Suddenly, fengdun chakra turned into a violent whirlwind, locking all the space around Yuantu. His fierce cutting ability even tore the void to pieces.

The spiritual armor on the surface of Yuantu's body was even more fragile, which exposed his whole body to fengdun chakra.

He wanted to escape. The power of the S-level psionic warrior suddenly burst out in his body. He tried his best to tear out a crack in fengdun chakra, and then the whole person got in.

However, it is still a little slow.

One of his arms, together with half of his shoulder, was still smashed by the terrible destructive power of fengdun chakra.

If you slow down one more step, I think the whole person will be stirred to pieces!!

"Damn, what kind of combat skill is it? Its power is so terrible!"

Yuan Tu covered a broken arm and his mind was trembling. "This combat skill has definitely exceeded the limit of ordinary S-level combat skill! Close to super s level A younger generation has mastered such a terrible skill of killing force.... "

He took a breath of the air conditioner. I can't believe it.

It's not only Yuantu who can't believe it, but also jiabaili and other female warlords who removed the dangerous area early.

His highness Lin Luo, how could he master such a terrible war skill!?

Worthy of being the son of the God of war, worthy of being the descendant of the God of war!

As the leader of the warlord tribe, Jia Baili's eyes are not bad. She knows that Yuantu is not an ordinary opponent, but the majestic spiritual power in her body is not comparable to her.

This opponent is definitely a strong S-class player!!

However, such a S-level strong man is now directly involved in a combat skill, and even has his arm torn off.

If this goes out, no one will dare to believe it!!

In fact, the sword in fengdun heliwan's hand is an S-level ninja, and it's also an aggressive ninja in S-level. After Linluo's injection of Xianshu, the destructive power of this skill is even more amazing, which has doubled several times.

This is Lin Luo's initial completion of the sword in helix pill's hand. If all of them are completed, their power will go up to a higher level.

At this moment, Yuan Tu lost an arm, and he was no longer in love with war, because he knew that he would die in battle.

But this is Lin Luo's territory, and Yuan Tu can't escape. He exclaimed, "Lin Luo, you can't kill me!"

Yuan Tu has lived for hundreds of years. He doesn't want to die in this place, let alone in the hands of a younger generation.

"I can't kill you!"!? Why

Lin Logan didn't stop. A big jade spiral pill, which was infused with fairy art, had already taken shape, and he went to the injured Yuantu.

Just now, there was no cover up for yuan Tu's fierce killing intention. He really wanted to kill Lin Luoge, and then scrape his skin and cramp to make it into a collection of puppets.

If he wants to kill linlo, why can't linlo kill him!?

However, Lin Luo's heart, at the same time also raised a trace of depression.


What about the agreed system tasks!?

He is about to kill Yuantu. Why hasn't he been prompted to sound!?


Yuantu, the S-class strong man, can't be a fake.

Lin Luo's heart flashed a trace of suspicion, but the hands did not stay the slightest bit, big jade spiral pill toward yuan Tu smashed down.

Yuan Tu's whole body was so scared that all the dead came out, and he cried out in a trembling voice: "Lin Luo, I'm willing to exchange a big secret for my life!"

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