Leili saw the persecution in Banggu's eyes, the threat in Linluo's eyes, and the pleading in Yu Shan's and Huo Guangxi's eyes.

I'm almost crying.

He invited Banggu to come here, but he asked Banggu to help suppress the scene. Who would have thought that this matter suddenly became uncontrollable.

But even so, Raleigh is going to tell the story. In fact, his idea is very simple. Only by dragging the imperial family into the water can he help linlo.

He just wanted to talk.

However, at this time, Zola burst into a gloomy smile, "Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi listen to the order, kill Linluo for me!"

Since this matter can't be covered, it's better to kill Lin Luo directly.

Anyway, now that the entrance of the dark prison is sealed, the imperial treasure house may have been empty for a long time. Besides Lin Luo, it is almost impossible for other people to enter the secret place of God of war.

That is to say, as long as you kill linlo, you will die without proof.

What's more, it's a fact that Linluo wants to steal the treasures from the imperial treasure house. As long as Linluo is killed, everything can be put on Linluo.

When the time comes, even if all the mistakes are tried, they will not be destroyed.

Zoellin's only one thought that's completely lost his mind.

The next moment, he ordered again: "Yu Shan, Huo Guangxi, you immediately kill Linluo for me!"

"Kill linlo!"

"Zola, are you crazy?"

Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi are shocked, with Banggu on the spot. They want to kill Lin Luo. How is it possible?

Zola, this is for them to die!

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for?"

Zola chuckled darkly, "this is the last chance for the trial office. As long as Linluo dies, our trial office can get away from this matter. Otherwise, if the matter is exposed, no one will run away!"

Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi finally understand Zola's plan. They want to kill people.

It's really the only way to save the tribunal right now.

"Why, are you afraid?"

Zola continued, his voice like a fierce ghost, very terrible, "don't you forget that your task as a guardian is to guard the judgment center?"

Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi both clench their teeth and make a decision in their heart.

Unexpectedly, one before and one after, he pounced on Lin Luo

If they both fight at the same time, there is a chance that they can kill him again. However, the price is that both of them are suppressed by bangu. It is estimated that they will not be able to turn over in the future.

But they are guardians. If killing linlo can save the inquisition, even if they die, they are also duty bound.

Zola see people start, eyes flashing infinite madness, as long as kill Linluo, he and the tribunal, there is still a ray of life.

Banggu's face is not very good-looking. The people in the courthouse dare to be so presumptuous in front of him. If it's spread, he, the third strongest man in s class, can't be confused.

He just wanted to stop it, but linlo was faster than him.

When Lin Luo saw Zola's disgusting face, his whole body was about to vomit.

This matter, in fact, is Zola for his own ambition, for his own and the trial to find the cause of trouble, but now the trial to die.

Let this kind of people live, will only let more people die!!

In this case, it's better for Lin Luo to fight for justice for those people

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