial tribunal here. He must have made full preparations."

"Yes, Lin Luo, Bai Yutang is right!"

Roddy also said in a voice, "today's imperial courthouse, even the royal family and the military do not dare to provoke at will. If you fall into the hands of the courthouse, there will be no good fruit to eat..."

"Yes, linlo, you'd better find a place to hide first."

"As the saying goes, as long as you don't get caught by the imperial judgment, there will be no problem."

The two elders of Bai Yutang and Roddy also spoke out to persuade them that the reason why they spoke at this time was to ease the relationship with Lin Luo.

Raleigh has even begun to order the secret guards of the olsis family to take Linluo on the run

"Run!? Why am I running? "

However, all the people present were worried about linlo. However, he didn't panic at all. He even wanted to see what kind of tricks gilness would play!?

Even there was a little excitement in linlo's heart.

But he has been looking for an opportunity to pull the hatred value of the imperial family, but he didn't expect this opportunity to come so soon

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