Banggu finally left with the bodies of Zola, Yushan and Huo Guangxi. At the same time, countless more people were in charge of monitoring Linluo near the battle net headquarters.

For these people, Lin logan was not worried. As long as he wanted to run, no one could stop him in this imperial city.

In this way, three days passed, but linlo did not hear any news about the royal family and the trial

There seems to be a tacit understanding between the two giants, which evaded the imperial treasure house and chose silence at the same time.

Because the second round of the imperial Cadet competition was finally finished, all the major teams were on their way to the imperial capital.

Of course, one of the most important is the spirit royal family. She is also on her way to the imperial capital.

If the royal family and the court really work together in a short time, it will certainly make the elves laugh, and even shake the foundation of the whole empire.

The storm suddenly calmed down, but linlo knew it was not over.

When the eldest princess Laura returns to the imperial capital, she will come forward to negotiate with Linluo, and the incident will break out again. At that time, both the royal family and the courthouse will be active again.

If it had been put on other people, they would have been scared out of the imperial capital, but Lin logan was right

Since he recognized the law of the jungle in the Empire, his mood seems to have changed a little and become a bit violent.

Generally speaking, if anyone doesn't agree, he will do it directly.

Lin Luo even wants to rush into the royal family to find gilness, but he is stopped by Raleigh. Even so, Lin Luo will not let him go. When the time is right, Lin Luo will definitely settle with him.

In these three days, more and more people flocked into the imperial capital, many of them were organized by the college to cheer for their college team.

Star City College is one of them.

Under the strong financial support, star shining city college is led by Dean green. Many people spontaneously form a group to cheer for dawn team.

For this reason, they even made a special trip to the imperial city. After meeting with the members of the dawn team, they went to the imperial city together.

Today, however, is the day when they arrived, and Lin Luo was informed early that he should run to the station to meet someone

Lin Luo should have been happy to meet Serena and others, but he is a little empty now. It's not too much to say that he is trembling.

He discovered a terrible fact that the dawn team's sponsorship was provided by the battle. Net official, to be exact, by katanya.

And kadanya has long been informed that she wants to go with Linluo to meet people. According to kadanya's meaning, as the sponsor of the team, she is very reasonable to go to the station with Linluo to meet the dawning team.

In addition, kadanya also wants to meet the legendary royal family of spirits

Her reason is very reasonable indeed!!

However, linlo felt chilly. He felt a little numb when he thought of the scene where Serena and katanya met.

To tell the truth, even if Lin Luo faced the imperial family, or even the legendary super-s class strong, he would not frown, and even want to fight.

But I don't know why, in this case, Lin luoxu's not good, even did not take a step.

If they really fight, it will be a big deal. However, it is impossible for them to run. They have to stick to their heads.

Lin Luo prays while walking, don't fight!!

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